Commit fc7346d0 authored by Kazuhiko Shiozaki's avatar Kazuhiko Shiozaki

update tests and for LibreOffice 4.2.

parent 056a2158
......@@ -99,11 +99,15 @@ class MimeMapper(object):
alternative_extension_dict = {
'Microsoft Excel 2007/2010 XML':'ms.xlsx',
'Microsoft Excel 2007/2010/2013 XML':'ms.xlsx',
'Microsoft Excel 5.0':'5.xls',
'Microsoft Excel 95':'95.xls',
'Microsoft PowerPoint 2007/2010 XML AutoPlay':'ms.ppsx',
'Microsoft PowerPoint 2007/2010/2013 XML AutoPlay':'ms.ppsx',
'Microsoft PowerPoint 2007/2010 XML':'ms.pptx',
'Microsoft PowerPoint 2007/2010/2013 XML':'ms.pptx',
'Microsoft Word 2007/2010 XML':'ms.docx',
'Microsoft Word 2007/2010/2013 XML':'ms.docx',
'Microsoft Word 6.0':'6.doc',
'Microsoft Word 95':'95.doc',
......@@ -31,26 +31,17 @@ from import openoffice
from import MimeMapper
text_expected_tuple = (
('doc', 'Microsoft Word 6.0'),
('doc', 'Microsoft Word 95'),
('doc', 'Microsoft Word 97/2000/XP/2003'),
('docx', 'Microsoft Word 2007 XML'),
('docx', 'Microsoft Word 2007/2010/2013 XML'),
('docx', 'Office Open XML Text'),
('docx', 'Microsoft Word 2007/2010 XML'),
('html', 'HTML Document ( Writer)'),
('html', 'XHTML'),
('html', 'HTML Document (Writer)'),
('jpg', 'JPEG - Joint Photographic Experts Group'),
('odt', 'ODF Text Document'),
('ott', 'ODF Text Document Template'),
('pdf', 'PDF - Portable Document Format'),
('rtf', 'Rich Text Format'),
('sdw', 'StarWriter 3.0'),
('sdw', 'StarWriter 4.0'),
('sdw', 'StarWriter 5.0'),
('png', 'PNG - Portable Network Graphic'),
('rtf', 'Rich Text'),
('sxw', ' 1.0 Text Document'),
('txt', 'Text Encoded'),
('txt', 'Text'),
('pdb', 'AportisDoc (Palm)'),
('psw', 'Pocket Word'),
global_expected_tuple = (
......@@ -61,12 +52,10 @@ drawing_expected_tuple = (
('emf', 'EMF - Enhanced Metafile'),
('eps', 'EPS - Encapsulated PostScript'),
('gif', 'GIF - Graphics Interchange Format'),
('html', 'HTML Document ( Draw)'),
('html', 'XHTML'),
('html', 'HTML Document (Draw)'),
('jpg', 'JPEG - Joint Photographic Experts Group'),
('met', 'MET - OS/2 Metafile'),
('odg', 'ODF Drawing'),
('otg', 'ODF Drawing Template'),
('pbm', 'PBM - Portable Bitmap'),
('pct', 'PCT - Mac Pict'),
('pdf', 'PDF - Portable Document Format'),
......@@ -74,8 +63,6 @@ drawing_expected_tuple = (
('png', 'PNG - Portable Network Graphic'),
('ppm', 'PPM - Portable Pixelmap'),
('ras', 'RAS - Sun Raster Image'),
('sda', 'StarDraw 5.0'),
('sdd', 'StarDraw 3.0'),
('svg', 'SVG - Scalable Vector Graphics'),
('svm', 'SVM - StarView Metafile'),
('sxd', ' 1.0 Drawing'),
......@@ -86,11 +73,11 @@ drawing_expected_tuple = (
web_expected_tuple = (
('html', 'HTML Document'),
('odt', ' Text ( Writer/Web)'),
('odt', 'Text (Writer/Web)'),
('pdf', 'PDF - Portable Document Format'),
('sxw', ' 1.0 Text Document ( Writer/Web)'),
('txt', 'Text ( Writer/Web)'),
('txt', 'Text Encoded ( Writer/Web)'),
('sxw', ' 1.0 Text Document (Writer/Web)'),
('txt', 'Text (Writer/Web)'),
('txt', 'Text Encoded (Writer/Web)'),
presentation_expected_tuple = (
......@@ -98,30 +85,27 @@ presentation_expected_tuple = (
('emf', 'EMF - Enhanced Metafile'),
('eps', 'EPS - Encapsulated PostScript'),
('gif', 'GIF - Graphics Interchange Format'),
('html', 'HTML Document ( Impress)'),
('html', 'XHTML'),
('html', 'HTML Document (Impress)'),
('jpg', 'JPEG - Joint Photographic Experts Group'),
('met', 'MET - OS/2 Metafile'),
('odg', 'ODF Drawing (Impress)'),
('odp', 'ODF Presentation'),
('otp', 'ODF Presentation Template'),
('pbm', 'PBM - Portable Bitmap'),
('pct', 'PCT - Mac Pict'),
('pdf', 'PDF - Portable Document Format'),
('pgm', 'PGM - Portable Graymap'),
('png', 'PNG - Portable Network Graphic'),
('pot', 'Microsoft PowerPoint 97/2000/XP/2003 Template'),
('ppm', 'PPM - Portable Pixelmap'),
('pps', 'Microsoft PowerPoint 97/2000/XP/2003'),
('pps', 'Microsoft PowerPoint 97/2000/XP/2003 AutoPlay'),
('ppsx', 'Microsoft PowerPoint 2007/2010/2013 XML AutoPlay'),
('ppsx', 'Office Open XML Presentation AutoPlay'),
('ppt', 'Microsoft PowerPoint 97/2000/XP/2003'),
('pptx', 'Microsoft PowerPoint 2007/2010/2013 XML'),
('pptx', 'Office Open XML Presentation'),
('ras', 'RAS - Sun Raster Image'),
('sda', 'StarDraw 5.0 ( Impress)'),
('sdd', 'StarDraw 3.0 ( Impress)'),
('sdd', 'StarImpress 4.0'), ('sdd', 'StarImpress 5.0'),
('svg', 'SVG - Scalable Vector Graphics'),
('svm', 'SVM - StarView Metafile'),
('sxd', ' 1.0 Drawing ( Impress)'),
('sxd', ' 1.0 Drawing (Impress)'),
('sxi', ' 1.0 Presentation'),
('tif', 'TIFF - Tagged Image File Format'),
('wmf', 'WMF - Windows Metafile'),
......@@ -130,23 +114,13 @@ presentation_expected_tuple = (
spreadsheet_expected_list = (
('csv', 'Text CSV'),
('html', 'HTML Document ( Calc)'),
('html', 'XHTML'),
('html', 'HTML Document (Calc)'),
('ods', 'ODF Spreadsheet'),
('ots', 'ODF Spreadsheet Template'),
('pdf', 'PDF - Portable Document Format'),
('sdc', 'StarCalc 3.0'),
('sdc', 'StarCalc 4.0'),
('sdc', 'StarCalc 5.0'),
('slk', 'SYLK'),
('sxc', ' 1.0 Spreadsheet'),
('xls', 'Microsoft Excel 5.0'),
('xls', 'Microsoft Excel 95'),
('xls', 'Microsoft Excel 97/2000/XP/2003'),
('xlt', 'Microsoft Excel 5.0 Template'),
('xlt', 'Microsoft Excel 95 Template'),
('xlt', 'Microsoft Excel 97/2000/XP/2003 Template'),
('xlsx', 'Microsoft Excel 2007/2010 XML'),
('xlsx', 'Microsoft Excel 2007/2010/2013 XML'),
('xlsx', 'Office Open XML Spreadsheet'),
......@@ -161,6 +135,7 @@ math_expected_tuple = (
chart_expected_tuple = (
('odc', 'ODF Chart'),
......@@ -207,9 +182,9 @@ class TestMimeMapper(HandlerTestCase):
pdf_filter_list = self.mimemapper.getFilterList('pdf')
self.assertEquals(len(pdf_filter_list), 5)
xls_filter_list = self.mimemapper.getFilterList('xls')
self.assertEquals(len(xls_filter_list), 3)
self.assertEquals(len(xls_filter_list), 1)
doc_filter_list = self.mimemapper.getFilterList('doc')
self.assertEquals(len(doc_filter_list), 3)
self.assertEquals(len(doc_filter_list), 1)
def testGetDocumentTypeDict(self):
"""Test if dictonary document type returns type correctly."""
......@@ -217,10 +192,7 @@ class TestMimeMapper(HandlerTestCase):
type = document_type_dict.get("text")
self.assertEquals(type, '')
type = document_type_dict.get("chart")
# For now, chart document filters are maked as NotInFileDialog and
# NotInChooser.
# self.assertEquals(type, '')
self.assertEquals(type, None)
self.assertEquals(type, '')
type = document_type_dict.get("drawing")
self.assertEquals(type, '')
type = document_type_dict.get("presentation")
......@@ -36,68 +36,12 @@ from zipfile import ZipFile, is_zipfile
from cloudooo.tests.cloudoooTestCase import TestCase, make_suite
from cloudooo.tests.backportUnittest import expectedFailure
import magic
from import text_expected_tuple, presentation_expected_tuple
class TestServer(TestCase):
"""Test XmlRpc Server. Needs cloudooo server started"""
def afterSetUp(self):
"""Set up expected lists for each type """
# XXX Duplicated list of filters
self.text_expected_list = [['doc', 'Microsoft Word 6.0'],
['doc', 'Microsoft Word 95'],
['doc', 'Microsoft Word 97/2000/XP/2003'],
['docx', 'Microsoft Word 2007/2010 XML'],
['docx', 'Office Open XML Text'],
['htm', 'HTML Document ( Writer)'],
['html', 'HTML Document ( Writer)'],
['html', 'XHTML'], ['odt', 'ODF Text Document'],
['ott', 'ODF Text Document Template'],
['pdf', 'PDF - Portable Document Format'],
['rtf', 'Rich Text Format'], ['sdw', 'StarWriter 3.0'],
['sdw', 'StarWriter 4.0'], ['sdw', 'StarWriter 5.0'],
['sxw', ' 1.0 Text Document'],
['txt', 'Text'], ['txt', 'Text Encoded'],
['xhtml', 'XHTML'], ['pdb', 'AportisDoc (Palm)'],
['psw', 'Pocket Word']]
self.presentation_expected_list = [['bmp', 'BMP - Windows Bitmap'],
['emf', 'EMF - Enhanced Metafile'],
['eps', 'EPS - Encapsulated PostScript'],
['gif', 'GIF - Graphics Interchange Format'],
['htm', 'HTML Document ( Impress)'],
['html', 'HTML Document ( Impress)'],
['html', 'XHTML'], ['jfif', 'JPEG - Joint Photographic Experts Group'],
['jif', 'JPEG - Joint Photographic Experts Group'],
['jpe', 'JPEG - Joint Photographic Experts Group'],
['jpeg', 'JPEG - Joint Photographic Experts Group'],
['jpg', 'JPEG - Joint Photographic Experts Group'],
['met', 'MET - OS/2 Metafile'], ['odg', 'ODF Drawing (Impress)'],
['odp', 'ODF Presentation'],
['otp', 'ODF Presentation Template'],
['pbm', 'PBM - Portable Bitmap'], ['pct', 'PCT - Mac Pict'],
['pdf', 'PDF - Portable Document Format'],
['pgm', 'PGM - Portable Graymap'], ['pict', 'PCT - Mac Pict'],
['png', 'PNG - Portable Network Graphic'],
['pot', 'Microsoft PowerPoint 97/2000/XP/2003 Template'],
['ppm', 'PPM - Portable Pixelmap'],
['pps', 'Microsoft PowerPoint 97/2000/XP'],
['ppt', 'Microsoft PowerPoint 97/2000/XP/2003'],
['pps', 'Microsoft PowerPoint 97/2000/XP/2003 AutoPlay'],
['ras', 'RAS - Sun Raster Image'],
['sda', 'StarDraw 5.0 ( Impress)'],
['sdd', 'StarDraw 3.0 ( Impress)'],
['sdd', 'StarImpress 4.0'], ['sdd', 'StarImpress 5.0'],
['svg', 'SVG - Scalable Vector Graphics'],
['svm', 'SVM - StarView Metafile'],
['sxd', ' 1.0 Drawing ( Impress)'],
['sxi', ' 1.0 Presentation'],
['tif', 'TIFF - Tagged Image File Format'],
['tiff', 'TIFF - Tagged Image File Format'],
['wmf', 'WMF - Windows Metafile'],
['xhtml', 'XHTML'], ['xpm', 'XPM - X PixMap']]
def testGetAllowedTextExtensionListByType(self):
"""Verify if getAllowedExtensionList returns is a list with extension and
ui_name. The request is by document type as text"""
......@@ -105,8 +49,8 @@ class TestServer(TestCase):
text_allowed_list = self.proxy.getAllowedExtensionList(text_request)
for arg in text_allowed_list:
self.assertTrue(arg in self.text_expected_list,
"%s not in %s" % (arg, self.text_expected_list))
self.assertTrue(tuple(arg) in text_expected_tuple,
"%s not in %s" % (arg, text_expected_tuple))
def testGetAllowedPresentationExtensionListByType(self):
"""Verify if getAllowedExtensionList returns is a list with extension and
......@@ -115,8 +59,8 @@ class TestServer(TestCase):
presentation_allowed_list = self.proxy.getAllowedExtensionList(request_dict)
for arg in presentation_allowed_list:
self.assertTrue(arg in self.presentation_expected_list,
"%s not in %s" % (arg, self.presentation_expected_list))
self.assertTrue(tuple(arg) in presentation_expected_tuple,
"%s not in %s" % (arg, presentation_expected_tuple))
def testGetAllowedExtensionListByExtension(self):
"""Verify if getAllowedExtensionList returns is a list with extension and
......@@ -124,8 +68,8 @@ class TestServer(TestCase):
doc_allowed_list = self.proxy.getAllowedExtensionList({'extension': "doc"})
for arg in doc_allowed_list:
self.assertTrue(arg in self.text_expected_list,
"%s not in %s" % (arg, self.text_expected_list))
self.assertTrue(tuple(arg) in text_expected_tuple,
"%s not in %s" % (arg, text_expected_tuple))
def testGetAllowedExtensionListByMimetype(self):
"""Verify if getAllowedExtensionList returns is a list with extension and
......@@ -134,8 +78,8 @@ class TestServer(TestCase):
msword_allowed_list = self.proxy.getAllowedExtensionList(request_dict)
for arg in msword_allowed_list:
self.assertTrue(arg in self.text_expected_list,
"%s not in %s" % (arg, self.text_expected_list))
self.assertTrue(tuple(arg) in text_expected_tuple,
"%s not in %s" % (arg, text_expected_tuple))
def ConversionScenarioList(self):
return [
......@@ -148,7 +92,7 @@ class TestServer(TestCase):
(join('data', 'test.docx'), "docx", "odt", "application/vnd.oasis."+
# Test export python to pdf
(__file__, "py", "pdf", "application/pdf"),
(__file__, "txt", "pdf", "application/pdf"),
def testConvert(self):
......@@ -190,12 +134,12 @@ class TestServer(TestCase):
(join('data', 'testMetadata.odt'), "odt", dict(Data='', Title='clo'+
'udooo Test', Subject='Subject Test', Description='cloudooo Comments',
Type='Text', MIMEType='application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text',
Keywords='Keywords Test')),
Keywords=['Keywords Test'])),
# Test method getFileMetadataItemList. With data converted
(join('data', 'testMetadata.odt'), "odt", dict(Title='cloudooo Test',
Subject='Subject Test', Description='cloudooo Comments',
Type='Text', MIMEType='application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text',
Keywords='Keywords Test'),
Keywords=['Keywords Test']),
......@@ -217,9 +161,10 @@ class TestServer(TestCase):
return [
# Test server using method updateFileMetadata
(join('data', 'testMetadata.odt'), "odt", dict(Title='testSetMetadata')),
# Test server using method updateFileMetadata with unsual metadata
(join('data', 'testMetadata.odt'), "odt", dict(Reference='testSet'+
# XXX adding a custom metadata is not yet supported
# # Test server using method updateFileMetadata with unsual metadata
# (join('data', 'testMetadata.odt'), "odt", dict(Reference='testSet'+
# 'Metadata')),
# Test document that already has metadata. Check if the metadata is
# not deleted, but updated
(join('data', 'testMetadata.odt'), "odt", dict(Title='cloudooo Title')),
......@@ -242,8 +187,9 @@ class TestServer(TestCase):
metadata_dict = self.proxy.getFileMetadataItemList(new_odf_data, 'odt')
self.assertEquals(metadata_dict.get("Reference"), "new value")
self.assertEquals(metadata_dict.get("Something"), "ABC")
# XXX adding a custom metadata is not yet supported
# self.assertEquals(metadata_dict.get("Reference"), "new value")
# self.assertEquals(metadata_dict.get("Something"), "ABC")
def ConvertScenarioList(self):
return [
......@@ -437,28 +383,14 @@ class TestServer(TestCase):
response_code, response_dict, response_message = \
self.assertEquals(response_code, 200)
list_for_mimetype = [['html', 'HTML Document ( Writer)'],
['txt', 'Text Encoded'],
['doc', 'Microsoft Word 6.0'],
['doc', 'Microsoft Word 95'],
['doc', 'Microsoft Word 97/2000/XP/2003'],
['ott', 'ODF Text Document Template'],
['rtf', 'Rich Text Format'],
['docx', 'Microsoft Word 2007/2010 XML'],
['sxw', ' 1.0 Text Document'],
['txt', 'Text Encoded'],
['docx', 'Office Open XML Text'],
['odt', 'ODF Text Document'],
['pdf', 'PDF - Portable Document Format']
# Verify if all expected types are in response list
for arg in list_for_mimetype:
self.assertTrue(arg in response_dict['response_data'],
for arg in text_expected_tuple:
self.assertTrue(list(arg) in response_dict['response_data'],
"%s not in %s" % (arg, response_dict['response_data']))
# Verify if all types in response list are expected
for arg in response_dict['response_data']:
self.assertTrue(arg in list_for_mimetype,
"%s not in %s" % (arg, list_for_mimetype))
self.assertTrue(tuple(arg) in text_expected_tuple,
"%s not in %s" % (arg, text_expected_tuple))
def testGetTableItemListFromOdt(self):
"""Test if getTableItemList can get the table item list from odt file"""
......@@ -553,7 +485,7 @@ class TestServer(TestCase):
self.assertEquals([['10000000000000C80000009CA3D5C3B7.jpg', ''],
['10000201000000C80000004E7B947D46.png', 'TioLive Logo'],
['10000201000000C80000004E7B947D46.png', ''],
['2000004F0000423300001370A30E6D5A.svm', 'Python Logo'],
['2000004F00004233000013707E7DE37A.svm', 'Python Logo'],
'Again TioLive Logo']],
......@@ -565,7 +497,7 @@ class TestServer(TestCase):
self.assertEquals([['10000000000000C80000009CA3D5C3B7.jpg', ''],
['10000201000000C80000004E7B947D46.png', 'TioLive Logo'],
['10000201000000C80000004E7B947D46.png', ''],
['200003160000423300001370F468B63D.wmf', 'Python Logo'],
['2000031600004233000013706A5EA1C8.wmf', 'Python Logo'],
'Again TioLive Logo']],
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