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Commit 28a266d2 authored by Jean-Paul Smets's avatar Jean-Paul Smets

Various bug fixes related to base_category_id -> base_category

acquisition_mask now consistent with standard properties

git-svn-id: 20353a03-c40f-0410-a6d1-a30d3c3de9de
parent a67b514f
......@@ -267,8 +267,8 @@ class CategoryTool( UniqueObject, Folder, Base ):
o = self.getCategoryValue(path, base_category=base_category)
if o is not None:
base_category = self.getBaseCategoryId(path)
bo = self.get(base_category, None)
my_base_category = self.getBaseCategoryId(path)
bo = self.get(my_base_category, None)
if bo is not None:
bo_uid = int(bo.getUid())
uid_dict[(int(o.uid), bo_uid, 1)] = 1 # Strict Membership
......@@ -558,6 +558,7 @@ class CategoryTool( UniqueObject, Folder, Base ):
# query = self._buildQuery(spec, filter, kw)
portal_type = kw.get('portal_type', ())
if spec is (): spec = portal_type
#LOG("set Category",0,str(category_list))
default_dict = {}
......@@ -621,6 +622,7 @@ class CategoryTool( UniqueObject, Folder, Base ):
if new_path not in default_new_category_list:
new_category_list += [new_path]
#LOG("set Category",0,str(new_category_list))
#LOG("set Category",0,str(default_new_category_list))
self._setCategoryList(context, tuple(default_new_category_list + new_category_list))
security.declareProtected( Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'setDefaultCategoryMembership' )
......@@ -729,6 +731,15 @@ class CategoryTool( UniqueObject, Folder, Base ):
base -- if set to 1, returns relative URLs to portal_categories
if set to 0, returns relative URLs to the base category
acquisition_copy_value -- if set to 1, the looked up value will be copied
as an attribute of self
acquisition_mask_value -- if set to 1, the value of the category of self
has priority on the looked up value
acquisition_sync_value -- if set to 1, keep self and looked up value in sync
#LOG("Get Acquired Category ",0,str((base_category, context)))
# XXX We must use filters in the future
......@@ -740,30 +751,33 @@ class CategoryTool( UniqueObject, Folder, Base ):
spec = [spec]
result = self.getSingleCategoryMembershipList( context, base_category, base=base,
spec=spec, filter=filter, **kw )
base_category = self.getCategoryValue(base_category)
if base_category is not None:
base_category_value = self.getCategoryValue(base_category)
if base_category_value is not None:
# If we do not mask or append, return now if not empty
if not base_category.getAcquisitionMaskValue() and \
not base_category.getAcquisitionAppendValue() and \
if base_category_value.getAcquisitionMaskValue() and \
not base_category_value.getAcquisitionAppendValue() and \
len(result) > 0:
# If acquisition masks and we do not append values, then we must return now
return result
# First we look at local ids
for object_id in base_category.getAcquisitionObjectIdList():
for object_id in base_category_value.getAcquisitionObjectIdList():
my_acquisition_object = context.get(object_id)
if my_acquisition_object is not None:
if spec is () or my_acquisition_object.portal_type in spec:
new_result = self.getSingleCategoryMembershipList(my_acquisition_object,
base_category, spec=spec, filter=filter, portal_type=portal_type, base=base)
if base_category.acquisition_mask_value:
# If acquisition masks, then we must return now
return new_result
if base_category.acquisition_append_value:
#if base_category_value.acquisition_mask_value:
# # If acquisition masks, then we must return now
# return new_result
if base_category_value.acquisition_append_value:
# If acquisition appends, then we must append to the result
result += new_result
elif len(new_result) > 0:
return new_result # Found enough information to return
# Next we look at references
#LOG("Get Acquired BC",0,str(base_category.getAcquisitionBaseCategoryList()))
acquisition_pt = base_category.getAcquisitionPortalTypeList(())
for my_base_category in base_category.getAcquisitionBaseCategoryList():
acquisition_pt = base_category_value.getAcquisitionPortalTypeList(())
for my_base_category in base_category_value.getAcquisitionBaseCategoryList():
# We implement here special keywords
if my_base_category == 'parent':
parent = context.aq_parent
......@@ -779,7 +793,7 @@ class CategoryTool( UniqueObject, Folder, Base ):
my_acquisition_object_list = []
my_acquisition_object_list = context.getValueList(my_base_category,
#LOG("Get Acquired PT",0,str(base_category.getAcquisitionPortalTypeList(())))
#LOG("Object List ",0,str(my_acquisition_object_list))
original_result = result
......@@ -788,32 +802,32 @@ class CategoryTool( UniqueObject, Folder, Base ):
if my_acquisition_object is not None:
if hasattr(my_acquisition_object, '_categories'):
# We should only consider objects which define that category
if base_category.getId() in my_acquisition_object._categories:
if base_category in my_acquisition_object._categories:
if spec is () or my_acquisition_object.portal_type in spec:
#LOG("Recursive call ",0,str(spec))
new_result = self.getSingleCategoryAcquiredMembershipList(my_acquisition_object,
base_category.getId(), spec=spec, filter=filter, portal_type=portal_type, base=base)
base_category, spec=spec, filter=filter, portal_type=portal_type, base=base)
#LOG("No recursive call ",0,str(spec))
new_result = []
if base_category.acquisition_append_value:
if base_category_value.acquisition_append_value:
# If acquisition appends, then we must append to the result
result += new_result
elif len(new_result) > 0:
#LOG("new_result ",0,str(new_result))
if (base_category.acquisition_copy_value and len(original_result) == 0) \
or base_category.acquisition_sync_value:
if (base_category_value.acquisition_copy_value and len(original_result) == 0) \
or base_category_value.acquisition_sync_value:
# If copy is set and result was empty, then copy it once
# If sync is set, then copy it again
self.setCategoryMembership( context, base_category.getId(), new_result,
self.setCategoryMembership( context, base_category, new_result,
spec=spec, filter=filter, portal_type=portal_type, base=base )
# We found it, we can return
return new_result
if (base_category.acquisition_copy_value or base_category.acquisition_sync_value)\
if (base_category_value.acquisition_copy_value or base_category_value.acquisition_sync_value)\
and len(result) > 0:
# If copy is set and result was empty, then copy it once
# If sync is set, then copy it again
self.setCategoryMembership( context, base_category.getId(), result,
self.setCategoryMembership( context, base_category, result,
spec=spec, filter=filter, portal_type=portal_type, base=base )
#LOG("Get Acquired Category Result ",0,str(result))
......@@ -931,11 +945,12 @@ class CategoryTool( UniqueObject, Folder, Base ):
category_list += [new_category]
#LOG('updateRelatedContent of %s' % o.getRelativeUrl(), 0, str(category_list))
self._setCategoryList(o, category_list)
aq_context = aq_base(self)
aq_context = aq_base(context)
# Update related recursively if required
if hasattr(aq_context, 'listFolderContents'):
for o in context.listFolderContents():
new_o_category_url = o.getRelativeUrl() # Relative Url is based on parent new_category_url # so we must replace new_category_url with previous_category_url to find
new_o_category_url = o.getRelativeUrl() # Relative Url is based on parent new_category_url
# so we must replace new_category_url with previous_category_url to find
# the previous category_url for a
previous_o_category_url = re.sub('(?P<start>.*)/%s$' %
new_category_url,'\g<start>/%s' % previous_category_url, new_o_category_url)
......@@ -1059,10 +1074,11 @@ class CategoryTool( UniqueObject, Folder, Base ):
spec = spec, filter=filter, portal_type=portal_type, strict = strict, display_id = 'getTitle')
def resolveCategory(self, relative_url):
Finds an object from a relative_url
Method is public since we use restrictedTraverse
obj = self.restrictedTraverse(relative_url)
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