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Commit 2b513a11 authored by Jean-Paul Smets's avatar Jean-Paul Smets

Minor fixes so that code loads. This mixin provides a reference algorithm for...

Minor fixes so that code loads. This mixin provides a reference algorithm for all transformations and should be readable enough to show the direction we should head to.

git-svn-id: 20353a03-c40f-0410-a6d1-a30d3c3de9de
parent 7d32ee7f
......@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ class AmountGeneratorMixin:
# Declarative interfaces
def _getGlobalPropertyDict(self, context, amount_list=None, rounding=False)
def _getGlobalPropertyDict(self, context, amount_list=None, rounding=False):
This method can be overridden to define global
properties involved in trade model line calculation
......@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ class AmountGeneratorMixin:
'employee': 100,
def _getAmountPropertyDict(self, amount, amount_list=None, rounding=False)
def _getAmountPropertyDict(self, amount, amount_list=None, rounding=False):
This method can be overridden to define local
properties involved in trade model line calculation
......@@ -116,33 +116,32 @@ class AmountGeneratorMixin:
# Browse recursively the trade model and accumulate
# applicable values - first define the recursive method
def accumulateAmountList(amount_generator_line):
amount_generator_line_list = amount_generator_line.contentValues(portal_type=self.getPortalAmountGeneratorLineTypeList()):
amount_generator_line_list = amount_generator_line.contentValues(portal_type=self.getPortalAmountGeneratorLineTypeList())
# Recursively feed base_amount
if len(amount_generator_line_list):
def compareIndex(a, b):
return cmp(a.getIntIndex(), b.getIntIndex())
amount_generator_line_list = amount_generator_line_list.sort(compareIndex)
amount_generator_line_list = amount_generator_line_list.sort(key=lambda x: x.getIntIndex())
for amount_generator_line in amount_generator_line_list:
# Try to collect cells and aggregate their mapped properties
# using resource + variation as aggregation key or base_application
# for intermediate lines
amount_generator_cell_list = amount_generator_line.contentValues(portal_type=self.getPortalAmountGeneratorCellTypeList()):
amount_generator_cell_list = amount_generator_line.contentValues(portal_type=self.getPortalAmountGeneratorCellTypeList())
if not amount_generator_cell_list:
# Consider the line as the unique cell
amount_generator_cell_list = [amount_generator_line]
resource_amount_aggregate = {}
value_amount_aggregate = {}
resource_amount_aggregate = {} # aggregates final line information
value_amount_aggregate = {} # aggregates intermediate line information
for amount_generator_cell in amount_generator_cell_list:
if amount_generator_cell.test(amount): # XXX-JPS getTargetLevel not supported
# Case 1: the cell defines a final amount of resource
if amount_generator_cell.getResource():
# We must aggregate per resource, variation
key = (amount_generator_cell.getResource(), amount_generator_cell.getVariationText())
key = (amount_generator_cell.getResource(), amount_generator_cell.getVariationText()) # Variation UID, Hash ?
resource_amount_aggregate.setdefault(key, {})
# Then collect the mapped properties (resource, quantity, net_converted_quantity, base_contribution_list, base_application, etc.)
for property_key in amount_generator_cell.getMappedValuePropertyList():
# Handling of property lists ? XXX?
resource_amount_aggregate[key][property_key] = amount_generator_cell.getProperty(property_key)
resource_amount_aggregate[key]['category_list'] = amount_generator_cell.getCategoryMembershipList(
......@@ -185,10 +184,10 @@ class AmountGeneratorMixin:
# Create an Amount object
amount = Amount() # XXX-JPS we could use a movement for safety
if category_list: amount._setCategoryList(category_list)
if rounding:
# We hope here that rounding is sufficient at line level
amount = portal_roundings.getRoundingProxy(amount, context=amount_generator_line)
if value_amount_aggregate:
for base_application, property_dict in value_amount_aggregate.items():
......@@ -200,7 +199,7 @@ class AmountGeneratorMixin:
base_contribution_list = property_dict['base_contribution_list']
value = base_amount[base_application] * \
(property_dict.get('quantity', None) or 1.0) * \
(property_dict.get('price', None) or 1.0)
(property_dict.get('price', None) or 1.0) # XXX-JPS is it really 1.0 ?
# Quantity is used as a multiplier
# Price is used as a ratio (also a kind of multiplier)
for base_key in base_contribution_list:
......@@ -211,8 +210,8 @@ class AmountGeneratorMixin:
# Purge base_amount of amount applications
for application in amount.getBaseApplicationList(): # Acquired from Resource
base_amount[application] = 0
for application in amount_propert_dict.keys():
del base_amount[application]
return result
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