will be down from Thursday, 20 March 2025, 07:30:00 UTC for a duration of approximately 2 hours

Commit 3d747d13 authored by Nicolas Delaby's avatar Nicolas Delaby

revert r40170 which is overkill. A better fix will come right after

git-svn-id: 20353a03-c40f-0410-a6d1-a30d3c3de9de
parent 49badb30
......@@ -234,46 +234,6 @@ class ParallelListField(ZMIField):
return paralellListFieldGetValue(self, id, REQUEST=REQUEST, **kw)
def _get_user_input_value(self, key, REQUEST):
Try to get a value of the field from the REQUEST.
This method is extended in order to retrive values
from REQUEST for each subfield.
then a list of values will be returned
This is required for parallel listfields inside listbox
value_list = []
value = REQUEST.form[key]
except (KeyError, AttributeError):
# Fallback with id of field on rendered form
# So try to get the proxy_field if exists
# because template field may have a different id.
# And configuration of properties
# can be different (not delegated)
# So the following code works only with original field
# ie: proxy_field
field = REQUEST.get(
'field__proxyfield_%s_%s_%s' % (, self._p_oid, 'default'),
# call hash_list to iterate over each subfield
hash_list = generateSubForm(field, [], REQUEST)
for sub_field_property_dict in hash_list:
# compute if of each subfield
sub_key = field.generate_subfield_key(sub_field_property_dict['key'],
# retrieve the user filled value in REQUEST
sub_value = REQUEST.get(sub_key, MARKER)
if sub_value is not MARKER:
if not value_list:
# Raise KeyError if any value has not been found
# This reproduce expected behaviour of
# REQUEST.form[key]
raise KeyError
value = value_list
return value
def generateSubForm(self, value, REQUEST):
item_list = [x for x in self.get_value('items', REQUEST=REQUEST)
if x[0] != '' and x[1]]
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