will be down from Thursday, 20 March 2025, 07:30:00 UTC for a duration of approximately 2 hours

Commit 673c8767 authored by Nicolas Wavrant's avatar Nicolas Wavrant

erp5_web_renderjs_ui*/erp5_l10n_*: update names of comparaison functions

And improve when possible their translation
parent c2a686ef
......@@ -1877,7 +1877,7 @@ msgstr "Kontaktnummer Acclaro"
msgid "Entity Role"
msgstr "Rolle Personenkonten"
msgid "Equals To"
msgid "Equal to"
msgstr "Ist Gleich"
msgid "Equity + Liability"
......@@ -2318,9 +2318,12 @@ msgstr "Einstellungen Für Google Suchen Gadget"
msgid "Grade"
msgstr "Rang"
msgid "Greater Than"
msgid "Greater than"
msgstr "Größer als"
msgid "Greater than or Equal to"
msgstr "Größer oder Gleich"
msgid "Gross"
msgstr "Brutto"
......@@ -2762,9 +2765,12 @@ msgstr "Länge (cm)"
msgid "Length (m)"
msgstr "Länge (m)"
msgid "Less Than"
msgid "Less than"
msgstr "Kleiner Als"
msgid "Less than or Equal to"
msgstr "Kleiner oder Gleich"
msgid "Letter"
msgstr "Brief"
......@@ -3107,12 +3113,6 @@ msgstr "Nichts"
msgid "Normal Credit Balance"
msgstr "Natürliches Habenkonto"
msgid "Not Greater Than"
msgstr "Nicht Größer Als"
msgid "Not Less Than"
msgstr "Nicht Kleiner Als"
msgid "Note"
msgstr "Notiz"
......@@ -4080,7 +4080,7 @@ msgstr "درخواست شده"
msgid "Enter the number of user accounts you want to create. In your company, each person using ERP5 should have his own user account."
msgstr ""
msgid "Equals To"
msgid "Equal to"
msgstr "برابر با"
msgid "Equity + Liability"
......@@ -4689,9 +4689,12 @@ msgstr "برو"
msgid "Gourde"
msgstr ""
msgid "Greater Than"
msgid "Greater than"
msgstr "بزرگتر از"
msgid "Greater than or Equal to"
msgstr "بزرگتر یا مساوی با از"
msgid "Gross"
msgstr "ناخالص"
......@@ -5427,9 +5430,12 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Leone"
msgstr ""
msgid "Less Than"
msgid "Less than"
msgstr "کمتر از"
msgid "Less than or Equal to"
msgstr "کمتر از یا برابر است"
msgid "Letter"
msgstr "نامه"
......@@ -6048,9 +6054,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Norwegian Krone"
msgstr ""
msgid "Not Greater Than"
msgstr "نه بیشتر از"
msgid "Not Grouped Lines in Beginning Balance"
msgstr "خطوط در آغاز باقیمانده گروه بندی نشده"
......@@ -6060,9 +6063,6 @@ msgstr "نصب نشده است"
msgid "Not Installed [state in business_template_installation_workflow]"
msgstr "نصب نشده است"
msgid "Not Less Than"
msgstr "نه کمتر از"
msgid "Not available"
msgstr "در دسترس نیست"
......@@ -5110,7 +5110,7 @@ msgstr "Entité"
msgid "Entity Role"
msgstr "Rôle du tiers"
msgid "Equals To"
msgid "Equal to"
msgstr "Égal à "
msgid "Equity"
......@@ -5893,8 +5893,11 @@ msgstr "Calendrier Google"
msgid "Government"
msgstr "Gouvernement"
msgid "Greater Than"
msgstr "Plus grand que"
msgid "Greater than"
msgstr "Supérieur à"
msgid "Greater than or Equal to"
msgstr "Supérieur ou égal à"
msgid "Gross"
msgstr "Brut"
......@@ -6910,8 +6913,11 @@ msgstr "Longueur (m)"
msgid "Length quantity"
msgstr "Longueur équivalente"
msgid "Less Than"
msgstr "Moins que"
msgid "Less than"
msgstr "Inférieur à"
msgid "Less than or Equal to"
msgstr "Inférieur ou égal à"
msgid "Letter"
msgstr "Lettre"
......@@ -7867,9 +7873,6 @@ msgstr "Valeurs normales"
msgid "Normal Working Hours"
msgstr "Heures normales"
msgid "Not Greater Than"
msgstr "Pas plus grand que"
msgid "Not Grouped Lines in Beginning Balance"
msgstr "Lignes non lettrées du solde initial"
......@@ -7879,9 +7882,6 @@ msgstr "Pas installé"
msgid "Not Installed [state in business_template_installation_workflow]"
msgstr "Pas installé"
msgid "Not Less Than"
msgstr "Pas moins que"
msgid "Not Payed"
msgstr "Non payé"
......@@ -2205,7 +2205,7 @@ msgstr "問い合わせ済み"
msgid "Entity"
msgstr "タイトル"
msgid "Equals To"
msgid "Equal to"
msgstr "等しい"
msgid "Equity"
......@@ -2553,9 +2553,12 @@ msgstr "行く"
msgid "Grade"
msgstr "職階"
msgid "Greater Than"
msgid "Greater than"
msgstr "より大きい"
msgid "Greater than or Equal to"
msgstr "以上"
msgid "Gross"
msgstr "総計"
......@@ -2952,6 +2955,12 @@ msgstr "長さ (cm)"
msgid "Length (m)"
msgstr "長さ (m)"
msgid "Less than"
msgstr "より小さい"
msgid "Less than or Equal to"
msgstr "以下"
msgid "Letter"
msgstr "手紙"
......@@ -2172,7 +2172,7 @@ msgstr "영어"
msgid "Enquired"
msgstr "질의됨"
msgid "Equals To"
msgid "Equal to"
msgstr "와 동일"
msgid "Equity + Liability"
......@@ -2631,7 +2631,7 @@ msgstr "가기"
msgid "Grade"
msgstr "등급"
msgid "Greater Than"
msgid "Greater than"
msgstr "보다 큼"
msgid "Gross"
......@@ -3114,7 +3114,7 @@ msgstr "기업의 법적 형태"
msgid "Length (m)"
msgstr "길이 (m)"
msgid "Less Than"
msgid "Less than"
msgstr "보다 적음"
msgid "Letter"
......@@ -3588,9 +3588,6 @@ msgstr "평균 밸런스"
msgid "Normal Credit Balance"
msgstr "일반 크레디트 잔액"
msgid "Not Greater Than"
msgstr "보다 크지 않음."
msgid "Not Grouped Lines in Beginning Balance"
msgstr "시작 밸런스 내의 그룹화되지 않은 라인들"
......@@ -3600,9 +3597,6 @@ msgstr "설치되지 않음"
msgid "Not Installed Business Template"
msgstr "설치된 비즈니스 템플릿이 없음."
msgid "Not Less Than"
msgstr "보다 작지 않음"
msgid "Not available"
msgstr "사용 불가"
......@@ -1083,7 +1083,7 @@ msgstr "Data końcowa"
msgid "English"
msgstr "Angielski"
msgid "Equals To"
msgid "Equal to"
msgstr "Równy"
msgid "Error Message"
......@@ -1266,7 +1266,7 @@ msgstr "Idź"
msgid "Grade"
msgstr "Stopień"
msgid "Greater Than"
msgid "Greater than"
msgstr "Większy niż"
msgid "Gross Salary"
......@@ -2497,7 +2497,7 @@ msgstr "Inglês"
msgid "Entity"
msgstr "Entidade"
msgid "Equals To"
msgid "Equal to"
msgstr "Igual a"
msgid "Error Message"
......@@ -2441,7 +2441,7 @@ msgstr "降序"
msgid "EAN-13 Code"
msgstr "EAN-13位代码"
msgid "Equals To"
msgid "Equal to"
msgstr "等于"
msgid "ERP5 Configuration"
......@@ -2864,7 +2864,7 @@ msgstr "职称"
msgid "Graph"
msgstr "图表"
msgid "Greater Than"
msgid "Greater than"
msgstr "大于"
msgid "Gross Weight"
......@@ -3511,7 +3511,7 @@ msgstr "该商业公司的法律形式"
msgid "Length (m)"
msgstr "长度(米)"
msgid "Less Than"
msgid "Less than"
msgstr "小于"
msgid "Letter"
......@@ -3887,10 +3887,10 @@ msgstr "正常工作时数"
msgid "Not Installed"
msgstr "未安装"
msgid "Not Greater Than"
msgid "Less than or Equal to"
msgstr "小于等于"
msgid "Not Less Than"
msgid "Greater than or Equal to"
msgstr "大于等于"
msgid "Note"
......@@ -4,11 +4,11 @@
data-i18n=All criterions (AND)
data-i18n=At least one (OR)
data-i18n=Equals To
data-i18n=Greater Than
data-i18n=Less Than
data-i18n=Not Greater Than
data-i18n=Not Less Than
data-i18n=Equal to
data-i18n=Greater than
data-i18n=Less than
data-i18n=Less than or Equal to
data-i18n=Greater than or Equal to
data-i18n=Searchable Text
data-i18n=Search Expression
......@@ -14,16 +14,16 @@
["Equals To", "="], ["Greater Than", ">"],
["Less Than", "<"], ["Not Greater Than", "<="],
["Not Less Than", ">="]
["Equal to", "="], ["Greater than", ">"],
["Less than", "<"], ["Less than or Equal to", "<="],
["Greater than or Equal to", ">="]
["Equals To", "exact_match"],
["Equal to", "exact_match"],
["Contains", "keyword"]
["Equals To", "exact_match"]
["Equal to", "exact_match"]
DEFAULT = [["Contains", "contain"]],
......@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@
<!-- Check the operation selectable -->
<td>//div[@class='filter_item_container']/div[1]//select[2]//option[1][@value='exact_match' and text()='Equals To']</td>
<td>//div[@class='filter_item_container']/div[1]//select[2]//option[1][@value='exact_match' and text()='Equal to']</td>
......@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ param_dict = [
{ 'message': 'Cut', 'translation': 'jianque', 'language': 'wo'},
{ 'message': 'Proceed', 'translation': 'jixu', 'language': 'wo'},
{ 'message': 'Title', 'translation': 'biaoti', 'language': 'wo'},
{ 'message': 'Equals To', 'translation': 'dengyu', 'language': 'wo'},
{ 'message': 'Equal to', 'translation': 'dengyu', 'language': 'wo'},
{ 'message': 'Contains', 'translation': 'baohang', 'language': 'wo'},
{ 'message': 'Search', 'translation': 'soushuo', 'language': 'wo'},
{ 'message': 'Next', 'translation': 'houyige', 'language': 'wo'},
......@@ -19,10 +19,10 @@ param_dict = [
{ 'message': 'Sort', 'translation': 'paixu', 'language': 'wo'},
{ 'message': 'Create New', 'translation': 'tianjia', 'language': 'wo'},
{ 'message': 'Description', 'translation': 'miaoshu', 'language': 'wo'},
{ 'message': 'Greater Than', 'translation': 'dayu', 'language': 'wo'},
{ 'message': 'Greater than', 'translation': 'dayu', 'language': 'wo'},
{ 'message': 'Confirm', 'translation': 'queren', 'language': 'wo'},
{ 'message': 'Editable', 'translation': 'bianxue', 'language': 'wo'},
{ 'message': 'Less Than', 'translation': 'xiaoyu', 'language': 'wo'},
{ 'message': 'Less than', 'translation': 'xiaoyu', 'language': 'wo'},
{ 'message': 'Records', 'translation': 'jilu', 'language': 'wo'},
{ 'message': 'All criterions (AND)', 'translation': 'fuheshuoyou', 'language': 'wo'},
{ 'message': 'Logout', 'translation': 'tuichu', 'language': 'wo'},
......@@ -51,8 +51,8 @@ param_dict = [
{ 'message': 'Jump', 'translation': 'tiaozhuan', 'language': 'wo'},
{ 'message': 'Export', 'translation': 'daochu', 'language': 'wo'},
{ 'message': 'At least one (OR)', 'translation': 'zhishaoyige', 'language': 'wo'},
{ 'message': 'Not Less Than', 'translation': 'dayudengyu', 'language': 'wo'},
{ 'message': 'Not Greater Than', 'translation': 'xiaoyudengyu', 'language': 'wo'},
{ 'message': 'Greater than or Equal to', 'translation': 'dayudengyu', 'language': 'wo'},
{ 'message': 'Less than or Equal to', 'translation': 'xiaoyudengyu', 'language': 'wo'},
{ 'message': 'Previous', 'translation': 'qianyige', 'language': 'wo'},
{ 'message': 'Web Pages', 'translation': 'wangye', 'language': 'wo'},
{ 'message': 'Draft To Validate', 'translation': 'daiyanzhen', 'language': 'wo'},
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