will be down from Thursday, 20 March 2025, 07:30:00 UTC for a duration of approximately 2 hours

Commit 7b5083e3 authored by Georgios Dagkakis's avatar Georgios Dagkakis Committed by Sebastien Robin

live_test: use renderjs to refresh the view of live tests

parent 7834e1db
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var live_test_js_already_loaded = false;\n
if (live_test_js_already_loaded) {\n
console.error("Live test already loaded");\n
live_test_js_already_loaded = true;\n
var my_url_run_test = $(document)[0].baseURI + \'runLiveTest\';\n
var my_url_read_test = $(document)[0].baseURI + \'readTestOutput\';\n
var paused = false;\n
if (! $("*[name=\'field_your_test\']").val() ){\n
// not in proper page no need to continue\n
return ;\n
var data_textarea = $("*[name=\'field_your_text_output\']");\n
//launch unit test\n
var continue_loop = true;\n
{test_list: $("*[name=\'field_your_test\']").val(),\n
run_only: $("*[name=\'field_your_run_only\']").val(),\n
debug: $("*[name=\'field_your_debug\']").is(":checked") ? 1 : 0,\n
verbose: $("*[name=\'field_your_verbose\']").is(":checked") ? 1: 0\n
function(data) {\n
continue_loop = false;\n
var last_call = false;\n
var data_size = 0;\n
get_data = function() {\n
return $.get(my_url_read_test,\n
{position : data_size},\n
if ( !paused && data.length !== undefined ) {\n
data_size = data_size + data.length;\n
data_textarea.val( data_textarea.val() + data);\n
data_textarea[0].scrollTop = data_textarea[0].scrollHeight;\n
if (continue_loop) {\n
setTimeout(get_data, 1000);\n
if (!continue_loop) {\n
if (!last_call) {\n
last_call = true;\n
setTimeout(get_data, 1000);\n
// Not perfect, but the timeout should clearly reduce risk of getting empty result\n
// while the runUnitTest command had no time yet to reset global variable\n
// on ERP5 side\n
// pause refreshing if user scrolls in the textarea field\n
// reactivate refreshing when users scrolls back to bottom\n
data_textarea.scroll(function() {\n
paused = data_textarea.scrollTop() + data_textarea.height() != data_textarea[0].scrollHeight;\n
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<key> <string>js_sandbox</string> </key>
<value> <string></string> </value>
<key> <string>title</string> </key>
<value> <string>Test Watcher</string> </value>
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<script src="jio_sha256.amd.js" type="text/javascript"></script>\n
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<script src="gadget_live_tests.js" type="text/javascript"></script>\n
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/*global window, rJS, jIO, RSVP, location, document , FormData, console */\n
/*jslint indent: 2, maxlen: 80, nomen: true */\n
(function (rJS, jIO, RSVP, window, document, FormData, console) {\n
"use strict";\n
var live_test_js_already_loaded = false,\n
my_url_run_test = document.baseURI + \'runLiveTest\',\n
my_url_read_test = document.baseURI + \'readTestOutput\',\n
paused = false,\n
data_textarea =\n
continue_loop = true,\n
tests_still_running = true,\n
last_call = false,\n
data_size = 0,\n
form_data = new FormData();\n
if (live_test_js_already_loaded) {\n
console.error("Live test already loaded");\n
live_test_js_already_loaded = true;\n
data_textarea.value = "";\n
document.querySelector("[name=\'field_your_debug\']").checked ===\n
true ? 1 : 0);\n
document.querySelector("[name=\'field_your_verbose\']").checked ===\n
true ? 1 : 0);\n
// if the user scrolls in the window we do not want it to be updated.\n
// so set paused flag to false\n
function scrollFunction() {\n
paused = data_textarea.scrollHeight - data_textarea.scrollTop !==\n
// if the service was paused when the tests are finished,\n
// set continue_loop to false\n
if (!paused && !tests_still_running) {\n
continue_loop = false;\n
data_textarea.onscroll = scrollFunction;\n
rJS(window).declareService(function () {\n
var queue = new RSVP.Queue();\n
function readDataExamine() {\n
queue.push(function () {\n
return jIO.util.ajax({\n
type: "POST",\n
url: my_url_run_test,\n
data: form_data\n
}).push(function () {\n
tests_still_running = false;\n
// set continue_loop to false ONLY IF the test is not paused.\n
// Otherwise it will be set when user scrolls to the end\n
if (!paused) {\n
continue_loop = false;\n
return queue.push(function () {\n
return readDataExamine();\n
}).declareService(function () {\n
var queue = new RSVP.Queue();\n
function getDataExamine() {\n
queue.push(function () {\n
return jIO.util.ajax({\n
type: "POST",\n
url: my_url_read_test\n
}).push(function (evt) {\n
var data =;\n
// cut the characters that are already presented\n
data = data.substring(data_size);\n
if ((!paused || last_call) && data.length !== undefined) {\n
// to put the data in the correct place\n
data_size = data_size + data.length;\n
// add the new data\n
data_textarea.value = data_textarea.value + data;\n
data_textarea.scrollTop = data_textarea.scrollHeight;\n
return RSVP.delay(1000);\n
}).push(function () {\n
if (continue_loop) {\n
return getDataExamine();\n
if (!continue_loop) {\n
if (!last_call) {\n
last_call = true;\n
return getDataExamine();\n
return queue.push(function () {\n
return getDataExamine();\n
}(rJS, jIO, RSVP, window, document, FormData, console));
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<key> <string>title</string> </key>
<value> <unicode></unicode> </value>
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