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Commit 82ea60cf authored by Arnaud Fontaine's avatar Arnaud Fontaine

Exclude hidden elements when looking in a listbox cell and don't allow

only input elements when getting a listbox control

git-svn-id: 20353a03-c40f-0410-a6d1-a30d3c3de9de
parent d59d42f3
......@@ -314,9 +314,10 @@ class Browser(ExtendedTestBrowser):
def getListboxLink(self, line_number, column_number, cell_element_index=1,
*args, **kwargs):
Follow the link at the given position. In case there are several
links within a cell, C{cell_element_index} allows to select which
one to get (starting from 1).
Follow the link at the given position, excluding any link whose
class is hidden. In case there are several links within a cell,
C{cell_element_index} allows to select which one to get (starting
from 1).
@param line_number: Line number of the link
@type line_number: int
......@@ -331,11 +332,12 @@ class Browser(ExtendedTestBrowser):
@return: C{Link} at the given line and column number
@rtype: L{zope.testbrowser.interfaces.ILink}
xpath_str = '%s//tr[%d]//%s[%d]//a[%d]' % (self._listbox_table_xpath_str,
line_number <= 2 and 'th' or 'td',
xpath_str = '%s//tr[%d]//%s[%d]//a[not(contains(@class, "hidden"))][%d]' % \
line_number <= 2 and 'th' or 'td',
# xpath() method always return a list even if there is only one element
element_list = self.etree.xpath(xpath_str)
......@@ -683,8 +685,9 @@ class ContextMainForm(MainForm):
*args, **kwargs):
Get the control located at line and column numbers (both starting
from 1). The position of a cell from a column or line number can
be obtained through calling
from 1), excluding hidden control and those whose class is hidden
too. The position of a cell from a column or line number can be
obtained through calling
Also, there may be several elements within a cell, thus
......@@ -704,7 +707,8 @@ class ContextMainForm(MainForm):
@return: The control found at the given line and column numbers
@rtype: L{zope.testbrowser.interfaces.IControl}
xpath_str = '%s//tr[%d]//%s[%d]/input[%d]' % \
xpath_str = '%s//tr[%d]//%s[%d]/*[not(@type="hidden") and ' \
'not(contains(@class, "hidden"))][%d]' % \
(line_number <= 2 and u'th' or u'td'),
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