will be down from Thursday, 20 March 2025, 07:30:00 UTC for a duration of approximately 2 hours

Commit d733a3a6 authored by Alexandre Boeglin's avatar Alexandre Boeglin

Contributed by Patrick Gerken: It is now possible to hide the "day" subfield

of a DateTimeField, and to decide if the date should be generated as the first
or last day of the selected month.

git-svn-id: 20353a03-c40f-0410-a6d1-a30d3c3de9de
parent b075e9c7
......@@ -686,11 +686,37 @@ def DateTimeField_get_default(self, key, value, REQUEST):
DateTimeField._get_default = DateTimeField_get_default
from Products.Formulator.Widget import DateTimeWidget
old_date_time_widget_property_names = DateTimeWidget.property_names
class PatchedDateTimeWidget(DateTimeWidget):
Added support for key in every call to render_sub_field
hide_day = fields.CheckBoxField('hide_day',
title="Hide Day",
"The day will be hidden on the output. Instead the default"
"Day will be taken"),
hidden_day_is_last_day = fields.CheckBoxField('hidden_day_is_last_day',
title="Hidden Day is last day of the Month",
"Defines wether hidden day means, you want the last day of the month"
"Else it will be the first day"),
property_names = old_date_time_widget_property_names \
+ ['hide_day', 'hidden_day_is_last_day']
def getInputOrder(self, field):
input_order = field.get_value('input_order')
if field.get_value('hide_day'):
if input_order == 'ymd':
input_order = 'ym'
elif input_order in ('dmy', 'mdy'):
input_order = 'my'
return input_order
def render(self, field, key, value, REQUEST):
use_ampm = field.get_value('ampm_time_style')
......@@ -717,7 +743,7 @@ class PatchedDateTimeWidget(DateTimeWidget):
hour = "%02d" % value.hour()
minute = "%02d" % value.minute()
ampm = value.ampm()
input_order = field.get_value('input_order')
input_order = self.getInputOrder(field)
if input_order == 'ymd':
order = [('year', year),
('month', month),
......@@ -730,6 +756,12 @@ class PatchedDateTimeWidget(DateTimeWidget):
order = [('month', month),
('day', day),
('year', year)]
elif input_order == 'my':
order = [('month', month),
('year', year)]
elif input_order == 'ym':
order = [('year', year),
('month', month)]
order = [('year', year),
('month', month),
......@@ -768,13 +800,17 @@ class PatchedDateTimeWidget(DateTimeWidget):
minute = "%02d" % value.minute()
ampm = value.ampm()
order = field.get_value('input_order')
order = self.getInputOrder(field)
if order == 'ymd':
output = [year, month, day]
elif order == 'dmy':
output = [day, month, year]
elif order == 'mdy':
output = [month, day, year]
elif order == 'my':
output = [month, year]
elif order == 'ym':
output = [year, month]
output = [year, month, day]
date_result = string.join(output, field.get_value('date_separator'))
......@@ -801,7 +837,10 @@ class PatchedDateTimeValidator(DateTimeValidator):
year = field.validate_sub_field('year', REQUEST, key=key)
month = field.validate_sub_field('month', REQUEST, key=key)
day = field.validate_sub_field('day', REQUEST, key=key)
if field.get_value('hide_day'):
day = 1
day = field.validate_sub_field('day', REQUEST, key=key)
if field.get_value('date_only'):
hour = 0
......@@ -821,7 +860,8 @@ class PatchedDateTimeValidator(DateTimeValidator):
self.raise_error('not_datetime', field)
# handling of completely empty sub fields
if ((year == '' and month == '' and day == '') and
if ((year == '' and month == '') and
(field.get_value('hide_day') or day == '') and
(field.get_value('date_only') or (hour == '' and minute == '')
or (hour == 0 and minute == 0))):
if field.get_value('required'):
......@@ -830,7 +870,8 @@ class PatchedDateTimeValidator(DateTimeValidator):
# field is not required, return None for no entry
return None
# handling of partially empty sub fields; invalid datetime
if ((year == '' or month == '' or day == '') or
if ((year == '' or month == '') or
(not field.get_value('hide_day') and day == '') or
(not field.get_value('date_only') and
(hour == '' or minute == ''))):
self.raise_error('not_datetime', field)
......@@ -852,7 +893,18 @@ class PatchedDateTimeValidator(DateTimeValidator):
hour += 12
result = DateTime(int(year), int(month), int(day), hour, minute)
# handling of hidden day, which can be first or last day of the month:
if field.get_value('hidden_day_is_last_day'):
if int(month) == 12:
tmp_year = int(year) + 1
tmp_month = 1
tmp_year = int(year)
tmp_month = int(month) + 1
tmp_day = DateTime(tmp_year, tmp_month, 1, hour, minute)
result = tmp_day - 1
result = DateTime(int(year), int(month), int(day), hour, minute)
# ugh, a host of string based exceptions (not since Zope 2.7)
except ('DateTimeError', 'Invalid Date Components', 'TimeError',
DateError, TimeError) :
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