Commit 0c387951 authored by Tristan Cavelier's avatar Tristan Cavelier

Improve jIO error handling

/*jslint indent: 2, maxlen: 80, sloppy: true, nomen: true, regexp: true */
/*global constants, dictUpdate, deepClone */
/*global constants, dictUpdate, deepClone, DOMException */
function restCommandRejecter(param, args) {
// reject(status, reason, message, {"custom": "value"});
......@@ -72,8 +72,22 @@ function restCommandRejecter(param, args) {
if ((arg.statusText || arg.status >= 0)) {
current_priority.status = arg.statusText || arg.status;
if (arg instanceof Error) {
current_priority.reason = arg.message || "";
if (arg instanceof Error || arg instanceof DOMException) {
if (arg.code !== undefined && arg.code !== null) {
current_priority.code = arg.code;
if (arg.lineNumber !== undefined && arg.lineNumber !== null) {
current_priority.lineNumber = arg.lineNumber;
if (arg.columnNumber !== undefined && arg.columnNumber !== null) {
current_priority.columnNumber = arg.columnNumber;
if (arg.filename !== undefined && arg.filename !== null) {
current_priority.filename = arg.filename;
if (arg.message !== undefined && arg.message !== null) {
current_priority.reason = arg.message;
current_priority.error =;
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