will be down from Thursday, 20 March 2025, 07:30:00 UTC for a duration of approximately 2 hours

Commit 0157a8c1 authored by Vivien Alger's avatar Vivien Alger

Etherpad-lite software release v1

parent a23813b4
versions = versions
extends =
parts =
unzip= true
recipe = zc.recipe.egg
eggs =
egg = slapos.cookbook
module = etherpad-lite
recipe = zc.recipe.egg
python = python2.7
eggs = ${instance-recipe:egg}
recipe =
repository =
branch = develop
git-executable = ${git:location}/bin/git
# Default template for the instance.
recipe = slapos.recipe.template
url = ${:_profile_base_location_}/instance.cfg
md5sum = 7ab2a242df988bf5c10bf8002acac3bd
output = ${buildout:directory}/template.cfg
mode = 0644
recipe = slapos.recipe.template
url = ${:_profile_base_location_}/instance-etherpad-lite.cfg
md5sum = a1afe0064ad799684d9aa20bdb313495
output = ${buildout:directory}/template-etherpad-lite.cfg
mode = 0644
recipe =
url = ${:_profile_base_location_}/templates/${:filename}
mode = 0644
filename =
md5sum = 19ab39e6b3256c82fd54ce074488b136
location = ${buildout:parts-directory}/${:_buildout_section_name_}
recipe =
url = ${:_profile_base_location_}/templates/${:filename}
mode = 0644
filename =
md5sum = 934c8acba9253e9d40e0259f46cc68b9
location = ${buildout:parts-directory}/${:_buildout_section_name_}
recipe =
url = ${:_profile_base_location_}/templates/${:filename}
mode = 0644
filename =
md5sum = ea6f1500abf951972d575f0d8a63befa
location = ${buildout:parts-directory}/${:_buildout_section_name_}
python = python2.7
extends =
parts +=
develop =
recipe =
repository =
branch = etherpad-lite
git-executable = ${git:location}/bin/git
recipe =
repository =
branch = master
git-executable = ${git:location}/bin/git
recipe = plone.recipe.command
stop-on-error = true
update-command = ${:command}
command =
grep parts ${buildout:develop-eggs-directory}/slapos.cookbook.egg-link &&
grep parts ${buildout:develop-eggs-directory}/slapos.toolbox.egg-link
\ No newline at end of file
parts =
# frontend-etherpad
eggs-directory = ${buildout:eggs-directory}
develop-eggs-directory = ${buildout:develop-eggs-directory}
offline = true
recipe = slapos.cookbook:mkdirectory
etc = $${buildout:directory}/etc/
var = $${buildout:directory}/var/
srv = $${buildout:directory}/srv/
bin = $${buildout:directory}/bin/
tmp = $${buildout:directory}/tmp/
recipe = slapos.cookbook:mkdirectory
log = $${rootdirectory:var}/log/
services = $${rootdirectory:etc}/run/
run = $${rootdirectory:etc}/run/
backup = $${rootdirectory:srv}/backup/
promises = $${rootdirectory:etc}/promise/
recipe = slapos.cookbook:mkdirectory
etherpad-conf = $${rootdirectory:etc}/etherpad/
etherpad-repository-location = $${buildout:directory}/parts/etherpad-lite-repository
recipe = slapos.cookbook:publish
url = $${request-frontend:connection-site_url}
recipe = slapos.recipe.template
url = ${template-conf:location}/${template-conf:filename}
ip = $${slap-network-information:global-ipv6}
dirtydb-location = $${rootdirectory:var}/dirty.db
port = 9001
mode = 0644
output = $${directory:etherpad-conf}/settings.json
recipe = slapos.recipe.template
url = ${template-deps-script:location}/${template-deps-script:filename}
etherpad-location = $${directory:etherpad-repository-location}
nodejs-location = ${nodejs:location}
curl-location = ${curl:location}
mode = 0755
output = $${rootdirectory:bin}/
recipe = slapos.recipe.template
url = ${template-run-script:location}/${template-run-script:filename}
etherpad-location = ${etherpad-lite-repository:location}
etherpad-repository-location = $${directory:etherpad-repository-location}
nodejs-location = ${nodejs:location}
postgre-location = ${postgresql:location}
etherpad-deps-script-location = $${etherpad-deps-script:output}
etherpad-conf-location = $${etherpad-conf-generation:output}
etherpad-conf-name = settings-$${slap-connection:partition-id}.json
mode = 0755
output = $${rootdirectory:bin}/
# Command line comes from the run script of etherpad-lite
recipe = slapos.cookbook:wrapper
wrapper-path = $${basedirectory:run}/etherpad-lite
command-line = $${etherpad-run-script:output} -s $${etherpad-run-script:etherpad-conf-name}
<= slap-connection
recipe = slapos.cookbook:request
name = Frontend
# XXX We have hardcoded SR URL here.
software-url =
slave = true
config = url
config-url = http://$${etherpad-conf-generation:ip}:$${etherpad-conf-generation:port}
return = site_url
recipe = slapos.cookbook:check_url_available
path = $${basedirectory:promises}/frontend-etherpad
url = $${request-frontend:connection-site_url}
dash_path = ${dash:location}/bin/dash
curl_path = ${curl:location}/bin/curl
\ No newline at end of file
parts =
eggs-directory = ${buildout:eggs-directory}
develop-eggs-directory = ${buildout:develop-eggs-directory}
offline = true
recipe = slapos.cookbook:softwaretype
default = ${instance-etherpad-lite:output}
extends =
#Is gnu-grep (ggrep) installed on SunOS (Solaris)
if [ $(uname) = "SunOS" ]; then
hash ggrep > /dev/null 2>&1 || {
echo "Please install ggrep (pkg install gnu-grep)" >&2
exit 1
#Is wget installed?
hash ${:curl-location}/bin/curl > /dev/null 2>&1 || {
echo "Please install curl" >&2
exit 1
#Is node installed?
hash ${:nodejs-location}/bin/node > /dev/null 2>&1 || {
echo "Please install node.js ( )" >&2
exit 1
#Is npm installed?
hash ${:nodejs-location}/bin/npm > /dev/null 2>&1 || {
echo "Please install npm ( )" >&2
exit 1
echo "Ensure that all dependencies are up to date... If this is the first time you have run Etherpad please be patient."
mkdir -p node_modules
cd node_modules
[ -e ep_etherpad-lite ] || ln -s ../src ep_etherpad-lite
cd ep_etherpad-lite
${:nodejs-location}/bin/npm install --loglevel warn
) || {
rm -rf node_modules
exit 1
echo "Ensure jQuery is downloaded and up to date..."
if [ $DOWNLOAD_JQUERY = "true" ]; then
${:curl-location}/bin/curl -lo src/static/js/jquery.js$NEEDED_VERSION.js || exit 1
#Remove all minified data to force node creating it new
echo "Clear minfified cache..."
rm -f var/minified*
echo "ensure custom css/js files are created..."
for f in "index" "pad" "timeslider"
if [ ! -f "src/static/custom/$f.js" ]; then
cp "src/static/custom/js.template" "src/static/custom/$f.js" || exit 1
if [ ! -f "src/static/custom/$f.css" ]; then
cp "src/static/custom/css.template" "src/static/custom/$f.css" || exit 1
exit 0
# Copy repository content from the software release
mkdir ${:etherpad-repository-location}
cp -R ${:etherpad-location}/* ${:etherpad-repository-location}
#Move to the folder where ep-lite is installed
cd ${:etherpad-repository-location}
# XXX Vivien: very ugly, definitely need to find a cleaner way
cp ${:etherpad-deps-script-location} ${:etherpad-repository-location}/bin/
cp ${:etherpad-conf-location} ${:etherpad-repository-location}/${:etherpad-conf-name}
export PATH=$PATH:${:postgre-location}/bin
#prepare the enviroment
bin/ $* || exit 1
#Move to the node folder and start
echo "start..."
${:nodejs-location}/bin/node node_modules/ep_etherpad-lite/node/server.js $*
This file must be valid JSON. But comments are allowed
Please edit settings.json, not settings.json.template
// Name your instance!
"title": "Etherpad",
// favicon default name
// alternatively, set up a fully specified Url to your own favicon
"favicon": "favicon.ico",
//IP and port which etherpad should bind at
"ip": "${:ip}",
"port" : "${:port}",
// Session Key, used for reconnecting user sessions
// Set this to a secure string at least 10 characters long. Do not share this value.
"sessionKey" : "",
// Node native SSL support
// this is disabled by default
// make sure to have the minimum and correct file access permissions set
// so that the Etherpad server can access them
"ssl" : {
"key" : "/path-to-your/epl-server.key",
"cert" : "/path-to-your/epl-server.crt"
//The Type of the database. You can choose between dirty, postgres, sqlite and mysql
//You shouldn't use "dirty" for for anything else than testing or development
"dbType" : "dirty",
//the database specific settings
"dbSettings" : {
"filename" : "${:dirtydb-location}"
/* An Example of MySQL Configuration
"dbType" : "mysql",
"dbSettings" : {
"user" : "root",
"host" : "localhost",
"password": "",
"database": "store"
//the default text of a pad
"defaultPadText" : "Welcome to Etherpad!\n\nThis pad text is synchronized as you type, so that everyone viewing this page sees the same text. This allows you to collaborate seamlessly on documents!\n\nGet involved with Etherpad at http:\/\/\n",
/* Users must have a session to access pads. This effectively allows only group pads to be accessed. */
"requireSession" : false,
/* Users may edit pads but not create new ones. Pad creation is only via the API. This applies both to group pads and regular pads. */
"editOnly" : false,
/* if true, all css & js will be minified before sending to the client. This will improve the loading performance massivly,
but makes it impossible to debug the javascript/css */
"minify" : true,
/* How long may clients use served javascript code (in seconds)? Without versioning this
may cause problems during deployment. Set to 0 to disable caching */
"maxAge" : 21600, // 60 * 60 * 6 = 6 hours
/* This is the path to the Abiword executable. Setting it to null, disables abiword.
Abiword is needed to advanced import/export features of pads*/
"abiword" : null,
/* This setting is used if you require authentication of all users.
Note: /admin always requires authentication. */
"requireAuthentication": false,
/* Require authorization by a module, or a user with is_admin set, see below. */
"requireAuthorization": false,
/* Users for basic authentication. is_admin = true gives access to /admin.
If you do not uncomment this, /admin will not be available! */
"users": {
"admin": {
"password": "changeme1",
"is_admin": true
"user": {
"password": "changeme1",
"is_admin": false
// restrict transport methods
"socketTransportProtocols" : ["xhr-polling"],
/* The log level we are using, can be: DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR */
"loglevel": "INFO",
//Logging configuration. See log4js documentation for further information
// You can add as many appenders as you want here:
"logconfig" :
{ "appenders": [
{ "type": "console",
// "category": "access"// only logs pad access
, { "type": "file"
, "filename": "your-log-file-here.log"
, "maxLogSize": 1024
, "backups": 3 // how many log files there're gonna be at max
//, "category": "test" // only log a specific category
/*{ "type": "logLevelFilter",
"level": "warn" // filters out all log messages that have a lower level than "error"
, "appender":
{ Use whatever appender you want here }
, { "type": "logLevelFilter"
, "level": "error" // filters out all log messages that have a lower level than "error"
, "appender":
{ "type": "smtp"
, "subject": "An error occured in your EPL instance!"
, "recipients": ","
, "sendInterval": 60*5 // in secs -- will buffer log messages; set to 0 to send a mail for every message
, "transport": "SMTP", "SMTP": { // see
"host": "", "port": 465,
"secureConnection": true,
"auth": {
"user": "",
"pass": "bar_foo"
] }
+ Modify etherpad-lite to read absolute path correctly, so that we aren't
forced to move everything to the software release directory for it to work
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