Commit d853d17d authored by Jim Fulton's avatar Jim Fulton

Merge pull request #37 from kilink/master

Fix macro inheritance bug
parents ab708739 8678876e
......@@ -1117,7 +1117,7 @@ class Options(DictMixin):
raise zc.buildout.UserError("Infinite extending loop %r" % name)
to_do = data.pop('<', None)
to_do = data.get('<', None)
if to_do is None:
return data
__doing__ = 'Loading input sections for %r', name
......@@ -1133,6 +1133,7 @@ class Options(DictMixin):
result.update(self._do_extend_raw(iname, raw, doing))
result.pop('<', None)
return result
assert doing.pop() == name
......@@ -1074,7 +1074,7 @@ Extending sections (macros)
A section (other than the buildout section) can extend one or more
other sections using the ``<`` option. Options from the referenced
sections are copied to the refering section *before* variable
sections are copied to the referring section *before* variable
substitution. This, together with the ability to refer to variables
of the current section allows sections to be used as macros.
......@@ -2718,6 +2718,40 @@ def want_new_zcrecipeegg():
Error: Bad constraint >=2.0.0a3 zc.recipe.egg<2dev
def macro_inheritance_bug():
There was a bug preventing a section from using another section as a macro
if that section was extended with macros, and both sections were listed as
parts (phew!). The following contrived example demonstrates that this
now works.
>>> write('buildout.cfg',
... '''
... [buildout]
... parts = foo bar
... [base]
... recipe = zc.recipe.egg
... [foo]
... <=base
... eggs = zc.buildout
... interpreter = python
... [bar]
... <=foo
... interpreter = py
... ''')
>>> print_(system(join('bin', 'buildout')), end='') # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
Installing foo.
Installing bar.
>>> ls("./bin")
- buildout
- py
- python
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