• Jérome Perrin's avatar
    grafana: only start telegraf once influxdb is started · 44e5127a
    Jérome Perrin authored
    Otherwise telegraf start but does not create database and does not send
    2018-01-17T03:44:54Z I! Database creation failed: Post
    https://[2001:67c:1254:e:....]:8086/query?q=CREATE+DATABASE+%22telegraf%22: dial tcp [2001:67c:1254:e:....]:8086: getsockopt: connection refused
    2018-01-17T03:44:54Z I! Starting Telegraf v1.6.0~90b6b760
    2018-01-17T03:44:54Z I! Loaded outputs: influxdb
    2018-01-17T03:44:54Z I! Loaded inputs: inputs.cpu inputs.mem inputs.disk inputs.diskio inputs.system
    2018-01-17T03:44:54Z I! Tags enabled: host=f114dfe44f75
    2018-01-17T03:44:54Z I! Agent Config: Interval:10s, Quiet:false, Hostname:"f114dfe44f75", Flush Interval:10s
    2018-01-17T03:45:10Z E! InfluxDB Output Error: Response Error: Status Code [404], expected [204], [database not found: "telegraf"]
    2018-01-17T03:45:10Z E! Error writing to output [influxdb]: Could not write to any InfluxDB server in cluster
buildout.hash.cfg 1.13 KB