Commit e0feec78 authored by Jérome Perrin's avatar Jérome Perrin

software/gitlab: unset $GOBIN

gitaly's Makefile forcibly sets $GOPATH to install in _build
folder. Once gitaly is built, it is expected to be in _build/bin/gitaly
and copied from there.

With 8eac67a5 (golang: Prepare for future GOPATH removal, 2021-02-26) the sets GOBIN, to its own $GOPATH/bin

Since gitaly's build does not set $GOBIN, even if it overrides $GOPATH, the
final bin/gitaly is not in $GOPATH/bin/gitaly (with $GOPATH from Makefile),
but in $GOBIN/gitaly (with $GOBIN from

To prevent this, unset $GOBIN before running make, which keeps the old
behavior of only using the $GOPATH from the Makefile
parent 71d6154a
...@@ -268,7 +268,9 @@ configure-command = cd ${:path}/ruby && ...@@ -268,7 +268,9 @@ configure-command = cd ${:path}/ruby &&
${:bundle} config --local build.charlock_holmes --with-icu-dir=${icu:location} ${:bundle} config --local build.charlock_holmes --with-icu-dir=${icu:location}
make-binary = make-binary =
make-targets = make-targets =
. ${} && make . ${} &&
unset GOBIN &&
environment = environment =
PKG_CONFIG_PATH=${openssl-1.0:location}/lib/pkgconfig:${icu:location}/lib/pkgconfig PKG_CONFIG_PATH=${openssl-1.0:location}/lib/pkgconfig:${icu:location}/lib/pkgconfig
PATH=${pkgconfig:location}/bin:${ruby2.3:location}/bin:%(PATH)s PATH=${pkgconfig:location}/bin:${ruby2.3:location}/bin:%(PATH)s
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