Commit a454122e authored by Jean-Paul Smets's avatar Jean-Paul Smets

initial check in

git-svn-id: 20353a03-c40f-0410-a6d1-a30d3c3de9de
parent c2f00125
No related merge requests found
def _checkPermission(folder):
if hasattr(folder, 'objectValues'):
for child in folder.objectValues():
msg += _checkPermission(child)
if hasattr(folder, 'valid_roles'):
valid_role_list = folder.valid_roles()
manager_index = list(valid_role_list).index('Manager')
permission_list = folder.permission_settings()
for permission in permission_list:
if permission['acquire'] == '':
for role in permission['roles']:
name = role['name']
pos = name.find('r')
index = int(name[pos+1:])
if manager_index == index:
if role['checked'] == '':
msg += '%s: %s does not contain Manager\n' % (folder.getUrl(), permission['name'])
return msg
def ERP5Site_checkAllPermissions(self):
portal = self.portal_url.getPortalObject()
return _checkPermission(portal)
## Script (Python) "Account_countAccountingTransactions"
##bind container=container
##bind context=context
##bind namespace=
##bind script=script
##bind subpath=traverse_subpath
currency = None
if currency in (None, 'None'):
currency = context.currency.EUR
#inventory = context.Resource_zGetInventory(node_uid=context.getUid(), omit_simulation=1,
# resource_uid=(currency.getUid(),),
# simulation_state=('draft', 'planned', 'confirmed', 'stopped', 'delivered'))
inventory = context.Resource_zGetInventory(node_uid=self.uid, omit_simulation=1,
simulation_state=('draft', 'planned', 'confirmed', 'stopped', 'delivered'))
inventory = inventory[0]
return str(inventory.stock_uid)
## Script (Python) "Account_getTotalSourceCredit"
##bind container=container
##bind context=context
##bind namespace=
##bind script=script
##bind subpath=traverse_subpath
currency = None
if currency in (None, 'None'):
currency = context.currency.EUR
total = 0.0
inventory = context.Resource_zGetInventory(node_uid=context.getUid(), omit_output=1, omit_simulation=1,
simulation_state=('draft', 'planned', 'confirmed', 'stopped', 'delivered'))
total = inventory[0].inventory or 0.0
return '%.02f' % total
## Script (Python) "Account_getTotalSourceDebit"
##bind container=container
##bind context=context
##bind namespace=
##bind script=script
##bind subpath=traverse_subpath
currency = None
if currency in (None, 'None'):
currency = context.currency.EUR
total = 0.0
inventory = context.Resource_zGetInventory(node_uid=context.getUid(), omit_input=1, omit_simulation=1,
simulation_state=('draft', 'planned', 'confirmed', 'stopped', 'delivered'))
total = - inventory[0].inventory or 0.0
return '%.02f' % total
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<title>Set List Settting</title>
\ No newline at end of file
## Script (Python) "Account_search"
##bind container=container
##bind context=context
##bind namespace=
##bind script=script
##bind subpath=traverse_subpath
for cname in kwd.keys():
if kwd[cname] == '' or kwd[cname] is None:
del kwd[cname]
kwd['select_expression'] = "'EUR' AS accounting_transaction_line_currency"
return context.portal_catalog(**kwd)
## Script (Python) "Account_stat"
##bind container=container
##bind context=context
##bind namespace=
##bind script=script
##bind subpath=traverse_subpath
return 'toto'
return repr(kwd)
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<field><id>listbox</id> <type>ListBox</type>
<all_columns type="list">[]</all_columns>
<all_editable_columns type="list">[]</all_editable_columns>
<columns type="list">[('date', 'Date'), ('type', 'Type'), ('getReference', 'Reference'), ('quantity', 'Quantity')]</columns>
<default_params type="list">[]</default_params>
<domain_root_list type="list">[('portal_categories/group', 'Group'), ('portal_categories/region', 'Region')]</domain_root_list>
<domain_tree type="int">1</domain_tree>
<editable type="int">1</editable>
<editable_columns type="list">[]</editable_columns>
<editable_permission type="list">[]</editable_permission>
<editable_role type="list">[]</editable_role>
<enabled type="int">1</enabled>
<global_attributes type="list">[]</global_attributes>
<hidden type="int">0</hidden>
<lines type="int">25</lines>
<list_method type="method">sql_stock_account_parent</list_method>
<meta_types type="list">[]</meta_types>
<not_viewable type="int">0</not_viewable>
<portal_types type="list">[('Accounting Transaction', 'Accounting Transaction'), ('Purchase Invoice Transaction', 'Purchase Invoice Transaction'), ('Sale Invoice Transaction', 'Sale Invoice Transaction')]</portal_types>
<read_only type="int">0</read_only>
<report_root_list type="list">[]</report_root_list>
<report_tree type="int">0</report_tree>
<search type="int">1</search>
<search_columns type="list">[]</search_columns>
<select type="int">1</select>
<sort type="list">[]</sort>
<sort_columns type="list">[]</sort_columns>
<title>Transactions concerned by this account</title>
<viewable_permission type="list">[]</viewable_permission>
<viewable_role type="list">[]</viewable_role>
<message name="external_validator_failed">The input failed the external validator.</message>
\ No newline at end of file
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<title>Balance Transaction Line</title>
<field><id>my_source</id> <type>ListField</type>
<editable type="int">1</editable>
<enabled type="int">1</enabled>
<first_item type="int">0</first_item>
<hidden type="int">0</hidden>
<items type="list">[]</items>
<required type="int">0</required>
<size type="int">1</size>
<unicode type="int">0</unicode>
<whitespace_preserve type="int">0</whitespace_preserve>
<message name="external_validator_failed">The input failed the external validator.</message>
<message name="required_not_found">Input is required but no input given.</message>
<message name="unknown_selection">You selected an item that was not in the list.</message>
<field><id>my_source_payment</id> <type>ListField</type>
<editable type="int">1</editable>
<enabled type="int">1</enabled>
<first_item type="int">0</first_item>
<hidden type="int">0</hidden>
<items type="list">[]</items>
<required type="int">0</required>
<size type="int">1</size>
<title>Bank Account</title>
<unicode type="int">0</unicode>
<whitespace_preserve type="int">0</whitespace_preserve>
<items>python: here.getBalanceTransactionLineSourcePaymentItemList()</items>
<message name="external_validator_failed">The input failed the external validator.</message>
<message name="required_not_found">Input is required but no input given.</message>
<message name="unknown_selection">You selected an item that was not in the list.</message>
<field><id>my_destination_section_title</id> <type>RelationStringField</type>
<display_width type="int">20</display_width>
<editable type="int">1</editable>
<enabled type="int">1</enabled>
<hidden type="int">0</hidden>
<portal_type type="list">[('Person', 'Person'), ('Organisation', 'Organisation')]</portal_type>
<required type="int">0</required>
<title>Third Party</title>
<truncate type="int">0</truncate>
<unicode type="int">0</unicode>
<whitespace_preserve type="int">0</whitespace_preserve>
<message name="external_validator_failed">The input failed the external validator.</message>
<message name="required_not_found">Input is required but no input given.</message>
<message name="too_long">Too much input was given.</message>
<field><id>my_resource</id> <type>ListField</type>
<editable type="int">1</editable>
<enabled type="int">1</enabled>
<first_item type="int">0</first_item>
<hidden type="int">0</hidden>
<items type="list">[]</items>
<required type="int">0</required>
<size type="int">1</size>
<unicode type="int">0</unicode>
<whitespace_preserve type="int">0</whitespace_preserve>
<items>python:map(lambda x: (,'currency/%s' %,here.currency.objectValues())</items>
<message name="external_validator_failed">The input failed the external validator.</message>
<message name="required_not_found">Input is required but no input given.</message>
<message name="unknown_selection">You selected an item that was not in the list.</message>
<field><id>my_source_credit</id> <type>FloatField</type>
<display_width type="int">20</display_width>
<editable type="int">1</editable>
<enabled type="int">1</enabled>
<hidden type="int">0</hidden>
<required type="int">0</required>
<whitespace_preserve type="int">0</whitespace_preserve>
<message name="external_validator_failed">The input failed the external validator.</message>
<message name="required_not_found">Input is required but no input given.</message>
<message name="not_float">You did not enter a floating point number.</message>
<field><id>my_source_debit</id> <type>FloatField</type>
<display_width type="int">20</display_width>
<editable type="int">1</editable>
<enabled type="int">1</enabled>
<hidden type="int">0</hidden>
<required type="int">0</required>
<whitespace_preserve type="int">0</whitespace_preserve>
<message name="external_validator_failed">The input failed the external validator.</message>
<message name="required_not_found">Input is required but no input given.</message>
<message name="not_float">You did not enter a floating point number.</message>
\ No newline at end of file
This diff is collapsed.
## Script (Python) "PaySheetLinesPrintFormat"
##bind container=container
##bind context=context
##bind namespace=
##bind script=script
##bind subpath=traverse_subpath
True = 1
False = 0
pay_sheet = context.getObject()
all = pay_sheet.objectValues()
# this dictionnary contain all pay sheet details extracted from Pay Sheet Lines.
# these details are sorted and tidy for a clean print of the Pay Sheet
formated_lines = [] # id, title, pp, cs, ps
# todo: add: description assiette, montant assiette, pourcentage de la part salariale et patronale
# get all PaySheetLines
for pay_sheet_line in all:
ID = pay_sheet_line.getId()
if ID[-3:] == '_pp' or ID[-3:] == '_cs':
# search an existing id without the suffix in the final table
i = 0
id_exist = False
for line in formated_lines:
if line['id'] == ID[:-3]:
id_exist = True
i += 1
# add a new line of contribution in pay sheet details
if id_exist == False:
new_formated_line = { 'id' : ID[:-3],
'title' : None,
'pp' : None,
'cs' : None,
'ps' : None,
'ps_desc' : None,
'pp_desc' : None}
# get the employer share ('pp' is the french acronym of 'part patronale')
if ID[-3:] == '_pp':
formated_lines[i]['pp'] = pay_sheet_line.getDestinationCredit()
formated_lines[i]['pp_desc'] = pay_sheet_line.getDescription()
# get the social contribution (= employer + salary share) ('cs' is a french acronym of 'cotisation sociale')
elif ID[-3:] == '_cs':
formated_lines[i]['cs'] = pay_sheet_line.getDestinationCredit()
formated_lines[i]['title'] = pay_sheet_line.getTitle()
formated_lines[i]['ps_desc'] = pay_sheet_line.getDescription()
# calculation of the salary share ('ps' is a french acronym of 'part salariale')
for line in formated_lines:
if line['cs']!=None and line['pp']!=None and line['cs']!=line['pp']:
line['ps'] = float(line['cs']) - float(line['pp'])
if line['cs']!=None and line['pp']==None:
line['ps'] = float(line['cs'])
return formated_lines
## Script (Python) "PaySheetTransactionLine_generate"
##bind container=container
##bind context=context
##bind namespace=
##bind script=script
##bind subpath=traverse_subpath
paysheet = context.getObject()
paysheet_type = paysheet.getPortalType()
paysheet_line_type = 'Pay Sheet Line'
paysheet_transactionline_type = 'Pay Sheet Transaction Line'
paysheet_cell_type = 'Pay Sheet Cell'
employee = paysheet.getDestinationSection()
employer = paysheet.getSourceSection()
employer_object = paysheet.getSourceSectionValue()
# gross salary source and destination
charge_salariale = 'account/charges_salariales'
produit_salarial = 'account/produits_salariaux'
# final salary source and destination
dette_salarie = 'account/dettes_salaries'
creance_salarie = 'account/creances_salaries'
# employer share source and destination
charge_sociale = 'account/charges_sociales'
produit_social = 'account/produits_sociaux'
# employer + employee share source and destination
dette_sociale = 'account/dettes_sociales'
creance_sociale = 'account/creances_sociales'
# the currency related to this french rules set is euros
paysheet_resource = 'currency/EUR'
# Create a new pay sheet line
def createPaySheetTransactionLine(new_title='', share='',
src_sec='', src='', src_deb=None,
dest_sec='', dest='', new_desc=''):
suffix = { 'social' : ' (cotisations sociales)'
, 'employer': ' (part patronale)'
if share == 'social' or share == 'employer':
new_title += suffix[share]
if share == 'social':
src_sec = employer
src = dette_sociale
dest = creance_sociale
elif share == 'employer':
src_sec = employer
src = charge_sociale
dest = produit_social
new_id = str(paysheet.generateNewId())
context.portal_types.constructContent ( type_name = paysheet_transactionline_type
, container = paysheet
, id = new_id
# alternate method but doesn't work
#new_line = paysheet.getObject(new_id)
def addAccountingItem(title='', mplyee_share=None, mplyer_share=None, dest_org=''):
if mplyer_share == 0 and mplyee_share == 0:
if mplyer_share == 0:
createPaySheetTransactionLine ( new_title = title
, share = 'social'
, src_deb = mplyee_share
, dest_sec = dest_org
if mplyee_share == 0:
createPaySheetTransactionLine ( new_title = title
, share = 'social'
, src_deb = mplyer_share
, dest_sec = dest_org
createPaySheetTransactionLine ( new_title = title
, share = 'employer'
, src_deb = mplyer_share
, dest_sec = dest_org
createPaySheetTransactionLine ( new_title = title
, share = 'social'
, src_deb = float(mplyer_share) + float(mplyee_share)
, dest_sec = dest_org
createPaySheetTransactionLine ( new_title = title
, share = 'employer'
, src_deb = mplyer_share
, dest_sec = dest_org
# Only keep the PaySheetLine in the paysheet, delete all other objects
id_list = []
for paysheet_item in paysheet.objectValues():
if paysheet_item.getPortalType() != paysheet_line_type:
# Get all amount
paysheet_details = paysheet.PaySheetTransaction_getDetails()
paysheet_categories = paysheet_details['paysheet_categories']
paysheet_formated_lines = []
for category in paysheet_categories:
for line in paysheet_categories[category]['lines']:
# Analyze every PaySheet Line
paysheet_lines = paysheet.objectValues()
for paysheet_item in paysheet_lines:
if paysheet_item.getPortalType() == paysheet_line_type:
# Find the dictionnary that contain the pre-calculated employer and employee share
employer_share = 0.0
employee_share = 0.0
for line in paysheet_formated_lines:
if line['id'] == paysheet_item.getId():
er = line['employer_share']
ee = line['employee_share']
if er not in (None, ''):
employer_share += abs(float(er))
if ee not in (None, ''):
employee_share += abs(float(ee))
# Get the destination organisation
paysheet_line_service = paysheet_item.getResourceValue()
organisation = paysheet_line_service.getSource()
# Add accounting item corresponding to the PaySheet Line
addAccountingItem ( title = paysheet_item.getTitle()
, mplyer_share = employer_share
, mplyee_share = employee_share
, dest_org = organisation
# Add the gross salary
createPaySheetTransactionLine ( new_title = 'Salaire brut'
, src_sec = employer
, src = charge_salariale
, src_deb = abs(float(paysheet_details['gross_salary']))
, dest_sec = employee
, dest = produit_salarial
# Add the final salary
createPaySheetTransactionLine ( new_title = 'Salaire net'
, src_sec = employer
, src = dette_salarie
, src_deb = abs(float(paysheet_details['net_salary']))
, dest_sec = employee
, dest = creance_salarie
# 'refresh' screen
return context.REQUEST.RESPONSE.redirect(context.absolute_url() + '?portal_status_message=Pay+Sheet+Transaction+Lines+created.')
## Script (Python) "PaySheetTransaction_checkParameters"
##bind container=container
##bind context=context
##bind namespace=
##bind script=script
##bind subpath=traverse_subpath
paysheet = context.getObject()
paysheet_type = paysheet.getPortalType()
employee = paysheet.getDestinationSection()
employer = paysheet.getSourceSection()
if paysheet.getGrossSalary() == None:
return context.REQUEST.RESPONSE.redirect(context.absolute_url() + '?portal_status_message=Gross+salary+is+required')
if employee in ('', None):
return context.REQUEST.RESPONSE.redirect(context.absolute_url() + '?portal_status_message=The+employee+is+required')
if employer in ('', None):
return context.REQUEST.RESPONSE.redirect(context.absolute_url() + '?portal_status_message=The+employer+is+required')
employee_obj = paysheet.getDestinationSectionValue()
employer_obj = paysheet.getSourceSectionValue()
if employee_obj.getCareerGrade() in ('', None):
return context.REQUEST.RESPONSE.redirect(context.absolute_url() + '?portal_status_message=The+employee+must+have+a+career+grade')
if employer_obj.getCreationDate() in ('', None):
return context.REQUEST.RESPONSE.redirect(context.absolute_url() + '?portal_status_message=The+employer+must+have+an+organisation+creation+date')
if employer_obj.getDefaultAddress().getZipCode() in ('', None):
return context.REQUEST.RESPONSE.redirect(context.absolute_url() + '?portal_status_message=The+employer+must+have+a+zip+code')
# parameters are OK, go to the pre-calculation form
return context.REQUEST.RESPONSE.redirect(context.absolute_url() + "/PaySheetTransaction_previewForm?selection_name=default&amp;dialog_category=object_action&amp;form_id=PaySheetTransaction_view")
## Script (Python) "PaySheetTransaction_getDetails"
##bind container=container
##bind context=context
##bind namespace=
##bind script=script
##bind subpath=traverse_subpath
# this dict contain all paysheet details
paysheet_details = {}
# initialize the employee and employer share total
total_employee_share = 0.0
total_employer_share = 0.0
total_taxable_employee_share = 0.0
# get the gross salary
gross_salary = context.getGrossSalary()
if gross_salary == None:
gross_salary = 0.0
paysheet_cat = {}
object_list = []
for object in context.objectValues():
object_list += [object]
# Sort the list by id since lines are already ordered by id.
object_list.sort(lambda x, y: cmp(int(x.getId()), int(y.getId())))
for pay_sheet_line in object_list:
variation_list = pay_sheet_line.getVariationCategoryList()
range_variation = []
for variation in variation_list:
if variation.find('salary_range')==0:
if not variation in range_variation: # Extra checking because
# get VariationCategoryList returns
# the same 1 items 2 times
range_variation += [variation]
for range in range_variation:
pay_sheet_dict = {}
pay_sheet_dict['id'] = pay_sheet_line.getId()
pay_sheet_dict['title'] = pay_sheet_line.getResourceTitle()
for cell in pay_sheet_line.objectValues():
predicate_list = cell.getPredicateValueList()
if range in predicate_list:
pay_sheet_dict['base_name'] = context.portal_categories.resolveCategory(range).getTitleOrId()
for predicate in predicate_list:
if cell.getTotalPrice() != 0:
if predicate.find('employee_share')>=0:
pay_sheet_dict['base']= - cell.getQuantity()
pay_sheet_dict['employee_share'] = cell.getTotalPrice()
pay_sheet_dict['employee_share_rate'] = cell.getPrice() * 100
total_employee_share += float(-pay_sheet_dict['employee_share'])
# here we decide if a resource is taxable or not
if str(pay_sheet_line.getResource())[-14:] == 'non_deductible' or str(pay_sheet_line.getResource())[-4:] == 'crds' or str(pay_sheet_line.getResource())[-7:] == 'taxable':
elif str(pay_sheet_line.getResource())[-10:] == 'deductible':
if pay_sheet_dict['taxable'] == 'yes':
total_taxable_employee_share += float(-pay_sheet_dict['employee_share'])
elif predicate.find('employer_share')>=0:
pay_sheet_dict['base'] = - cell.getQuantity()
pay_sheet_dict['employer_share'] = cell.getTotalPrice()
pay_sheet_dict['employer_share_rate'] = cell.getPrice() * 100
total_employer_share += float(-pay_sheet_dict['employer_share'])
for key in ('employee_share','employee_share_rate','employer_share','employer_share_rate'):
if not (pay_sheet_dict.has_key(key)):
pay_sheet_dict[key]='' # so that we can display nothing
# find the category of the current pay sheet line
cat_id = None
cat_path = None
for var in variation_list:
sub_cat = var.split('/')
if sub_cat[0] == 'tax_category':
cat_id = sub_cat[1]
cat_path = sub_cat[0] + '/' + sub_cat[1]
if cat_id == None:
cat_id = 'no_cat'
# add the current pay sheet line to its category
if not paysheet_cat.has_key(cat_id):
paysheet_cat[cat_id] = {}
paysheet_cat[cat_id]['lines'] = []
if cat_path != None:
paysheet_cat[cat_id]['title'] = context.portal_categories.resolveCategory(cat_path).getTitleOrId()
# get all paysheet transaction to calculate the sum of different value in a year
accounting_folder = context.aq_parent
paysheet_transactions = accounting_folder.contentValues(filter={'portal_type':'Pay Sheet Transaction'})
# initialize every yearly variable
yearly_net_salary = 0.0
yearly_gross_salary = 0.0
yearly_employee_share = 0.0
yearly_employer_share = 0.0
yearly_taxable_net_salary = 0.0
# get the current paysheet start date and employee
start_date = context.getStartDate()
employee = context.restrictedTraverse(context.getDestinationSectionRelativeUrl())
# browse through paysheet transaction
for paysheet_obj in paysheet_transactions:
# ignore the current paysheet to avoid infinite loop
if paysheet_obj.getId() != context.getId():
# the paysheet must have the same employee
if (employee==None) or (employee!=None and context.restrictedTraverse(paysheet_obj.getDestinationSectionRelativeUrl())==employee):
# check the date
if (start_date==None) or (start_date!=None and paysheet_obj.getStartDate()!=None and start_date.year()==paysheet_obj.getStartDate().year() and paysheet_obj.getStartDate()<= start_date):
# get all detailed values of the paysheet
ps_details = paysheet_obj.PaySheetTransaction_getDetails()
# sum of yearly values
yearly_net_salary += float(ps_details['net_salary'])
yearly_gross_salary += float(ps_details['gross_salary'])
yearly_employee_share += float(ps_details['total_employee_share'])
yearly_employer_share += float(ps_details['total_employer_share'])
yearly_taxable_net_salary += float(ps_details['taxable_net_salary'])
# save the total share values in the exported dict
paysheet_details['net_salary'] = gross_salary - total_employee_share
paysheet_details['gross_salary'] = gross_salary
paysheet_details['paysheet_categories'] = paysheet_cat
paysheet_details['total_employee_share'] = total_employee_share
paysheet_details['taxable_net_salary'] = paysheet_details['net_salary'] + total_taxable_employee_share
paysheet_details['total_employer_share'] = total_employer_share
paysheet_details['total_taxable_employee_share'] = total_taxable_employee_share
# don't forget to add the current values to the yearly sum
paysheet_details['yearly_net_salary'] = yearly_net_salary + paysheet_details['net_salary']
paysheet_details['yearly_gross_salary'] = yearly_gross_salary + paysheet_details['gross_salary']
paysheet_details['yearly_employee_share'] = yearly_employee_share + paysheet_details['total_employee_share']
paysheet_details['yearly_employer_share'] = yearly_employer_share + paysheet_details['total_employer_share']
paysheet_details['yearly_taxable_net_salary'] = yearly_taxable_net_salary + paysheet_details['taxable_net_salary']
return paysheet_details
## Script (Python) "PaySheetTransaction_getDetails_BACKUP"
##bind container=container
##bind context=context
##bind namespace=
##bind script=script
##bind subpath=traverse_subpath
# this dict contain all paysheet details
paysheet_details = {}
# initialize the salary and employer share total
total_salary_share = 0.0
total_employer_share = 0.0
total_taxable_salary_share = 0.0
# get the gross salary
gross_salary = context.getGrossSalary()
object_list = []
for object in context.objectValues():
object_list += [object]
# Sort the list by id since lines are already ordered by id.
object_list.sort(lambda x, y: cmp(int(x.getId()), int(y.getId())))
for pay_sheet_line in object_list:
variation_list = pay_sheet_line.getVariationCategoryList()
range_variation = []
for variation in variation_list:
if variation.find('salary_range')==0:
if not variation in range_variation: # Extra checking because
# get VariationCategoryList returns
# the same 1 items 2 times
range_variation += [variation]
for range in range_variation:
pay_sheet_dict = {}
pay_sheet_dict['id'] = pay_sheet_line.getId()
pay_sheet_dict['title'] = pay_sheet_line.getResourceTitle()
for cell in pay_sheet_line.objectValues():
predicate_list = cell.getPredicateValueList()
if range in predicate_list:
for predicate in predicate_list:
if cell.getTotalPrice() != 0:
if predicate.find('salary_share')>=0:
pay_sheet_dict['base']= - cell.getQuantity()
pay_sheet_dict['salary_share'] = cell.getTotalPrice()
pay_sheet_dict['salary_share_rate'] = cell.getPrice() * 100
total_salary_share += float(-pay_sheet_dict['salary_share'])
# here we decide if a resource is taxable or not
if str(pay_sheet_line.getResource())[-14:] == 'non_deductible' or str(pay_sheet_line.getResource())[-4:] == 'crds' or str(pay_sheet_line.getResource())[-7:] == 'taxable':
elif str(pay_sheet_line.getResource())[-10:] == 'deductible':
if pay_sheet_dict['taxable'] == 'yes':
total_taxable_salary_share += float(-pay_sheet_dict['salary_share'])
elif predicate.find('employer_share')>=0:
pay_sheet_dict['base'] = - cell.getQuantity()
pay_sheet_dict['employer_share'] = cell.getTotalPrice()
pay_sheet_dict['employer_share_rate'] = cell.getPrice() * 100
total_employer_share += float(-pay_sheet_dict['employer_share'])
for key in ('salary_share','salary_share_rate','employer_share','employer_share_rate'):
if not (pay_sheet_dict.has_key(key)):
pay_sheet_dict[key]='' # so that we can display nothing
pay_sheet_lines += (pay_sheet_dict,)
# get all paysheet transaction to calculate the sum of different value in a year
accounting_folder = context.aq_parent
paysheet_transactions = accounting_folder.contentValues(filter={'portal_type':'Pay Sheet Transaction'})
# initialize every yearly variable
yearly_net_salary = 0.0
yearly_gross_salary = 0.0
yearly_salary_share = 0.0
yearly_employer_share = 0.0
yearly_taxable_net_salary = 0.0
# get the current paysheet start date and employee
start_date = context.getStartDate()
employee = context.restrictedTraverse(context.getDestinationSectionRelativeUrl())
# browse through paysheet transaction
for paysheet_obj in paysheet_transactions:
# ignore the current paysheet
if paysheet_obj.getId() != context.getId():
# the paysheet must have the same employee
if (employee==None) or (employee!=None and context.restrictedTraverse(paysheet_obj.getDestinationSectionRelativeUrl())==employee):
# check the date
if (start_date==None) or (start_date!=None and paysheet_obj.getStartDate()!=None and start_date.year()==paysheet_obj.getStartDate().year() and paysheet_obj.getStartDate()<= start_date):
# get all detailed values of the paysheet
ps_details = paysheet_obj.PaySheetTransaction_getDetails()
# sum of yearly values
yearly_net_salary += float(ps_details['net_salary'])
yearly_gross_salary += float(ps_details['gross_salary'])
yearly_salary_share += float(ps_details['total_salary_share'])
yearly_employer_share += float(ps_details['total_employer_share'])
yearly_taxable_net_salary += float(ps_details['taxable_net_salary'])
# save the total share values in the exported dict
paysheet_details['net_salary'] = gross_salary - total_salary_share
paysheet_details['gross_salary'] = gross_salary
paysheet_details['paysheet_lines'] = pay_sheet_lines
paysheet_details['total_salary_share'] = total_salary_share
paysheet_details['taxable_net_salary'] = paysheet_details['net_salary'] + total_taxable_salary_share
paysheet_details['total_employer_share'] = total_employer_share
paysheet_details['total_taxable_salary_share'] = total_taxable_salary_share
# don't forget to add the current values to the yearly sum
paysheet_details['yearly_net_salary'] = yearly_net_salary + paysheet_details['net_salary']
paysheet_details['yearly_gross_salary'] = yearly_gross_salary + paysheet_details['gross_salary']
paysheet_details['yearly_salary_share'] = yearly_salary_share + paysheet_details['total_salary_share']
paysheet_details['yearly_employer_share'] = yearly_employer_share + paysheet_details['total_employer_share']
paysheet_details['yearly_taxable_net_salary'] = yearly_taxable_net_salary + paysheet_details['taxable_net_salary']
return paysheet_details
## Script (Python) "PaySheetTransaction_getFormattedLines_OLD"
##bind container=container
##bind context=context
##bind namespace=
##bind script=script
##bind subpath=traverse_subpath
# Example code:
object_list = []
for object in context.objectValues():
object_list += [object]
# Sort the list by id since lines are already ordered by id.
object_list.sort(lambda x, y: cmp(int(x.getId()), int(y.getId())))
for pay_sheet_line in object_list:
variation_list = pay_sheet_line.getVariationCategoryList()
range_variation = []
for variation in variation_list:
if variation.find('salary_range')==0:
if not variation in range_variation: # Extra checking because
# get VariationCategoryList returns
# the same 1 items 2 times
range_variation += [variation]
for range in range_variation:
pay_sheet_dict = {}
pay_sheet_dict['id'] = pay_sheet_line.getId()
pay_sheet_dict['title'] = pay_sheet_line.getResourceTitle()
for cell in pay_sheet_line.objectValues():
predicate_list = cell.getPredicateValueList()
if range in predicate_list:
for predicate in predicate_list:
if cell.getTotalPrice() != 0:
if predicate.find('salary_share')>=0:
pay_sheet_dict['range']= - cell.getQuantity()
pay_sheet_dict['salary_share']='%.2f' % cell.getTotalPrice()
pay_sheet_dict['salary_share_rate']='%.3f %%' % (cell.getPrice()*100)
if str(pay_sheet_line.getResource())[-14:] == 'non_deductible' or str(pay_sheet_line.getResource())[-4:] == 'crds' or str(pay_sheet_line.getResource())[-7:] == 'taxable':
elif str(pay_sheet_line.getResource())[-10:] == 'deductible':
elif predicate.find('employer_share')>=0:
pay_sheet_dict['range']= - cell.getQuantity()
pay_sheet_dict['employer_share']='%.2f' % cell.getTotalPrice()
pay_sheet_dict['employer_share_rate']='%.3f %%' % (cell.getPrice()*100)
for key in ('salary_share','salary_share_rate','employer_share','employer_share_rate'):
if not (pay_sheet_dict.has_key(key)):
pay_sheet_dict[key]='' # so that we can display nothing
pay_sheet_lines += (pay_sheet_dict,)
return pay_sheet_lines
## Script (Python) "PaySheetTransaction_getPreavis"
##bind container=container
##bind context=context
##bind namespace=
##bind script=script
##bind subpath=traverse_subpath
# Définition des préavis selon le temps dans l'entreprise (en jours)
seuils = [ { 'limite':30 , 'preavis':'1 jour' }, # 1er mois d'essai
{ 'limite':60 , 'preavis':'1 semaine' }, # 2e mois d'essai
{ 'limite':730, 'preavis':'1 mois' }, # 2 premières années
{ 'limite':0, 'preavis':'2 mois' } ] # Après les 2 premières années
paysheet = context.getObject()
employee_object = paysheet.getDestinationSectionValue()
# Récupération de l'entreprise actuelle
currentOrg = None
if hasattr(employee_object,"default_career"):
currentOrg = employee_object["default_career"].getSubordinationValue()
if currentOrg == None:
return '???'
# Calcul du temps total dans cette entreprise
totalTime = 0
steps = employee_object.contentValues()
for step in steps:
if step.getPortalType() == "Career" and step.getId() != "default_career":
if step.getSubordinationValue() == currentOrg:
difference = step.getStopDate() - step.getStartDate()
if difference > 0:
totalTime = totalTime + difference
totalTime = int( totalTime + (DateTime() - employee_object["default_career"].getStartDate()) )
# Détermination du préavis
for i in range(len(seuils)):
if i < len(seuils)-1:
if seuils[i]['limite'] >= totalTime:
return seuils[i]['preavis']
return seuils[i]['preavis']
## Script (Python) "PaySheetTransaction_initializePreview"
##bind container=container
##bind context=context
##bind namespace=
##bind script=script
##bind subpath=traverse_subpath
import random
from Products.ERP5Type.Document import newTempBase
from string import zfill
global portal_object, num, l
portal_object = context.getPortalObject()
num = 0
l = []
# get all pre-calculated rates and bases
default_values = context.PaySheetTransaction_preCalculation()
# function to create a new preview line
def createPreviewLine ( new_id = None
, new_title = None
, new_base = None
, new_base_name = None
, new_employee_rate = None
, new_employer_rate = None
, new_service_url = None
, new_organisation_url = None
, new_salary_range_cat = None
, new_tax_cat = None
global portal_object, num, l
num += 1
int_len = 3
o = newTempBase(portal_object, new_id)
o.setUid('new_%s' % zfill(num, int_len))
o.edit(uid='new_%s' % zfill(num, int_len))
o.edit ( id = new_id
, title = new_title
, base = new_base
, base_name = new_base_name
, employee_share_rate = new_employee_rate
, employer_share_rate = new_employer_rate
, service_url = new_service_url
, organisation_url = new_organisation_url
, salary_range_cat = new_salary_range_cat
, tax_cat = new_tax_cat
# get all services related to pay sheet transaction
paysheet_services = []
erp5site = context.portal_url.getPortalObject()
for service in erp5site['service'].objectValues():
base_cat = service.getVariationRangeBaseCategoryList()
# a service is related to paysheet transaction if it has 'tax_category' et 'salary_range' as base category
if 'tax_category' in base_cat and 'salary_range' in base_cat:
# Sort the service list by id
paysheet_services.sort(lambda x, y: cmp(x.getId(), y.getId()))
# generate all lines for the preview form
for serv in paysheet_services:
cat_list = serv.getCategoryList()
# store all categories of the service into lists
tax_cat = []
range_cat = []
for cat in cat_list:
if str(cat).find('tax_category') != -1:
if str(cat).find('salary_range') != -1:
# create a line for every salary_range of the service
for base in range_cat:
name = serv.getId() + '/' + context.portal_categories.resolveCategory(base).getId()
# a preview line is composed of a base calculation, an employee share rate and an employer share rate
if default_values.has_key(name):
new_base = default_values[name]['base']
new_employee_rate = default_values[name]['employee_rate']
new_employer_rate = default_values[name]['employer_rate']
# create a preview line for every salary_range value of the service
createPreviewLine ( new_id = serv.getId()
, new_title = serv.getTitleOrId()
, new_base = new_base
, new_base_name = context.portal_categories.resolveCategory(base).getTitleOrId()
, new_employee_rate = new_employee_rate
, new_employer_rate = new_employer_rate
, new_service_url = serv.getRelativeUrl()
, new_organisation_url = serv.getSource()
, new_salary_range_cat = base
, new_tax_cat = tax_cat
# return the list of preview lines
return l
## Script (Python) "PaySheetTransaction_postCalculation"
##bind container=container
##bind context=context
##bind namespace=
##bind script=script
##bind subpath=traverse_subpath
True = 1
False = 0
global paysheet
paysheet = context.getObject()
paysheet_type = paysheet.getPortalType()
paysheet_line_type = 'Pay Sheet Line'
paysheet_cell_type = 'Pay Sheet Cell'
employee = paysheet.getDestinationSection()
employee_object = paysheet.getDestinationSectionValue()
employer = paysheet.getSourceSection()
employer_object = paysheet.getSourceSectionValue()
# delete all objects in the paysheet
id_list = []
for paysheet_item in paysheet.objectValues():
# this function register all paysheet informations in paysheet lines and cells
def createPaySheetItem(title='', res='', dest_org='', cells=[]):
global paysheet
# select good cells only
good_cells = []
for cell in cells:
if cell["base"] not in ('', 0, None) and cell["rate"] not in ('', 0, None):
if len(good_cells) == 0:
# get all variation categories used in cells
var_cat_list = []
for cell in good_cells:
# add a new Pay Sheet Line
payline = paysheet.newContent( portal_type = 'Pay Sheet Line'
, title = title
, resource = res
, destination_section = dest_org
, destination = dest_org
, variation_base_category_list = ('tax_category', 'salary_range')
, variation_category_list = var_cat_list
# fill each cell with values
for cell in good_cells:
paycell = payline.getCell(cell["x"], cell["y"], base_id = 'movement')
paycell.edit(quantity=-cell["base"], price=cell["rate"]/100.0)
# set the title of the paysheet if empty
months = ['janvier', 'fvrier', 'mars', 'avril', 'mai', 'juin', 'juillet', 'aot', 'septembre', 'octobre', 'novembre', 'dcembre']
if paysheet.getTitle() in ('', None):
new_title = 'Salaire ' + str(employee_object.getTitle())
if paysheet.getStartDate() not in ('', None):
new_title = ' ' + months[int(str(paysheet.getStartDate())[5:7])-1] + ' ' + str(paysheet.getStartDate())[0:4]
# get the ordered list of standard preview line objects
std_lines = context.PaySheetTransaction_initializePreview()
# this list contain all paysheet items, indexed by service
paysheet_items = {}
# scan every standard preview line to create an item for each service
for std_line in std_lines:
# get the service url (unique because containing the id)
service = std_line.getProperty('service_url')
# verify that the service is not existing
if not paysheet_items.has_key(service):
# create a temporary service item
temp_item = {}
# fill the new item with needed data
temp_item['title'] = std_line.getProperty('title')
temp_item['res'] = std_line.getProperty('service_url')
temp_item['dest_org'] = std_line.getProperty('organisation_url')
temp_item['cells'] = []
# add the new service item to the list
paysheet_items[service] = temp_item
# initialise the user preview line index
user_line_index = 0
# scan every standard preview line and get the correspondant user preview line to put user parameters in appropriate cells
for std_line in std_lines:
# define some values related to current standard preview line
service = std_line.getProperty('service_url')
salary_range_cat = std_line.getProperty('salary_range_cat')
tax_cat = std_line.getProperty('tax_cat')
# increment the user line index: we can use this strategy because preview lines (user or standard ones) are sorted
user_line_index += 1
# get user paysheet parameters stored in user preview line (=listbox)
for user_line in listbox:
# search the user preview line corresponding to the standard preview line
if user_line.has_key('listbox_key') and int(user_line['listbox_key'])==user_line_index:
# got it ! we have the right line
# get the base salary
base = user_line['base']
# scan allowed tax categories to get employee and/or employer share rate
for cat in tax_cat:
# define an empty new cell
new_cell = None
mployee_r = user_line['employee_share_rate']
mployer_r = user_line['employer_share_rate']
if str(cat).find('employer_share') != -1 and mployer_r not in (None, ''):
new_cell = { "x" : cat
, "y" : salary_range_cat
, "base" : base
, "rate" : mployer_r
if str(cat).find('employee_share') != -1 and mployee_r not in (None, ''):
new_cell = { "x" : cat
, "y" : salary_range_cat
, "base" : base
, "rate" : mployee_r
# add the cell to the conresponding paysheet item
if new_cell != None:
# create a paysheet item for each service with user data in it
for item in paysheet_items:
if paysheet_items[item]['cells'] not in ([], None, ''):
#print item
createPaySheetItem ( title = paysheet_items[item]['title']
, res = paysheet_items[item]['res']
, dest_org = paysheet_items[item]['dest_org']
, cells = paysheet_items[item]['cells']
# calculation of all paysheet transaction lines
# return to pay sheet
return context.REQUEST.RESPONSE.redirect(context.absolute_url() + '?portal_status_message=Pay+sheet+calculation+done.')
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<title>Calculate the Pay Sheet Transaction</title>
<field><id>listbox</id> <type>ListBox</type>
<all_columns type="list">[('title', 'Tax title'), ('base_name', 'Base name'), ('base', 'Base value'), ('employer_share_rate', 'Employer share rate'), ('employee_share_rate', 'Employee share rate')]</all_columns>
<all_editable_columns type="list">[('base', 'Base value'), ('employer_share_rate', 'Employer share rate'), ('employee_share_rate', 'Employee share rate')]</all_editable_columns>
<columns type="list">[('title', 'Tax title'), ('base_name', 'Base name'), ('base', 'Base value'), ('employer_share_rate', 'Employer share rate'), ('employee_share_rate', 'Employee share rate')]</columns>
<default_params type="list">[]</default_params>
<domain_root_list type="list">[]</domain_root_list>
<domain_tree type="int">0</domain_tree>
<editable type="int">1</editable>
<editable_columns type="list">[('base', 'Base value'), ('employer_share_rate', 'Employer share rate'), ('employee_share_rate', 'Employee share rate')]</editable_columns>
<enabled type="int">1</enabled>
<global_attributes type="list">[]</global_attributes>
<hidden type="int">0</hidden>
<lines type="int">100</lines>
<list_method type="method">PaySheetTransaction_initializePreview</list_method>
<meta_types type="list">[]</meta_types>
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<report_root_list type="list">[]</report_root_list>
<report_tree type="int">0</report_tree>
<search type="int">0</search>
<search_columns type="list">[]</search_columns>
<select type="int">0</select>
<sort type="list">[('title', 'Tax title'), ('base_name', 'Base name')]</sort>
<sort_columns type="list">[]</sort_columns>
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<field><id>listbox_title</id> <type>StringField</type>
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<message name="external_validator_failed">The input failed the external validator.</message>
<message name="required_not_found">Input is required but no input given.</message>
<message name="too_long">Too much input was given.</message>
<field><id>listbox_base</id> <type>FloatField</type>
<display_width type="int">15</display_width>
<editable type="int">1</editable>
<enabled type="int">1</enabled>
<hidden type="int">0</hidden>
<required type="int">0</required>
<title>Base value</title>
<whitespace_preserve type="int">0</whitespace_preserve>
<message name="external_validator_failed">The input failed the external validator.</message>
<message name="required_not_found">Input is required but no input given.</message>
<message name="not_float">You did not enter a floating point number.</message>
<field><id>listbox_employer_share_rate</id> <type>FloatField</type>
<display_width type="int">10</display_width>
<editable type="int">1</editable>
<enabled type="int">1</enabled>
<hidden type="int">0</hidden>
<required type="int">0</required>
<title>Employer share rate (%)</title>
<whitespace_preserve type="int">0</whitespace_preserve>
<message name="external_validator_failed">The input failed the external validator.</message>
<message name="required_not_found">Input is required but no input given.</message>
<message name="not_float">You did not enter a floating point number.</message>
<field><id>listbox_base_name</id> <type>StringField</type>
<display_width type="int">20</display_width>
<editable type="int">0</editable>
<enabled type="int">1</enabled>
<hidden type="int">0</hidden>
<required type="int">0</required>
<title>Base name</title>
<truncate type="int">0</truncate>
<unicode type="int">0</unicode>
<whitespace_preserve type="int">0</whitespace_preserve>
<message name="external_validator_failed">The input failed the external validator.</message>
<message name="required_not_found">Input is required but no input given.</message>
<message name="too_long">Too much input was given.</message>
<field><id>listbox_employee_share_rate</id> <type>FloatField</type>
<display_width type="int">10</display_width>
<editable type="int">1</editable>
<enabled type="int">1</enabled>
<hidden type="int">0</hidden>
<required type="int">0</required>
<title>Employee share rate (%)</title>
<whitespace_preserve type="int">0</whitespace_preserve>
<message name="external_validator_failed">The input failed the external validator.</message>
<message name="required_not_found">Input is required but no input given.</message>
<message name="not_float">You did not enter a floating point number.</message>
\ No newline at end of file
## Script (Python) "PaySheet_getReportLines"
##bind container=container
##bind context=context
##bind namespace=
##bind script=script
##bind subpath=traverse_subpath
report_items = context.PaySheet_zGetDetailedTotal()
report_lines = []
# scan every sql report item
for item in report_items:
line = { 'title' : None
, 'employer_totalbase' : None
, 'employer_rate' : None
, 'employer_total' : None
, 'employee_totalbase' : None
, 'employee_rate' : None
, 'employee_total' : None
, 'total' : None
# sort by employer/salary share
if item['variation_text'].find('employee_share') != -1:
line['title'] = item['parent_title']
line['employee_totalbase'] = item['base']
line['employee_rate'] = item['rate']
line['employee_total'] = item['total_price']
if item['variation_text'].find('employer_share') != -1:
line['title'] = item['parent_title']
line['employer_totalbase'] = item['base']
line['employer_rate'] = item['rate']
line['employer_total'] = item['total_price']
# scan every line and group them
# first grouping:
return report_lines
parent.title AS parent_title,
movement.variation_text AS variation_text,
destination.title AS destination_title,
movement.price AS rate,
- SUM(movement.quantity) AS base,
- SUM(movement.total_price) AS total_price
movement ON (movement.uid = catalog.uid)
catalog AS destination ON (movement.destination_uid = destination.uid)
catalog AS parent ON (catalog.parent_uid = parent.uid)
catalog.portal_type = "Pay Sheet Cell" <dtml-if year>and YEAR(movement.target_stop_date) = <dtml-sqlvar year type="int"> </dtml-if>
movement.resource_uid, movement.variation_text, movement.price
\ No newline at end of file
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