Commit c5760439 authored by Thomas Gambier's avatar Thomas Gambier 🚴🏼 Committed by Thomas Gambier

python3: default to python3.9 instead of python3.8

parent 3898b33d
...@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ parts = ...@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ parts =
python3 python3
[python3] [python3]
<= python3.8 <= python3.9
[python3-common] [python3-common]
recipe = slapos.recipe.cmmi recipe = slapos.recipe.cmmi
parts =
recipe = zc.recipe.egg
egg = selenium
# patch to support python3.9
selenium-patches =
selenium-patch-options = -p2
selenium = 3.141.0+SlapOSPatched001
...@@ -97,8 +97,8 @@ environment = ...@@ -97,8 +97,8 @@ environment =
[xcbproto] [xcbproto]
recipe = slapos.recipe.cmmi recipe = slapos.recipe.cmmi
shared = true shared = true
url = url =
md5sum = abe9aa4886138150bbc04ae4f29b90e3 md5sum = 3ee98337cda244996fab03df47e09df8
environment = environment =
PATH=${libxml2:location}/bin:%(PATH)s PATH=${libxml2:location}/bin:%(PATH)s
PYTHON=${buildout:executable} PYTHON=${buildout:executable}
...@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ extends = ...@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ extends =
../../component/nginx/buildout.cfg ../../component/nginx/buildout.cfg
../../component/openssl/buildout.cfg ../../component/openssl/buildout.cfg
../../component/curl/buildout.cfg ../../component/curl/buildout.cfg
./buildout.hash.cfg ./buildout.hash.cfg
parts = parts =
...@@ -36,7 +37,7 @@ parts = ...@@ -36,7 +37,7 @@ parts =
recipe = zc.recipe.egg recipe = zc.recipe.egg
eggs = eggs =
erp5.util erp5.util
selenium ${selenium:egg}
certifi certifi
${lxml-python:egg} ${lxml-python:egg}
interpreter = pythonwitheggs interpreter = pythonwitheggs
...@@ -126,6 +127,3 @@ output = ${buildout:directory}/ ...@@ -126,6 +127,3 @@ output = ${buildout:directory}/
[template-runTestSuite] [template-runTestSuite]
<= macro-template <= macro-template
output = ${buildout:directory}/ output = ${buildout:directory}/
selenium = 3.141.0
...@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ extends = ...@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ extends =
../../component/python-mysqlclient/buildout.cfg ../../component/python-mysqlclient/buildout.cfg
../../component/python-pynacl/buildout.cfg ../../component/python-pynacl/buildout.cfg
../../component/python-backports-lzma/buildout.cfg ../../component/python-backports-lzma/buildout.cfg
../../stack/slapos.cfg ../../stack/slapos.cfg
../../stack/nxdtest.cfg ../../stack/nxdtest.cfg
...@@ -296,6 +297,7 @@ eggs += ...@@ -296,6 +297,7 @@ eggs +=
${backports.lzma:egg} ${backports.lzma:egg}
${bcrypt:egg} ${bcrypt:egg}
${psycopg2:egg} ${psycopg2:egg}
slapos.libnetworkcache slapos.libnetworkcache
supervisor supervisor
${slapos.cookbook-setup:egg} ${slapos.cookbook-setup:egg}
...@@ -443,7 +445,6 @@ image = 1.5.25 ...@@ -443,7 +445,6 @@ image = 1.5.25
plantuml = 0.3.0:whl plantuml = 0.3.0:whl
pysftp = 0.2.9 pysftp = 0.2.9
requests-toolbelt = 0.8.0 requests-toolbelt = 0.8.0
selenium = 3.141.0
testfixtures = 6.11.0 testfixtures = 6.11.0
mysqlclient = 2.1.1 mysqlclient = 2.1.1
pexpect = 4.8.0 pexpect = 4.8.0
...@@ -62,6 +62,7 @@ extends = ...@@ -62,6 +62,7 @@ extends =
../../component/bcrypt/buildout.cfg ../../component/bcrypt/buildout.cfg
../../component/python-pynacl/buildout.cfg ../../component/python-pynacl/buildout.cfg
../../component/python-xmlsec/buildout.cfg ../../component/python-xmlsec/buildout.cfg
../../stack/caucase/buildout.cfg ../../stack/caucase/buildout.cfg
../../software/neoppod/software-common.cfg ../../software/neoppod/software-common.cfg
# keep neoppod extends last # keep neoppod extends last
...@@ -595,7 +596,7 @@ eggs = ${neoppod:eggs} ...@@ -595,7 +596,7 @@ eggs = ${neoppod:eggs}
pycountry pycountry
xfw xfw
jsonschema jsonschema
selenium ${selenium:egg}
pytesseract pytesseract
decorator decorator
networkx networkx
...@@ -813,7 +814,6 @@ uuid = 1.30 ...@@ -813,7 +814,6 @@ uuid = 1.30
validictory = 1.1.0 validictory = 1.1.0
xfw = 0.10 xfw = 0.10
xupdate-processor = 0.5 xupdate-processor = 0.5
selenium = 3.14.1
scikit-image = 0.14.0 scikit-image = 0.14.0
PyWavelets = 0.5.2 PyWavelets = 0.5.2
networkx = 2.1 networkx = 2.1
...@@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ bcrypt = 3.1.4 ...@@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ bcrypt = 3.1.4
bleach = 5.0.1 bleach = 5.0.1
CacheControl = 0.12.6:whl CacheControl = 0.12.6:whl
certifi = 2022.6.15 certifi = 2022.6.15
cffi = 1.14.0 cffi = 1.15.0
chardet = 3.0.4 chardet = 3.0.4
charset-normalizer = 2.1.1 charset-normalizer = 2.1.1
click = 8.1.3 click = 8.1.3
...@@ -165,6 +165,7 @@ configparser = 4.0.2:whl ...@@ -165,6 +165,7 @@ configparser = 4.0.2:whl
contextlib2 = 0.6.0.post1 contextlib2 = 0.6.0.post1
croniter = 0.3.25 croniter = 0.3.25
cryptography = 3.3.2 cryptography = 3.3.2
dataclasses = 0.8
dateparser = 0.7.6 dateparser = 0.7.6
decorator = 4.3.0 decorator = 4.3.0
defusedxml = 0.6.0 defusedxml = 0.6.0
...@@ -174,7 +175,10 @@ entrypoints = 0.3 ...@@ -174,7 +175,10 @@ entrypoints = 0.3
enum34 = 1.1.10 enum34 = 1.1.10
erp5.util = 0.4.74 erp5.util = 0.4.74
et-xmlfile = 1.0.1 et-xmlfile = 1.0.1
feedparser = 5.2.1 # need wheel because there is no
# (see
exceptiongroup = 1.0.0:whl
feedparser = 6.0.10
Flask = 1.1.2 Flask = 1.1.2
funcsigs = 1.0.2 funcsigs = 1.0.2
functools32 = 3.2.3.post2 functools32 = 3.2.3.post2
...@@ -184,6 +188,7 @@ gitdb2 = 2.0.5 ...@@ -184,6 +188,7 @@ gitdb2 = 2.0.5
GitPython = 2.1.11 GitPython = 2.1.11
greenlet = 0.4.17 greenlet = 0.4.17
h5py = 2.7.1 h5py = 2.7.1
h11 = 0.14.0
idna = 2.9 idna = 2.9
igmp = 1.0.4 igmp = 1.0.4
Importing = 1.10 Importing = 1.10
...@@ -225,6 +230,7 @@ netaddr = 0.7.19 ...@@ -225,6 +230,7 @@ netaddr = 0.7.19
netifaces = 0.10.7 netifaces = 0.10.7
notebook = 6.1.5 notebook = 6.1.5
openpyxl = 2.5.2 openpyxl = 2.5.2
outcome = 1.2.0
packaging = 16.8 packaging = 16.8
pandocfilters = 1.4.3 pandocfilters = 1.4.3
paramiko = 2.11.0 paramiko = 2.11.0
...@@ -232,7 +238,7 @@ parso = 0.7.1 ...@@ -232,7 +238,7 @@ parso = 0.7.1
passlib = 1.7.1 passlib = 1.7.1
pathlib2 = 2.3.5 pathlib2 = 2.3.5
patsy = 0.5.1 patsy = 0.5.1
pbr = 2.0.0 pbr = 5.9.0
pexpect = 4.8.0 pexpect = 4.8.0
pickleshare = 0.7.4 pickleshare = 0.7.4
pim-dm = 1.4.0nxd001 pim-dm = 1.4.0nxd001
...@@ -257,6 +263,7 @@ pyparsing = 3.0.9:whl ...@@ -257,6 +263,7 @@ pyparsing = 3.0.9:whl
pyroute2 = 0.6.9 pyroute2 = 0.6.9
pyrsistent = 0.18.1 pyrsistent = 0.18.1
PyRSS2Gen = 1.1 PyRSS2Gen = 1.1
PySocks = 1.7.1
pytest-runner = 5.2:whl pytest-runner = 5.2:whl
python-dateutil = 2.8.2:whl python-dateutil = 2.8.2:whl
pytz = 2022.2.1 pytz = 2022.2.1
...@@ -273,6 +280,7 @@ seaborn = 0.7.1 ...@@ -273,6 +280,7 @@ seaborn = 0.7.1
Send2Trash = 1.5.0 Send2Trash = 1.5.0
setproctitle = 1.1.10 setproctitle = 1.1.10
setuptools-dso = 1.7 setuptools-dso = 1.7
sgmllib3k = 1.0.0
simplegeneric = 0.8.1 simplegeneric = 0.8.1
singledispatch = singledispatch =
six = 1.16.0 six = 1.16.0
...@@ -287,6 +295,8 @@ slapos.recipe.template = 5.0 ...@@ -287,6 +295,8 @@ slapos.recipe.template = 5.0
slapos.toolbox = 0.128 slapos.toolbox = 0.128
statsmodels = 0.11.1 statsmodels = 0.11.1
smmap2 = 2.0.5 smmap2 = 2.0.5
sniffio = 1.3.0
sortedcontainers = 2.4.0
stevedore = 1.21.0:whl stevedore = 1.21.0:whl
subprocess32 = 3.5.4 subprocess32 = 3.5.4
supervisor = 4.1.0 supervisor = 4.1.0
...@@ -295,6 +305,8 @@ terminado = 0.9.1 ...@@ -295,6 +305,8 @@ terminado = 0.9.1
testpath = 0.4.4 testpath = 0.4.4
tornado = 6.1 tornado = 6.1
traitlets = 5.0.5 traitlets = 5.0.5
trio = 0.22.0
trio-websocket = 0.9.2
tzlocal = 1.5.1 tzlocal = 1.5.1
unicodecsv = 0.14.1 unicodecsv = 0.14.1
uritemplate = 3.0.0 uritemplate = 3.0.0
...@@ -304,6 +316,7 @@ webencodings = 0.5.1 ...@@ -304,6 +316,7 @@ webencodings = 0.5.1
Werkzeug = 2.0.2 Werkzeug = 2.0.2
wheel = 0.35.1:whl wheel = 0.35.1:whl
widgetsnbextension = 2.0.0 widgetsnbextension = 2.0.0
wsproto = 1.2.0
xml-marshaller = 1.0.2 xml-marshaller = 1.0.2
xlrd = 1.1.0 xlrd = 1.1.0
zc.lockfile = 1.4 zc.lockfile = 1.4
...@@ -321,6 +334,7 @@ certifi = 2020.4.5.1 ...@@ -321,6 +334,7 @@ certifi = 2020.4.5.1
charset-normalizer = 2.0.12 charset-normalizer = 2.0.12
click = 6.7 click = 6.7
distro = 1.6.0 distro = 1.6.0
feedparser = 5.2.1
pyparsing = 2.2.0 pyparsing = 2.2.0
pyrsistent = 0.16.1 pyrsistent = 0.16.1
requests = 2.27.1 requests = 2.27.1
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