Commit 4b67f87d authored by Tom Niget's avatar Tom Niget Committed by Xavier Thompson

Update install instructions

parent 9c7915df
......@@ -24,12 +24,27 @@ This repository, TODO.
## Getting started
### Install
#### From code
git clone --recursive
python3 -m venv typenv
source typenv/bin/activate
pip install ./typon-compiler
apt install libfmt-dev liburing-dev python3.12-dev libssl-dev
#### Using pip
pip install typon
### Install dependencies
apt install g++-13 libfmt-dev liburing-dev python3.12-dev libssl-dev
## Basic usage
......@@ -43,7 +58,7 @@ typon [-o/--output output] [-d/--debug] [-v/--verbose] input
Once generated, the C++ code file can be compiled using your compiler of choice:
$(CXX) -O3 input.cpp $(typon --cpp-flags)
$(CXX) -O3 $(typon --cpp-flags) input.cpp
Currently, you'll get the best support with G++ 13.
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