Commit 5afdb93c authored by Xavier Thompson's avatar Xavier Thompson


parent 3103e35b
# (*Working Title*) Typon
Typon is a three-part project to bring practical GIL-free concurrency to Python:
1. (*in progress*) [`typon/rt`](#typonrt-a-concurrency-runtime), a C++ concurrency runtime
2. (*not started*) [`typon/compiler`](#typoncompiler-a-python-to-c-compiler), a compiler from Python syntax into C++
3. (*not started*) [`typon/bindings`](#typonbindings-pythonc-bindings-for-typon), C++/Python bindings for interoperability with actual Python
## `typon/rt`, A Concurrency Runtime
......@@ -140,3 +145,94 @@ See `rt/examples` for hints.
2021. Nowa: a wait-free continuation-stealing concurrency platform.
## `typon/compiler`, A Python to C++ compiler
### Status
This part has not been started yet.
### Driving Idea
Several projects show that it is quite feasible to use Python's `ast` module
to write compilers that take Python syntax as input language. The abstract
syntax tree can then be used to generate C++ output code. The compiler may
freely reinterpret the input syntax and give it different semantic meanings
than in the original Python. As such it is a basis to create an independent
language with a Python-compatible syntax.
In particular such a compiler may use Python's `type hints` syntax for type
annotations to introduce static typing in the language and generate required
typing annotations in the C++ output.
### References
##### Language Design
- Abilian's [design note on syntax for a Python-derived language](
##### Technical References
- Python's [`ast` module](
- [PEP 484 - Type Hints](
- [PEP 526 – Syntax for Variable Annotations](
##### Related Works
- Lukas Martinelli's [`py14` project](
- [The `py2many` project](
- [`mypyc`](
- [`mycpp`, a Python to C++ translator](
## `typon/bindings`, Python/C++ bindings for Typon
### Status
This part has not been started yet.
### Driving Idea
The previous part `typon/compiler`, aims to produce a language that takes
Python syntax as input, but is otherwise completely independent of Python.
Using Python/C++ bindings, this language can be made to be interoperable
with true Python, allowing it to be called from standard Python and to call
standard Python code.
Using the first part `typon/rt`, concurrent code may acquire the Python GIL
asynchronously so as not to block the underlying worker thread, in order to
safely call standard Python code.
### References
##### Technical References
- [The Python Global Interpreter Lock](
##### Related Works
- [`nanobind`, a C++17/Python bindings library](
- [`pybind11`, a C++11/Python bindings library](
- [Cython](
- [The Cython+ project](
- [`mypyc`](
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