Commit c58e218e authored by Fabien Morin's avatar Fabien Morin

- add a second test to check that is possible to enter text with new lines (multi

- ODT skin is not needed

git-svn-id: 20353a03-c40f-0410-a6d1-a30d3c3de9de
parent 248bd1bb
No related merge requests found
......@@ -144,7 +144,6 @@ class TestFormPrintoutAsODG(TestFormPrintout):
request =
# 1. Normal case: "my_title" field to the "my_title" reference in the ODF document
odf_document = foo_printout.index_html(REQUEST=request)
self.assertTrue(odf_document is not None)
builder = OOoBuilder(odf_document)
......@@ -230,6 +229,69 @@ class TestFormPrintoutAsODG(TestFormPrintout):
self.assertTrue(content_xml.find("Français test2") > 0)
def test_02_TextFieldWithMultiLines(self):
mapping a field containing many lines ('\n') to a textbox
portal = self.getPortal()
# add a description field in the form
foo_form = self.portal.foo_module.test1.Foo_view
if foo_form._getOb("my_description", None) is None:
foo_form.manage_addField('my_description', 'Description', 'TextAreaField')
foo_module = self.portal.foo_module
if foo_module._getOb('test1', None) is None:
foo_module.newContent(id='test1', portal_type='Foo')
test1 = foo_module.test1
test1.setDescription('A text a bit more longer\n\nWith a newline !')
style_dict = {'{urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:text:1.0}line-break': {},
'{urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:text:1.0}p': {},
{'{urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:text:1.0}style-name': 'T4'}
# test target
foo_printout = portal.foo_module.test1.Foo_viewAsODGPrintout
original_file_content = self.getODFDocumentFromPrintout(foo_printout)
# extract content.xml from original odg document
original_doc_builder = OOoBuilder(original_file_content)
original_content_xml = original_doc_builder.extract("content.xml")
# get style of the title in the orignal test document
original_document_style_dict = self.getStyleDictFromFieldName(original_content_xml,
# check the style is good before the odg generation
self.assertEqual(original_document_style_dict, style_dict)
request =
# 1. Normal case: "my_title" field to the "my_title" reference in the ODF document
odf_document = foo_printout.index_html(REQUEST=request)
self.assertTrue(odf_document is not None)
# validate the generated document
builder = OOoBuilder(odf_document)
content_xml = builder.extract("content.xml")
content = etree.XML(content_xml)
final_document_style_dict = self.getStyleDictFromFieldName(content_xml,
# check the style is keept after the odg generation
self.assertEqual(final_document_style_dict, style_dict)
# check the two lines are prensent in the generated document
self.assertTrue(content_xml.find('A text a bit more longer') > 0)
self.assertTrue(content_xml.find('With a newline !') > 0)
# check there is two line-break in the element my_description
text_xpath = '//draw:frame[@draw:name="my_description"]//text:line-break'
node_list = content.xpath(text_xpath, namespaces=content.nsmap)
self.assertEqual(len(node_list), 2)
def test_suite():
suite = unittest.TestSuite()
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