• Fabien Morin's avatar
    ake anonymous subscription safer using a login and password to check the application progress : · a75f1e63
    Fabien Morin authored
    * update StandardSecurity Extension to be able to login with all annoymous application even if they are not reindexed and all portal types
    * change EGov_register to create a subscription form, assign login and password to it, and login with it. Now when you try to subscribe to egov, you are automatically relogged with the subscription form login
    * modify PDFDocument_viewLoginInformationPT to display the new login and password on submission
    * use the new css filename in template_erp5_egov_workspace, this avoid many error log message
    * improve WebSite_viewSubmissionWizardRenderer to avoid error messages on logs by testing current_action value. Steps are not displayed if there is no current_action (like in PDFDocument_viewLoginInformation form)
    * change egov_anonymous_workflow permission because now the subsciption form is edited as owner, so remove anonymous permission. This permit a better security on anonymous forms.
    * bring some correction on PDFDocument_validateFormDataBeforeSubmission
    git-svn-id: https://svn.erp5.org/repos/public/erp5/trunk@23571 20353a03-c40f-0410-a6d1-a30d3c3de9de
revision 3 Bytes