Commit 2f14fa18 authored by Kazuhiko Shiozaki's avatar Kazuhiko Shiozaki

fixup! ERP5Type/patches: use the first entry of HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR as the source IP address.

parent cc1e435d
......@@ -138,8 +138,9 @@ def createServer(application, logger, **kw):
global server
server = create_server(
TransLogger(application, logger=logger),
# We handle X-Forwarded-For by ourselves. See ERP5Type/patches/
# trusted_proxy='*',
# trusted_proxy_headers=('x-forwarded-for',),
......@@ -90,6 +90,7 @@ from Products.ERP5Type.patches import ZSQLMethod
from Products.ERP5Type.patches import MimetypesRegistry
from Products.ERP5Type.patches import users
from Products.ERP5Type.patches import Publish
from Products.ERP5Type.patches import WSGITask
# These symbols are required for backward compatibility
from Products.ERP5Type.patches.PropertyManager import ERP5PropertyManager
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import ZPublisher.HTTPRequest
from waitress.task import WSGITask
WSGITask_get_environment = WSGITask.get_environment
def get_environment(self):
if ZPublisher.HTTPRequest.trusted_proxies == ('',): # Magic value to enable this functionality
# Frontend-facing proxy is responsible for sanitising
# X_FORWARDED_FOR, and only trusted accesses should bypass
# that proxy. So trust first entry.
forwarded_for = dict(self.request.headers).get('X_FORWARDED_FOR', '').split(',', 1)[0].strip()
forwarded_for = None
environ = WSGITask_get_environment(self)
if forwarded_for:
environ['REMOTE_HOST'] = environ['REMOTE_ADDR'] = forwarded_for
return environ
WSGITask.get_environment = get_environment
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