Commit c4443632 authored by Julien Muchembled's avatar Julien Muchembled

sqlite: fix performance issue in replication

parent 5923f8f5
......@@ -740,17 +740,29 @@ class SQLiteDatabaseManager(DatabaseManager):
def getReplicationObjectList(self, min_tid, max_tid, length, partition,
if max_tid < min_tid or length == 0:
return ()
u64 = util.u64
p64 = util.p64
min_tid = u64(min_tid)
if length is None:
if not length:
length = -1
return [(p64(serial), p64(oid)) for serial, oid in self.query("""\
SELECT tid, oid FROM obj
WHERE partition=? AND tid<=?
AND (tid=? AND ?<=oid OR ?<tid)
ORDER BY tid ASC, oid ASC LIMIT ?""",
(partition, u64(max_tid), min_tid, u64(min_oid), min_tid, length))]
r = [(p64(serial), p64(oid)) for serial, oid in self.query(
"SELECT tid, oid FROM obj"
" WHERE partition=? AND tid=? AND ?<=oid"
" ORDER BY tid ASC, oid ASC LIMIT ?",
(partition, min_tid, u64(min_oid), length))]
if length > 0:
length -= len(r)
if not length:
return r
for serial, oid in self.query(
"SELECT tid, oid FROM obj"
" WHERE partition=? AND ?<tid AND tid<=?"
" ORDER BY tid ASC, oid ASC LIMIT ?",
(partition, min_tid, u64(max_tid), length)):
r.append((p64(serial), p64(oid)))
return r
def _getTIDList(self, offset, length, partition_list):
return (t[0] for t in self.query(
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