Commit 1b9ebbbb authored by Kurt Smith's avatar Kurt Smith Committed by Mark Florisson

indexing fix for copy contents C function in

parent 308c3516
No related merge requests found
......@@ -319,7 +319,10 @@ static int %(cfunc_name)s(const __Pyx_memviewslice *from_mvs, __Pyx_memviewslice
for k in range(ndim):
code += INDENT*(k+1) + "for(i%(k)d=0; i%(k)d<shape%(k)d; i%(k)d++) {\n" % {'k' : k}
code += INDENT*(k+2) + "idx%(k)d = i%(k)d * stride%(k)d;\n" % {'k' : k}
if k >= 1:
code += INDENT*(k+2) + "idx%(k)d = i%(k)d * stride%(k)d + idx%(km1)d;\n" % {'k' : k, 'km1' : k-1}
code += INDENT*(k+2) + "idx%(k)d = i%(k)d * stride%(k)d;\n" % {'k' : k}
# the inner part of the loop.
dtype_decl = from_mvs.dtype.declaration_code("")
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