Commit 79226357 authored by Stefan Behnel's avatar Stefan Behnel

Do not set "__path__" attribute on non-package modules.

parent 51c75def
......@@ -944,11 +944,13 @@ static CYTHON_SMALL_CODE int __Pyx_check_single_interpreter(void) {
return 0;
static CYTHON_SMALL_CODE int __Pyx_copy_spec_to_module(PyObject *spec, PyObject *moddict, const char* from_name, const char* to_name) {
static CYTHON_SMALL_CODE int __Pyx_copy_spec_to_module(PyObject *spec, PyObject *moddict, const char* from_name, const char* to_name, int allow_none) {
PyObject *value = PyObject_GetAttrString(spec, from_name);
int result = 0;
if (likely(value)) {
result = PyDict_SetItemString(moddict, to_name, value);
if (allow_none || value != Py_None) {
result = PyDict_SetItemString(moddict, to_name, value);
} else if (PyErr_ExceptionMatches(PyExc_AttributeError)) {
......@@ -978,10 +980,10 @@ static CYTHON_SMALL_CODE PyObject* ${pymodule_create_func_cname}(PyObject *spec,
if (unlikely(!moddict)) goto bad;
// moddict is a borrowed reference
if (unlikely(__Pyx_copy_spec_to_module(spec, moddict, "loader", "__loader__") < 0)) goto bad;
if (unlikely(__Pyx_copy_spec_to_module(spec, moddict, "origin", "__file__") < 0)) goto bad;
if (unlikely(__Pyx_copy_spec_to_module(spec, moddict, "parent", "__package__") < 0)) goto bad;
if (unlikely(__Pyx_copy_spec_to_module(spec, moddict, "submodule_search_locations", "__path__") < 0)) goto bad;
if (unlikely(__Pyx_copy_spec_to_module(spec, moddict, "loader", "__loader__", 1) < 0)) goto bad;
if (unlikely(__Pyx_copy_spec_to_module(spec, moddict, "origin", "__file__", 1) < 0)) goto bad;
if (unlikely(__Pyx_copy_spec_to_module(spec, moddict, "parent", "__package__", 1) < 0)) goto bad;
if (unlikely(__Pyx_copy_spec_to_module(spec, moddict, "submodule_search_locations", "__path__", 0) < 0)) goto bad;
return module;
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