Commit 7e233ab0 authored by realead's avatar realead Committed by Stefan Behnel

Fix the handling of --annotate-fullc in (GH-3103)

parent cd031618
......@@ -192,6 +192,7 @@ def parse_args_raw(parser, args):
def parse_args(args):
parser = create_args_parser()
options, args = parse_args_raw(parser, args)
if not args:
parser.error("no source files provided")
if options.build_inplace:
......@@ -201,11 +202,6 @@ def parse_args(args):
if options.language_level:
assert options.language_level in (2, 3, '3str')
options.options['language_level'] = options.language_level
return options, args
def main(args=None):
options, paths = parse_args(args)
if options.lenient:
# increase Python compatibility by ignoring compile time errors
......@@ -213,11 +209,17 @@ def main(args=None):
Options.error_on_uninitialized = False
if options.annotate:
Options.annotate = True
Options.annotate = options.annotate
if options.no_docstrings:
Options.docstrings = False
return options, args
def main(args=None):
options, paths = parse_args(args)
for path in paths:
cython_compile(path, options)
......@@ -2,6 +2,10 @@ from Cython.Build.Cythonize import (
create_args_parser, parse_args_raw, parse_args,
from Cython.Compiler import Options
from Cython.Compiler.Tests.Utils import backup_Options, restore_Options, check_global_options
from unittest import TestCase
import sys
......@@ -438,7 +442,41 @@ class TestCythonizeArgsParser(TestCase):
class TestParseArgs(TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self._options_backup = backup_Options()
def tearDown(self):
def check_default_global_options(self, white_list=[]):
self.assertEqual(check_global_options(self._options_backup, white_list), "")
def test_build_set_for_inplace(self):
options, args = parse_args(['foo.pyx', '-i'])
self.assertEqual(, True)
def test_lenient(self):
options, sources = parse_args(['foo.pyx', '--lenient'])
self.assertEqual(sources, ['foo.pyx'])
self.assertEqual(Options.error_on_unknown_names, False)
self.assertEqual(Options.error_on_uninitialized, False)
self.check_default_global_options(['error_on_unknown_names', 'error_on_uninitialized'])
def test_annotate(self):
options, sources = parse_args(['foo.pyx', '--annotate'])
self.assertEqual(sources, ['foo.pyx'])
self.assertEqual(Options.annotate, 'default')
def test_annotate_fullc(self):
options, sources = parse_args(['foo.pyx', '--annotate-fullc'])
self.assertEqual(sources, ['foo.pyx'])
self.assertEqual(Options.annotate, 'fullc')
def test_no_docstrings(self):
options, sources = parse_args(['foo.pyx', '--no-docstrings'])
self.assertEqual(sources, ['foo.pyx'])
self.assertEqual(Options.docstrings, False)
import os
import sys
import copy
from unittest import TestCase
from StringIO import StringIO
......@@ -10,32 +9,18 @@ except ImportError:
from .. import Options
from ..CmdLine import parse_command_line
from .Utils import backup_Options, restore_Options, check_global_options
class CmdLineParserTest(TestCase):
def setUp(self):
backup = {}
for name, value in vars(Options).items():
# we need a deep copy of _directive_defaults, because they can be changed
if name == '_directive_defaults':
value = copy.deepcopy(value)
backup[name] = value
self._options_backup = backup
self._options_backup = backup_Options()
def tearDown(self):
no_value = object()
for name, orig_value in self._options_backup.items():
if getattr(Options, name, no_value) != orig_value:
setattr(Options, name, orig_value)
# strip Options from new keys that might have been added:
for name in vars(Options).keys():
if name not in self._options_backup:
delattr(Options, name)
def check_default_global_options(self, white_list=[]):
no_value = object()
for name, orig_value in self._options_backup.items():
if name not in white_list:
self.assertEqual(getattr(Options, name, no_value), orig_value, msg="error in option " + name)
self.assertEqual(check_global_options(self._options_backup, white_list), "")
def check_default_options(self, options, white_list=[]):
default_options = Options.CompilationOptions(Options.default_options)
import copy
from .. import Options
def backup_Options():
backup = {}
for name, value in vars(Options).items():
# we need a deep copy of _directive_defaults, because they can be changed
if name == '_directive_defaults':
value = copy.deepcopy(value)
backup[name] = value
return backup
def restore_Options(backup):
no_value = object()
for name, orig_value in backup.items():
if getattr(Options, name, no_value) != orig_value:
setattr(Options, name, orig_value)
# strip Options from new keys that might have been added:
for name in vars(Options).keys():
if name not in backup:
delattr(Options, name)
def check_global_options(expected_options, white_list=[]):
returns error message of "" if check Ok
no_value = object()
for name, orig_value in expected_options.items():
if name not in white_list:
if getattr(Options, name, no_value) != orig_value:
return "error in option " + name
return ""
......@@ -1760,6 +1760,7 @@ class EndToEndTest(unittest.TestCase):
def runTest(self):
self.success = False
commands = (self.commands
.replace("CYTHONIZE", "PYTHON %s" % os.path.join(self.cython_root, ''))
.replace("CYTHON", "PYTHON %s" % os.path.join(self.cython_root, ''))
.replace("PYTHON", sys.executable))
old_path = os.environ.get('PYTHONPATH')
CYTHONIZE -i -3 not_annotated.pyx
PYTHON -c "import not_annotated; not_annotated.check()"
CYTHONIZE -i -3 --annotate default_annotated.pyx
PYTHON -c "import default_annotated; default_annotated.check()"
CYTHONIZE -i -3 --annotate-fullc fullc_annotated.pyx
PYTHON -c "import fullc_annotated; fullc_annotated.check()"
######## not_annotated.pyx ########
# check that html-file doesn't exist:
def check():
import os.path as os_path
assert not os_path.isfile(__name__+'.html')
######## default_annotated.pyx ########
# load html-site and check that the marker isn't there:
def check():
from codecs import open
with open(__name__+'.html', 'r', 'utf8') as html_file:
html =
from Cython.Compiler.Annotate import AnnotationCCodeWriter
assert (AnnotationCCodeWriter.COMPLETE_CODE_TITLE not in html) # per default no complete c code
######## fullc_annotated.pyx ########
# load html-site and check that the marker is there:
def check():
from codecs import open
with open(__name__+'.html', 'r', 'utf8') as html_file:
html =
from Cython.Compiler.Annotate import AnnotationCCodeWriter
assert (AnnotationCCodeWriter.COMPLETE_CODE_TITLE in html)
Markdown is supported
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