Commit c717f123 authored by Xavier Thompson's avatar Xavier Thompson

Assign cclass PyTypeObject pointer to underlying cypclass's wrapper instance

parent 2c3bf178
......@@ -82,19 +82,6 @@ def cypclass_iter_scopes(scope):
for e, s in cypclass_iter_scopes(cypclass_scope):
yield e, s
def generate_cypclass_typeobj_declarations(env, code, definition):
Generate pre-declarations of the PyTypeObject for each cypclass
for entry in cypclass_iter(env):
if definition or entry.defined_in_pxd:
# Todo: determine whether the __new__ called in the constructor
# actually returns an instance of the cypclass type.
# and do this computation only once
# (cf generate_cyp_class_wrapper_definition)
code.putln("static PyTypeObject %s;" % (entry.type.typeobj_cname))
......@@ -595,7 +582,7 @@ def generate_cyp_class_wrapper_definition(type, wrapper_entry, constructor_entry
code.putln("if(self) {")
code.putln("self->ob_cypyobject = new CyPyObject(); // for now")
code.putln("self->ob_cypyobject->ob_refcnt = 0;")
code.putln("self->ob_cypyobject->ob_type = &%s;" % type.typeobj_cname)
code.putln("self->ob_cypyobject->ob_type = %s;" % type.wrapper_type.typeptr_cname)
if init_entry:
......@@ -587,11 +587,12 @@ class ModuleNode(Nodes.Node, Nodes.BlockNode):
type_entries = [t for t in type_entries if t not in vtabslot_entries]
self.generate_type_header_code(type_entries, code)
code.putln("/* PyTypeObject pointer declarations for cypclasses */")
CypclassWrapper.generate_cypclass_typeobj_declarations(module, code, definition)
code.putln("/* PyTypeObject pointer declarations for all c classes */")
self.generate_c_class_declarations(module, code, definition)
code.putln("/* Deferred definitions for cypclasses */")
CypclassWrapper.generate_cyp_class_deferred_definitions(env, code, definition)
for entry in vtabslot_list:
self.generate_objstruct_definition(entry.type, code)
self.generate_typeobj_predeclaration(entry, code)
......@@ -620,7 +621,6 @@ class ModuleNode(Nodes.Node, Nodes.BlockNode):
defined_here = module is env
modulecode.putln("/* Module declarations from '%s' */" % module.qualified_name)
self.generate_c_class_declarations(module, modulecode, defined_here)
self.generate_cvariable_declarations(module, modulecode, defined_here)
self.generate_cfunction_declarations(module, modulecode, defined_here)
......@@ -1664,6 +1664,8 @@ class CppClassNode(CStructOrUnionDefNode, BlockNode):
if self.scope:
self.entry.type.wrapper_type = wrapper.entry.type
wrapper.entry.type.is_cyp_wrapper = 1
self.cyp_wrapper = wrapper
......@@ -1361,10 +1361,12 @@ class PyExtensionType(PyObjectType):
# early_init boolean Whether to initialize early (as opposed to during module execution).
# defered_declarations [thunk] Used to declare class hierarchies in order
# check_size 'warn', 'error', 'ignore' What to do if tp_basicsize does not match
# is_cyp_wrapper boolean Whether this extension type wraps a cypclass
is_extension_type = 1
has_attributes = 1
early_init = 1
is_cyp_wrapper = 0
objtypedef_cname = None
......@@ -3958,6 +3960,8 @@ def compute_mro_generic(cls):
class CypClassType(CppClassType):
# lock_mode string (tri-state: "nolock"/"checklock"/"autolock")
# _mro [CppClassType] or None The Method Resolution Order of this cypclass according to Python
# wrapper_type PyExtensionType the type of the cclass wrapper
is_cyp_class = 1
to_py_function = "__Pyx_PyObject_FromCyObject"
......@@ -3968,7 +3972,7 @@ class CypClassType(CppClassType):
self.activable = activable
self._mro = None
self._left_path_to_base = {}
self.typeobj_cname = None # set externally
self.wrapper_type = None # set during
# Return the MRO for this cypclass
# Compute all the mro needed when a previous computation is not available
......@@ -710,8 +710,6 @@ class Scope(object):
if cypclass:
type = PyrexTypes.CypClassType(
name, scope, cname, base_classes, templates = templates, lock_mode=lock_mode, activable=activable)
# generate PyTypeObject cname for cypclass
type.typeobj_cname = self.c_mangle(Naming.typeobj_prefix, name)
type = PyrexTypes.CppClassType(
name, scope, cname, base_classes, templates = templates)
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