Commit 5b5b82bd authored by Xavier Thompson's avatar Xavier Thompson

Add rust version of filesystem scanning program

parent ff711b05
name = "main"
version = "0.1.0"
authors = ["Leo Le Bouter <>", "Xavier Thompson <>"]
edition = "2018"
md-5 = "0.9.1"
sha-1 = "0.9.1"
sha2 = "0.9.1"
hex = "0.4.2"
anyhow = "1.0.32"
rmp-serde = "0.14.4"
nix = "0.18.0"
serde = { version = "1.0.115", features = ["derive"] }
base64 = "0.12.3"
rayon = "1.4.0"
serde_json = "1.0.57"
opt-level = 'z'
lto = true
codegen-units = 1
use anyhow::Result;
use rayon::prelude::*;
use serde::Serialize;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::{
io::{Read, Write},
sync::{Arc, Mutex},
#[derive(Debug, Serialize)]
struct FileStat {
st_dev: u64,
st_ino: u64,
st_nlink: u64,
st_mode: u32,
st_uid: u32,
st_gid: u32,
st_rdev: u64,
st_size: i64,
st_blksize: i64,
st_blocks: i64,
st_atime: i64,
st_atime_nsec: i64,
st_mtime: i64,
st_mtime_nsec: i64,
st_ctime: i64,
st_ctime_nsec: i64,
impl From<nix::sys::stat::FileStat> for FileStat {
fn from(x: nix::sys::stat::FileStat) -> Self {
Self {
st_dev: x.st_dev,
st_ino: x.st_ino,
st_nlink: x.st_nlink,
st_mode: x.st_mode,
st_uid: x.st_uid,
st_gid: x.st_gid,
st_rdev: x.st_rdev,
st_size: x.st_size,
st_blksize: x.st_blksize,
st_blocks: x.st_blocks,
st_atime: x.st_atime,
st_atime_nsec: x.st_atime_nsec,
st_mtime: x.st_mtime,
st_mtime_nsec: x.st_mtime_nsec,
st_ctime: x.st_ctime,
st_ctime_nsec: x.st_ctime_nsec,
#[derive(Default, Debug, Serialize)]
struct Tree {
childs: HashMap<String, Tree>,
stat: Option<FileStat>,
ignored: bool,
symlink_target: Option<String>,
md5: Option<String>,
sha1: Option<String>,
sha256: Option<String>,
sha512: Option<String>,
fn construct_fs_tree(
cur_tree: Option<Tree>,
path: &PathBuf,
dev_whitelist: &Vec<u64>,
ignored_dirs: &Vec<PathBuf>,
) -> Result<Tree> {
let mut cur_tree = match cur_tree {
Some(cur_tree) => cur_tree,
None => Tree {
stat: Some(nix::sys::stat::lstat(path)?.into()),
if !dev_whitelist.iter().any(|x| match &cur_tree.stat {
Some(stat) if stat.st_dev == *x => true,
_ => false,
}) {
return Ok(cur_tree);
if ignored_dirs.iter().any(|x| path.starts_with(x)) {
cur_tree.ignored = true;
return Ok(cur_tree);
let entries: Vec<Result<DirEntry, _>> = match std::fs::read_dir(&path) {
Ok(x) => x,
_ => return Ok(cur_tree),
let cur_tree = {
let cur_tree = Arc::new(Mutex::new(cur_tree));
entries.par_iter().for_each(|entry| match entry {
Ok(entry) => {
let mut tree = Tree {
stat: match nix::sys::stat::lstat(&entry.path()) {
Ok(s) => Some(s.into()),
_ => None,
match entry.file_type() {
Ok(file_type) if file_type.is_dir() => {
tree = construct_fs_tree(
Ok(file_type) if file_type.is_file() => {
if let Ok(mut file) = std::fs::File::open(&entry.path()) {
use md5::{Digest, Md5};
use sha1::Sha1;
use sha2::{Sha256, Sha512};
let mut md5 = Md5::new();
let mut sha1 = Sha1::new();
let mut sha256 = Sha256::new();
let mut sha512 = Sha512::new();
let buf: &mut [u8] = &mut [0; 64 * 1024];
loop {
match {
Ok(0) => {
tree.md5 = Some(hex::encode(md5.finalize()));
tree.sha1 = Some(hex::encode(sha1.finalize()));
tree.sha256 = Some(hex::encode(sha256.finalize()));
tree.sha512 = Some(hex::encode(sha512.finalize()));
Ok(n) => {
md5.update(&buf[0..n - 1]);
sha1.update(&buf[0..n - 1]);
sha256.update(&buf[0..n - 1]);
sha512.update(&buf[0..n - 1]);
Err(e) if e.kind() == std::io::ErrorKind::Interrupted => {
Err(e) => {
eprintln!("{:#?}", e);
Ok(file_type) if file_type.is_symlink() => {
tree.symlink_target = match std::fs::read_link(&entry.path()) {
Ok(target) => match target.to_str() {
Some(target_str) => Some(String::from(target_str)),
None => Some(String::from("<invalid unicode error>")),
Err(_) => None,
_ => {}
let mut locked = cur_tree.lock().unwrap();
.insert(entry.file_name().to_str().unwrap().to_string(), tree);
_ => {}
fn main() -> Result<()> {
let ignored_dirs = ["/opt/slapgrid", "/srv/slapgrid"]
let disk_partitions = ["/", "/boot"];
let dev_whitelist = disk_partitions
.filter_map(|p| match nix::sys::stat::lstat(&PathBuf::from(p)) {
Ok(stat) => Some(stat.st_dev),
Err(_) => None,
let tree = construct_fs_tree(
let result = serde_json::to_string_pretty(&tree)?;
let path = Path::new("result.json");
let mut file = File::create(&path).unwrap();
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