Commit ea6ba5dd authored by Xavier Thompson's avatar Xavier Thompson

Adapt to compiler changes

parent 90392daf
......@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ from stdlib.dirent cimport DIR, struct_dirent, opendir, readdir, closedir
from posix.unistd cimport readlink
cdef locked Scheduler scheduler
cdef lock Scheduler scheduler
cdef cypclass Node activable:
......@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ cdef cypclass Node activable: = name = st
void build_node(self, locked cyplist[dev_t] dev_whitelist, locked cyplist[string] ignore_paths):
void build_node(self, lock cyplist[dev_t] dev_whitelist, lock cyplist[string] ignore_paths):
# abstract
......@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ cdef cypclass DirNode(Node):
self.children = new cyplist[active Node]()
void build_node(self, locked cyplist[dev_t] dev_whitelist, locked cyplist[string] ignore_paths):
void build_node(self, lock cyplist[dev_t] dev_whitelist, lock cyplist[string] ignore_paths):
cdef DIR *d
cdef struct_dirent *entry
cdef string entry_name
......@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ cdef cypclass FileNode(Node):
Node.__init__(self, path, name, st)
self.error = False
void build_node(self, locked cyplist[dev_t] dev_whitelist, locked cyplist[string] ignore_paths):
void build_node(self, lock cyplist[dev_t] dev_whitelist, lock cyplist[string] ignore_paths):
cdef unsigned char buffer[BUFSIZE]
cdef bint eof = False
cdef bint md5_ok
......@@ -219,7 +219,7 @@ cdef cypclass SymlinkNode(Node):
string target
int error
void build_node(self, locked cyplist[dev_t] dev_whitelist, locked cyplist[string] ignore_paths):
void build_node(self, lock cyplist[dev_t] dev_whitelist, lock cyplist[string] ignore_paths):
size = + 1
real_size = readlink(self.path.c_str(), <char*>, size)
......@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ cdef cypclass Worker
# The 'inline' qualifier on this function is a hack to convince Cython to allow a definition in a .pxd file.
# The C compiler will dismiss it because we pass the function pointer to create a thread which prevents inlining.
cdef inline void * worker_function(void * arg) nogil:
worker = <locked Worker> arg
worker = <lock Worker> arg
sch = <Scheduler> <void*> worker.scheduler
cdef int num_remaining_queues
# Wait until all the workers are ready.
......@@ -51,19 +51,19 @@ cdef inline void * worker_function(void * arg) nogil:
cdef cypclass Worker:
deque[locked SequentialMailBox] queues
locked Scheduler scheduler
deque[lock SequentialMailBox] queues
lock Scheduler scheduler
pthread_t thread
locked Worker __new__(alloc, locked Scheduler scheduler):
lock Worker __new__(alloc, lock Scheduler scheduler):
instance = consume alloc()
instance.scheduler = scheduler
locked_instance = <locked Worker> consume instance
locked_instance = <lock Worker> consume instance
if not pthread_create(&locked_instance.thread, NULL, worker_function, <void *> locked_instance):
return locked_instance
printf("pthread_create() failed\n")
locked SequentialMailBox get_queue(locked self):
lock SequentialMailBox get_queue(lock self):
# Get the next queue in the worker's list or steal one.
with wlocked self:
if not self.queues.empty():
......@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ cdef cypclass Worker:
return queue
return self.steal_queue()
locked SequentialMailBox steal_queue(locked self):
lock SequentialMailBox steal_queue(lock self):
# Steal a queue from another worker:
# - inspect each worker in order starting at a random offset
# - skip this worker and any worker with an empty queue list
......@@ -100,15 +100,15 @@ cdef cypclass Worker:
cdef cypclass Scheduler:
vector[locked Worker] workers
vector[lock Worker] workers
pthread_barrier_t barrier
sem_t num_free_queues
atomic[int] num_pending_queues
sem_t done
volatile bint is_done
locked Scheduler __new__(alloc, int num_workers=0):
self = <locked Scheduler> consume alloc()
lock Scheduler __new__(alloc, int num_workers=0):
self = <lock Scheduler> consume alloc()
if num_workers == 0: num_workers = sysconf(_SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN)
sem_init(&self.num_free_queues, 0, 0)
sem_init(&self.done, 0, 0)
......@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ cdef cypclass Scheduler:
void post_queue(self, locked SequentialMailBox queue):
void post_queue(self, lock SequentialMailBox queue):
# Add a queue to the first worker.
main_worker = self.workers[0]
with wlocked main_worker:
......@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ cdef cypclass Scheduler:
# Signal that a queue is available.
void finish(locked self):
void finish(lock self):
# Wait until there is no more work.
done = &self.done
......@@ -163,17 +163,17 @@ cdef cypclass Scheduler:
cdef cypclass SequentialMailBox(ActhonQueueInterface):
deque[ActhonMessageInterface] messages
locked Scheduler scheduler
lock Scheduler scheduler
bint has_worker
__init__(self, locked Scheduler scheduler):
__init__(self, lock Scheduler scheduler):
self.scheduler = scheduler
self.has_worker = False
bint is_empty(const self):
return self.messages.empty()
void push(locked& self, ActhonMessageInterface message):
void push(locked self, ActhonMessageInterface message):
# Add a task to the queue.
if message._sync_method is not NULL:
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