Commit e227ad26 authored by Romain Courteaud's avatar Romain Courteaud 🐙

Drop not needed files.

parent 4f84be88
...@@ -148,30 +148,6 @@ module.exports = function (grunt) { ...@@ -148,30 +148,6 @@ module.exports = function (grunt) {
jschannel: { jschannel: {
src: '', src: '',
dest: 'lib/jschannel/jschannel.js' dest: 'lib/jschannel/jschannel.js'
jquery: {
src: '',
dest: 'lib/jquery/jquery.js'
jio: {
src: '',
dest: 'lib/jio/jio.js'
md5: {
src: '',
dest: 'lib/jio/md5.js'
sha256: {
src: '',
dest: 'lib/jio/sha256.js'
localstorage: {
src: '',
dest: 'lib/jio/localstorage.js'
complex_queries: {
src: '',
dest: 'lib/jio/complex_queries.js'
} }
}, },
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
(function (dependencies, module) {
if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
return define(dependencies, module);
if (typeof exports === 'object') {
return module(exports);
}(['exports'], function (window) {
/* A JavaScript implementation of the Secure Hash Algorithm, SHA-256
* Version 0.3 Copyright Angel Marin 2003-2004 -
* Distributed under the BSD License
* Some bits taken from Paul Johnston's SHA-1 implementation
(function () {
var chrsz = 8; /* bits per input character. 8 - ASCII; 16 - Unicode */
function safe_add (x, y) {
var lsw = (x & 0xFFFF) + (y & 0xFFFF);
var msw = (x >> 16) + (y >> 16) + (lsw >> 16);
return (msw << 16) | (lsw & 0xFFFF);
function S (X, n) {return ( X >>> n ) | (X << (32 - n));}
function R (X, n) {return ( X >>> n );}
function Ch(x, y, z) {return ((x & y) ^ ((~x) & z));}
function Maj(x, y, z) {return ((x & y) ^ (x & z) ^ (y & z));}
function Sigma0256(x) {return (S(x, 2) ^ S(x, 13) ^ S(x, 22));}
function Sigma1256(x) {return (S(x, 6) ^ S(x, 11) ^ S(x, 25));}
function Gamma0256(x) {return (S(x, 7) ^ S(x, 18) ^ R(x, 3));}
function Gamma1256(x) {return (S(x, 17) ^ S(x, 19) ^ R(x, 10));}
function newArray (n) {
var a = [];
for (;n>0;n--) {
return a;
function core_sha256 (m, l) {
var K = [0x428A2F98,0x71374491,0xB5C0FBCF,0xE9B5DBA5,0x3956C25B,0x59F111F1,0x923F82A4,0xAB1C5ED5,0xD807AA98,0x12835B01,0x243185BE,0x550C7DC3,0x72BE5D74,0x80DEB1FE,0x9BDC06A7,0xC19BF174,0xE49B69C1,0xEFBE4786,0xFC19DC6,0x240CA1CC,0x2DE92C6F,0x4A7484AA,0x5CB0A9DC,0x76F988DA,0x983E5152,0xA831C66D,0xB00327C8,0xBF597FC7,0xC6E00BF3,0xD5A79147,0x6CA6351,0x14292967,0x27B70A85,0x2E1B2138,0x4D2C6DFC,0x53380D13,0x650A7354,0x766A0ABB,0x81C2C92E,0x92722C85,0xA2BFE8A1,0xA81A664B,0xC24B8B70,0xC76C51A3,0xD192E819,0xD6990624,0xF40E3585,0x106AA070,0x19A4C116,0x1E376C08,0x2748774C,0x34B0BCB5,0x391C0CB3,0x4ED8AA4A,0x5B9CCA4F,0x682E6FF3,0x748F82EE,0x78A5636F,0x84C87814,0x8CC70208,0x90BEFFFA,0xA4506CEB,0xBEF9A3F7,0xC67178F2];
var HASH = [0x6A09E667, 0xBB67AE85, 0x3C6EF372, 0xA54FF53A, 0x510E527F, 0x9B05688C, 0x1F83D9AB, 0x5BE0CD19];
var W = newArray(64);
var a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j;
var T1, T2;
/* append padding */
m[l >> 5] |= 0x80 << (24 - l % 32);
m[((l + 64 >> 9) << 4) + 15] = l;
for ( var i = 0; i<m.length; i+=16 ) {
a = HASH[0]; b = HASH[1]; c = HASH[2]; d = HASH[3];
e = HASH[4]; f = HASH[5]; g = HASH[6]; h = HASH[7];
for ( var j = 0; j<64; j++) {
if (j < 16) {
W[j] = m[j + i];
} else {
W[j] = safe_add(safe_add(safe_add(Gamma1256(
W[j - 2]), W[j - 7]), Gamma0256(W[j - 15])), W[j - 16]);
T1 = safe_add(safe_add(safe_add(
safe_add(h, Sigma1256(e)), Ch(e, f, g)), K[j]), W[j]);
T2 = safe_add(Sigma0256(a), Maj(a, b, c));
h = g; g = f; f = e; e = safe_add(d, T1);
d = c; c = b; b = a; a = safe_add(T1, T2);
HASH[0] = safe_add(a, HASH[0]); HASH[1] = safe_add(b, HASH[1]);
HASH[2] = safe_add(c, HASH[2]); HASH[3] = safe_add(d, HASH[3]);
HASH[4] = safe_add(e, HASH[4]); HASH[5] = safe_add(f, HASH[5]);
HASH[6] = safe_add(g, HASH[6]); HASH[7] = safe_add(h, HASH[7]);
return HASH;
function str2binb (str) {
var bin = Array();
var mask = (1 << chrsz) - 1;
for(var i = 0; i < str.length * chrsz; i += chrsz)
bin[i>>5] |= (str.charCodeAt(i / chrsz) & mask) << (24 - i%32);
return bin;
function binb2hex (binarray) {
var hexcase = 0; /* hex output format. 0 - lowercase; 1 - uppercase */
var hex_tab = hexcase ? "0123456789ABCDEF" : "0123456789abcdef";
var str = "";
for (var i = 0; i < binarray.length * 4; i++) {
str += hex_tab.charAt((binarray[i>>2] >> ((3 - i%4)*8+4)) & 0xF) +
hex_tab.charAt((binarray[i>>2] >> ((3 - i%4)*8 )) & 0xF);
return str;
function hex_sha256(s){
return binb2hex(core_sha256(str2binb(s),s.length * chrsz));
window.hex_sha256 = hex_sha256;
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
/*! jQuery JSON plugin 2.4.0 | */
(function($){'use strict';var escape=/["\\\x00-\x1f\x7f-\x9f]/g,meta={'\b':'\\b','\t':'\\t','\n':'\\n','\f':'\\f','\r':'\\r','"':'\\"','\\':'\\\\'},hasOwn=Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;$.toJSON=typeof JSON==='object'&&JSON.stringify?JSON.stringify:function(o){if(o===null){return'null';}
var pairs,k,name,val,type=$.type(o);if(type==='undefined'){return undefined;}
if(type==='number'||type==='boolean'){return String(o);}
if(type==='string'){return $.quoteString(o);}
if(typeof o.toJSON==='function'){return $.toJSON(o.toJSON());}
if(type==='date'){var month=o.getUTCMonth()+1,day=o.getUTCDate(),year=o.getUTCFullYear(),hours=o.getUTCHours(),minutes=o.getUTCMinutes(),seconds=o.getUTCSeconds(),milli=o.getUTCMilliseconds();if(month<10){month='0'+month;}
if(typeof o==='object'){for(k in o){if(,k)){type=typeof k;if(type==='number'){name='"'+k+'"';}else if(type==='string'){name=$.quoteString(k);}else{continue;}
type=typeof o[k];if(type!=='function'&&type!=='undefined'){val=$.toJSON(o[k]);pairs.push(name+':'+val);}}}
return'{'+pairs.join(',')+'}';}};$.evalJSON=typeof JSON==='object'&&JSON.parse?JSON.parse:function(str){return eval('('+str+')');};$.secureEvalJSON=typeof JSON==='object'&&JSON.parse?JSON.parse:function(str){var filtered=str.replace(/\\["\\\/bfnrtu]/g,'@').replace(/"[^"\\\n\r]*"|true|false|null|-?\d+(?:\.\d*)?(?:[eE][+\-]?\d+)?/g,']').replace(/(?:^|:|,)(?:\s*\[)+/g,'');if(/^[\],:{}\s]*$/.test(filtered)){return eval('('+str+')');}
throw new SyntaxError('Error parsing JSON, source is not valid.');};$.quoteString=function(str){if(str.match(escape)){return'"'+str.replace(escape,function(a){var c=meta[a];if(typeof c==='string'){return c;}
\ No newline at end of file
/*global window, jQuery */
* route.js v1.0.0
* Copyright 2012, Romain Courteaud
* Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
* Date: Mon Jul 16 2012
"use strict";
(function (window, $) {
StatelessDeferred: function () {
var doneList = $.Callbacks("memory"),
promise = {
done: doneList.add,
// Get a promise for this deferred
// If obj is provided, the promise aspect is added to the object
promise: function (obj) {
var i,
keys = ['done', 'promise'];
if (obj === undefined) {
obj = promise;
} else {
for (i = 0; i < keys.length; i += 1) {
obj[keys[i]] = promise[keys[i]];
return obj;
deferred = promise.promise({});
deferred.resolveWith = doneList.fireWith;
// All done!
return deferred;
var routes = [],
current_priority = 0,
methods = {
add: function (pattern, priority) {
var i = 0,
inserted = false,
length = routes.length,
dfr = $.StatelessDeferred(),
context = $(this),
if (priority === undefined) {
priority = 0;
if (pattern !== undefined) {
escapepattern = pattern.replace(/[\-\[\]{}()*+?.,\\\^$|#\s]/g, "\\$&");
matchingpattern = escapepattern
.replace(/<int:\w+>/g, "(\\d+)")
.replace(/<path:\w+>/g, "(.+)")
.replace(/<\w+>/g, "([^/]+)");
while (!inserted) {
if ((i === length) || (priority >= routes[i][2])) {
routes.splice(i, 0, [new RegExp('^' + matchingpattern + '$'), dfr, priority, context]);
inserted = true;
} else {
i += 1;
return dfr.promise();
go: function (path, min_priority) {
var dfr = $.Deferred(),
context = $(this),
if (min_priority === undefined) {
min_priority = 0;
setTimeout(function () {
var i = 0,
found = false,
slice_index = -1,
slice_priority = -1;
for (i = 0; i < routes.length; i += 1) {
if (slice_priority !== routes[i][2]) {
slice_priority = routes[i][2];
slice_index = i;
if (routes[i][2] < min_priority) {
} else if (routes[i][0].test(path)) {
result = routes[i][0].exec(path);
dfr = routes[i][1];
context = routes[i][3];
current_priority = routes[i][2];
found = true;
if (i === routes.length) {
slice_index = i;
if (slice_index > -1) {
routes = routes.slice(slice_index);
if (found) {
} else {
return dfr.promise();
$.routereset = function () {
routes = [];
current_priority = 0;
$.routepriority = function () {
return current_priority;
$.fn.route = function (method) {
var result;
if (methods.hasOwnProperty(method)) {
result = methods[method].apply(
this,, 1)
} else {
$.error('Method ' + method +
' does not exist on jQuery.route');
return result;
}(window, jQuery));
* url.js v1.0.0
* Copyright 2012, Romain Courteaud
* Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
* Date: Mon Jul 16 2012
"use strict";
(function (window, $) {
var hashchangeinitialized = false,
getRawHash = function () {
return window.location.toString().split('#')[1];
callbackwrapper = function () {
if (previousurl !== window.location.hash) {
previousurl = window.location.hash;
if (currentcallback !== undefined) {
timeoutwrapper = function () {
window.setTimeout(timeoutwrapper, 500);
function UrlHandler() {}
UrlHandler.prototype = {
'generateUrl': function (path, options) {
var pathhash,
hash = '#',
if (path !== undefined) {
hash += encodeURIComponent(path);
hash = hash.replace(/%2F/g, '/');
pathhash = hash;
for (key in options) {
if (options.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
if (hash === pathhash) {
hash = hash + '?';
} else {
hash = hash + '&';
hash += encodeURIComponent(key) +
'=' + encodeURIComponent(options[key]);
return hash;
'go': function (path, options) {
window.location.hash = this.generateUrl(path, options);
'redirect': function (path, options) {
var host = window.location.protocol + '//' + +
window.location.pathname +;
window.location.replace(host + this.generateUrl(path, options));
// window.location.replace(window.location.href.replace(/#.*/, ""));
'getPath': function () {
var hash = getRawHash(),
result = '';
if (hash !== undefined) {
result = decodeURIComponent(hash.split('?')[0]);
return result;
'getOptions': function () {
var options = {},
hash = getRawHash(),
if (hash !== undefined) {
hash = hash.split('?')[1];
if (hash !== undefined) {
subhashes = hash.split('&');
for (index in subhashes) {
if (subhashes.hasOwnProperty(index)) {
subhash = subhashes[index];
if (subhash !== '') {
keyvalue = subhash.split('=');
if (keyvalue.length === 2) {
options[decodeURIComponent(keyvalue[0])] =
return options;
'onhashchange': function (callback) {
previousurl = undefined;
currentcallback = callback;
if (!hashchangeinitialized) {
if (window.onhashchange !== undefined) {
$(window).bind('hashchange', callbackwrapper);
} else {
hashchangeinitialized = true;
// Expose to the global object
$.url = new UrlHandler();
}(window, jQuery));
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