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  1. 20 Mar, 2018 4 commits
    • Boxiang Sun's avatar
      CMFActivity: Use a random value for activity uids · 4500b04a
      Boxiang Sun authored
      Sequential number generators stored in a fixed-size format eventually run
      out of values. But activity queues only care about what activities are
      currently present: any uid can be reused as soon as it is available.
      So stop using a sequential id generator for activity uids, and instead use
      random values.
      Vincent Pelletier:
      - Commit message.
      - Minor formatting changes.
      - Do probability computations, and increase activity uid storage size to
        64bits integers, up from 32.
      - Apply to SQLJobLib too.
    • Vincent Pelletier's avatar
      CMFActivity: Stop deleting duplicates during SQLDict.distribute · a001329f
      Vincent Pelletier authored
      Duplicate message detection is not good enough: different messages with
      the same unicity value may bear different serialization_tags. This code
      does not takes this into account, which can lead to deleting such tagged
      message and validate an untagged one, which breaks serialization_tag
      contract of preventing any further activity validation until execution
      of all such-tagged validated activities is successful.
      Also, it is not validation's node job to deduplicate: it can happen during
      message execution without slowing down this crucial (performance-wise)
      activity node.
      As a result, distribute methods of SQLDict and SQLQueue can be factorised.
    • Romain Courteaud's avatar
    • Tristan Cavelier's avatar
  2. 19 Mar, 2018 4 commits
  3. 18 Mar, 2018 1 commit
  4. 16 Mar, 2018 15 commits
  5. 15 Mar, 2018 5 commits
  6. 14 Mar, 2018 6 commits
    • Roque's avatar
      Scalability roque benchmark · d9ecd33d
      Roque authored
      - Thread classes to run commands and collect metrics for tests.
      - Refactoring in benchmark process and result
      /reviewed-on nexedi/erp5!588
    • Roque's avatar
      scalability: run scalability test script update · 36ee6bd8
      Roque authored
      - the commands to run the tests are launched using threads
      - a thread is used to ask instance for metrics periodically
      - refactoring for a more generic code
      - refactoring in log handling
      - old code related to created documents and create users removed
      - new script parameters
      - general refactoring and cleanup
    • Roque's avatar
      testnode: scalability test runner update · 3a7b6b55
      Roque authored
      - hardcoded software release url removed (http with password protection for now)
      - scalability runner handles frontend request. It asks for a local master frontend apache software installation and instance request.
      - testsuite brings the urls corresponding to instance, bootstrap, metrics collection.
      - vinculation between scalability runner and runScalability script. Process manager is used to run the script as a command.
      - scalability runner manages the test result cases and loops among different testsuite configurations.
      - userhosts software is used to run the command for the runScalability script, to solve DNS.
      - refactoring according to last changes in TaskDistribution
      - general refactoring and cleanup
    • Roque's avatar
    • Roque's avatar
      tesnode: slapos master communicator handles frontend request · 162fc8e0
      Roque authored
      - communicator considers requests of master frontend and instance destruction.
      - communicator retrieves frontend related information from instances.
      - minor refactoring and code cleanup.
    • Xiaowu Zhang's avatar
  7. 13 Mar, 2018 5 commits