1. 01 Jul, 2015 13 commits
  2. 30 Jun, 2015 12 commits
  3. 29 Jun, 2015 3 commits
    • Reinout van Rees's avatar
      Updated changelog · 94a5f2d4
      Reinout van Rees authored
    • Reinout van Rees's avatar
      In-place editing of os.walk results · 1030b3c6
      Reinout van Rees authored
      The [:] is necessary to edit the os.walk results in-place. Otherwise the
      filtering-out of .svn, CVS and so doesn't work as intended.
      (Note: this regression I put in was caught by one of the tests! Good that
      we've got such a large amount of tests!)
    • Reinout van Rees's avatar
      Properly handling non-ascii filenames in hashing function · be8bc821
      Reinout van Rees authored
      Added fs_to_text() function that ensures a filename is always unicode (python
      2) or str (python 3).
      os.walk() gets such a unicode dirname as start point, so that it tries to do
      its best on python2. The resulting filenames are converted to unicode to make
      really sure that the join() doesn't fail with a decoding error.
      The input to the hash function is encoded, as it gives an ascii encoding error
      otherwise on python 2.
  4. 26 Jun, 2015 2 commits
  5. 15 Jun, 2015 2 commits
    • Reinout van Rees's avatar
      Updated changelog · 1b8be67f
      Reinout van Rees authored
    • Reinout van Rees's avatar
      Removing develop-eggs/ directory before bootstrapping. · 55d76b34
      Reinout van Rees authored
      There is code in buildout to remove develop-eggs that it knows about.
      So if everything is OK, develop-egg removal works fine.
      If there's something fishy goign on, however, buildout
      doesn't clean it up enough. Zapping the entire directory upon bootstrap
      is a very effective way to prevent problems.
      Reason: the old osc.recipe.sysegg did add develop-eggs .egg-link files to the
      site-packages dir, effectively short-circuiting buildout's picked versions.
      Likewise an old bootstrap could have left a setuptoos.egg-link to an ancient
      setuptools version. I just this minute had to help a colleague with just such
      a problem.
  6. 12 Jun, 2015 4 commits
    • Reinout van Rees's avatar
      pep8 · 98eddb30
      Reinout van Rees authored
    • Reinout van Rees's avatar
      Removed setuptools import for --allow-site-packages · e09821eb
      Reinout van Rees authored
      The only effect of the import is that ez_setup's use_setuptools() function
      does a sys.exit(2) when the required version doesn't match the site package's
      If the import doesn't happen, use_setuptools() will just grab a matching
      version if the site package's version is too old.
      Note that the latest ez_setup.py scripts default to requiring the very latest
      setuptools version! So --allow-site-packages isn't really very useful this
    • Reinout van Rees's avatar
      Split a wrongly combined try/except ImportError · 7708fe6d
      Reinout van Rees authored
      The python 2/3 try/except for urlopen() was combined with an optional import
      of setuptools and pkg_resources.
      The end result is that IF you're on python2 and IF you use
      --allow-site-packages and IF you don't have setuptools installed, THEN you'll
      get an import error for the python 3 urlopen...
    • Reinout van Rees's avatar
      Unified capitalization · 5cd5374d
      Reinout van Rees authored
      All options' help text now start with a capital letter.
  7. 11 Jun, 2015 4 commits