Commit e7a448ec authored by Tom Niget's avatar Tom Niget

chore: remove irrelevant comments

parent 72f7e48c
......@@ -83,12 +83,9 @@ bin = {{ postgresql_location }}/bin
services= ${directory:service}
dbname = mattermost_production
# NOTE db name must match to what was used in KVM on (restore script grants access to this user)
superuser = mattermost-psql
# no password - pgsql will listen only on unix sockets (see below) thus access
# is protected with filesystem-level permissions.
# ( besides, if we use slapos.cookbook:generate.password and do `password = ...`
# the password is stored in plain text in .installed and thus becomes insecure )
pgdata-directory = ${directory:srv}/postgresql
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