Commit 2d99db22 authored by zhifan huang's avatar zhifan huang

test: add tests for x509.Peer

contain hello0, hello, decode, encode
parent 37401c55
import unittest
import tempfile
import os
import struct
import hashlib
from mock import Mock, patch
from OpenSSL import crypto
from re6st.x509 import Peer, PACKED_PROTOCOL, fingerprint
from re6st.tests import tools
class TestPeer(unittest.TestCase):
def setUpClass(cls):
cls.ca_key, = tools.create_ca_file(os.devnull, os.devnull)
cls.serial = 16
def setUp(self):
self.p = Peer(self.prefix)
def prefix(self):
return format(self.serial, '016b')
def cert(self):
self._key, self._cert = tools.create_cert_file(os.devnull, os.devnull,, self.ca_key,
self.prefix, self.serial)
return crypto.load_certificate(crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, self._cert)
def test_gt(self):
p2 = Peer(format(0, '016b'))
self.assertGreater(self.p, p2)
def test_lt(self):
p2 = format((1<<17)-1, '016b')
self.assertLess(self.p, p2)
def test_hello0_0(self, crypto):
"0, A"
cert = "a cert"
crypto.return_value = b"cert"
res = self.p.hello0(cert)
self.assertEqual(b'\0\0\0\0' + b"cert", res)
def test_hello0_1(self):
"1, protocol, fingerprint(B), A"
self.p.cert = self.cert
self.serial += 1
cert = self.cert
res = self.p.hello0(cert)
expect = (b'\0\0\0\1'
+ fingerprint(self.p.cert).digest()
+ crypto.dump_certificate(crypto.FILETYPE_ASN1, cert))
self.assertEqual(expect, res)
def test_hello(self):
self.p.cert = self.cert
cert = Mock()
sign = cert.sign.return_value = b"a sign"
res = self.p.hello(cert, PROTOCOL)
self.assertTrue(res.startswith(b'\0\0\0\2' + PACKED_PROTOCOL))
# verify encrypt key
code = res[len(b'\0\0\0\2' + PACKED_PROTOCOL): -len(sign)]
decode_key = tools.decrypt(self._key, code)
self.assertEqual(self.p._key, decode_key)
self.assertEqual(self.p._i, 2)
self.assertEqual(self.p._j, 2)
def test_decode_valid(self):
"""seqno > 2"""
self.p._i = 2
seqno = 3
seqno = struct.pack("!L", seqno)
msg = b"a msg"
_hmac = self.p._hmac(seqno + msg)
res = self.p.decode(seqno + msg + _hmac)
self.assertEqual(res, msg)
def test_decode_wrong_hamc(self):
"""seqno > 2 but wrong hmac"""
self.p._i = 2
seqno = 3
seqno = struct.pack("!L", seqno)
msg = b"a msg"
_hmac = "self.p._hmac(seqno + msg)"
res = self.p.decode(seqno + msg + _hmac)
self.assertEqual(res, None)
def test_decode_0(self):
"""seqno = 0"""
seqno = b'\0\0\0\0'
msg = b"a msg"
res = self.p.decode(seqno + msg)
self.assertEqual(res, (0, msg, None))
def test_decode_1(self):
"""seqno = 1"""
seqno = b'\0\0\0\1'
msg = b"a msg"
res = self.p.decode(seqno + PACKED_PROTOCOL +msg)
self.assertEqual(res, (1, msg, PROTOCOL))
def test_encode(self, _hmac):
new_j = self.p._j = 2
new_j += 1
msg = b"a msg"
hmac_msg = _hmac.return_value = b'a hmac'
res = self.p.encode(b"a msg")
self.assertEqual(struct.pack("!L", new_j) + msg + hmac_msg, res)
self.assertEqual(new_j, self.p._j)
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