Commit df748282 authored by Tres Seaver's avatar Tres Seaver

Moved import of ``IBroken`` interface to use new ``zope.broken`` package

 o That package has no dependencies beyond ``zope.interface``.
Made ``test`` part pull in the extra test requirements of this package.

Split the ``z3c.recipe.compattest`` configuration out into a new file,

 o New file, ``compat.cfg``, allows doing the full compatibility testing
   without adding the extra dependencies while doing standard unit tests.

Stripped out bogus develop eggs from ``buildout.cfg``.
parent c3b98fe1
......@@ -5,7 +5,15 @@ CHANGES
3.7.1 (unreleased)
- ...
- Moved import of ``IBroken`` interface to use new ``zope.broken``
package, which has no dependencies beyond ``zope.interface``.
- Made ``test`` part pull in the extra test requirements of this package.
- Split the ``z3c.recipe.compattest`` configuration out into a new file,
``compat.cfg``, to reduce the burden of doing standard unit tests.
- Stripped out bogus develop eggs from ``buildout.cfg``.
3.7.0 (2009-01-31)
develop = .
parts = test graph compat
parts = test graph
versions = versions
......@@ -12,15 +9,9 @@ = 3.5
recipe = zc.recipe.testrunner
eggs = zope.container
eggs = zope.container[test]
recipe = zc.recipe.egg
eggs = ${test:eggs}
recipe = z3c.recipe.compattest
use_svn = true
svn_directory = /home/wosc/gocept/grok/sprint
max_jobs = 5
extends = buildout.cfg
develop = .
parts = compat
versions = versions
ZODB3 = 3.8 = 3.5
recipe = z3c.recipe.compattest
max_jobs = 5
......@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ setup(name='zope.container',
......@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ from zope.container.interfaces import IObjectRemovedEvent
from zope.container.interfaces import IContainerModifiedEvent
from zope.container._zope_container_contained import ContainedProxyBase
from zope.container._zope_container_contained import getProxiedObject
from import IBroken
from zope.broken.interfaces import IBroken
class Contained(object):
"""Stupid mix-in that defines `__parent__` and `__name__` attributes"""
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