Commit b0e52529 authored by Cédric Le Ninivin's avatar Cédric Le Ninivin

Cron doesn't include lxc by default, have to be choosen in slapprepare

Slapprepare now propose default parameters
parent 6b4d9629
......@@ -7,5 +7,3 @@ MAILTO=root
0 0 * * * root /opt/slapos/bin/slapgrid-ur --verbose --logfile=/opt/slapos/slapgrid-ur.log --pidfile=/opt/slapos/ /etc/opt/slapos/slapos.cfg >> /opt/slapos/slapgrid-ur.log 2>&1
0 0 * * * root /opt/slapos/bin/slapformat --verbose --log_file=/opt/slapos/slapformat.log -c /etc/opt/slapos/slapos.cfg >> /opt/slapos/slapformat.log 2>&1
# XXX: SlapContainer
*/5 * * * * root if [ -x /opt/slapgrid/843c2b4de8c5579427b072d00ec2ec9e/bin/slapcontainer ] ; then /opt/slapgrid/843c2b4de8c5579427b072d00ec2ec9e/bin/slapcontainer --pid /opt/slapos/ /etc/opt/slapos/slapos.cfg /opt/slapos/slapcontainer.db > /opt/slapos/slapcontainer.log 2>&1 ; fi
......@@ -71,12 +71,19 @@ def _call(cmd_args, stdout=None, stderr=None, dry_run=False):
(str(e), ' '.join(cmd_args)))
# Utility fonction to get yes/no answers
def get_yes_no (prompt):
ok= 0
while not ok:
answer=raw_input( prompt + " [y,n]: " )
def get_yes_no (prompt,default=None):
if default :
def_value = '/ Default yes'
elif default == False :
def_value = '/ Default no'
else :
def_value = ''
while True:
answer=raw_input( prompt + " [y,n] %s: " % def_value )
if answer.upper() in [ 'Y','YES' ]: return True
if answer.upper() in [ 'N', 'NO' ]: return False
if not default == None :
if answer == '' : return default
# Return OpenSUSE version if it is SuSE
def suse_version():
......@@ -260,6 +267,12 @@ log /var/log/openvpn.log""" % dict(
if not dry_run:
# Put file to force VPN if user asked
if config.force_slapcontainer :
if not dry_run:
# Removing line in slapos script activating kvm in virtual
if config.virtual:
if not dry_run:
......@@ -309,21 +322,24 @@ class Config:
def userConfig(self):
self.certificates = get_yes_no("Automatically register new computer to Vifib?")
self.certificates = get_yes_no("Automatically register new computer to Vifib?",True)
if self.certificates:
self.computer_name = raw_input("Define a unique name for this computer: ")
self.partition_amount = raw_input("""Number of SlapOS partitions for this computer? """)
self.virtual = get_yes_no("Is this a virtual Machine?")
self.partition_amount = raw_input("""Number of SlapOS partitions for this computer? Default is 20 :""")
if self.partition_amount == '':
self.partition_amount = 20
self.virtual = get_yes_no("Is this a virtual Machine?",False)
if not self.virtual:
self.one_disk = not get_yes_no ("Do you want to use SlapOS with a second disk?")
self.one_disk = not get_yes_no ("Do you want to use SlapOS with a second disk?",True)
self.force_vpn = get_yes_no ("Do you want to force the use of vpn to provide ipv6?")
self.force_vpn = get_yes_no ("Do you want to force the use of vpn to provide ipv6?",True)
self.force_vpn = get_yes_no ("Do you want to force the use lxc on this computer?",False)
if self.force_vpn :
self.ipv6_interface = "tapVPN"
else :
self.ipv6_interface = ""
self.need_ssh = get_yes_no("Do you want a remote ssh access?")
self.need_ssh = get_yes_no("Do you want a remote ssh access?",True)
def displayUserConfig(self):
if self.certificates:
......@@ -347,7 +363,7 @@ def slapprepare():
print "\nThis your configuration: \n"
if get_yes_no("\nDo you confirm?"):
if get_yes_no("\nDo you confirm?",True):
if config.certificates:
......@@ -408,3 +424,12 @@ def slapprepare():
print "Deleting directory: %s" % temp_directory
if __name__ == "__main__" :
config= Config()
while True :
print "\nThis your configuration: \n"
if get_yes_no("\nDo you confirm?"):
......@@ -113,20 +113,27 @@ mkdir -v -p -m 0755 $repo
# software detected, ready to run
# Set up cron
# Fix path in case of old config:
sed -i "s|$SLAPOS_GOOD_CONFIGURATION|$SLAPOS_CONFIGURATION|g" /etc/cron.d/slapos-node
# Remove default route for ipv6 in case of openvpn-needed
echo """# BEWARE: This file will be automatically regenerated on each boot
0 0 * * * root /opt/slapos/bin/slapformat --verbose --log_file=/opt/slapos/slapformat.log -c ${SLAPOS_CONFIGURATION}slapos.cfg >> /opt/slapos/slapformat.log 2>&1
*/5 * * * * root /opt/slapos/bin/slapgrid-cp --verbose --logfile=/opt/slapos/slapgrid-cp.log --pidfile=/opt/slapos/ ${SLAPOS_CONFIGURATION}slapos.cfg >> /opt/slapos/slapgrid-cp.log 2>&1
*/5 * * * * root /opt/slapos/bin/slapgrid-sr --verbose --logfile=/opt/slapos/slapgrid-sr.log --pidfile=/opt/slapos/ ${SLAPOS_CONFIGURATION}slapos.cfg >> /opt/slapos/slapgrid-sr.log 2>&1
0 0 * * * root /opt/slapos/bin/slapgrid-ur --verbose --logfile=/opt/slapos/slapgrid-ur.log --pidfile=/opt/slapos/ ${SLAPOS_CONFIGURATION}slapos.cfg >> /opt/slapos/slapgrid-ur.log 2>&1
0/10 * * * * root if [[ -f ${SLAPOS_CONFIGURATION}/openvpn-needed ]]; then ip -6 route del dev br0 ; fi
"""> /etc/cron.d/slapos
if [ -f ${SLAPOS_CONFIGURATION}/SlapContainer-needed ]; then
echo """
# XXX: SlapContainer
*/5 * * * * root if [ -x /opt/slapgrid/843c2b4de8c5579427b072d00ec2ec9e/bin/slapcontainer ] ; then /opt/slapgrid/843c2b4de8c5579427b072d00ec2ec9e/bin/slapcontainer --pid /opt/slapos/ ${SLAPOS_CONFIGURATION}slapos.cfg /opt/slapos/slapcontainer.db > /opt/slapos/slapcontainer.log 2>&1 ; fi
""" > /etc/cron.d/slapos-node
*/5 * * * * root if [ -x /opt/slapgrid/c436b64d40a48507801d06c53cc27fec/bin/slapcontainer ] ; then /opt/slapgrid/c436b64d40a48507801d06c53cc27fec/bin/slapcontainer --pid /opt/slapos/ ${SLAPOS_CONFIGURATION}slapos.cfg /opt/slapos/slapcontainer.db > /opt/slapos/slapcontainer.log 2>&1 ; fi
""" >> /etc/cron.d/slapos
# Setup more server like network parameters in order to avoid
# "Neighbour table overflow."
......@@ -7,5 +7,3 @@ MAILTO=root
0 0 * * * root /opt/slapos/bin/slapgrid-ur --verbose --logfile=/opt/slapos/slapgrid-ur.log --pidfile=/opt/slapos/ /etc/opt/slapos/slapos.cfg >> /opt/slapos/slapgrid-ur.log 2>&1
0 0 * * * root /opt/slapos/bin/slapformat --verbose --log_file=/opt/slapos/slapformat.log -c /etc/opt/slapos/slapos.cfg >> /opt/slapos/slapformat.log 2>&1
# XXX: SlapContainer
*/5 * * * * root if [ -x /opt/slapgrid/843c2b4de8c5579427b072d00ec2ec9e/bin/slapcontainer ] ; then /opt/slapgrid/843c2b4de8c5579427b072d00ec2ec9e/bin/slapcontainer --pid /opt/slapos/ /etc/opt/slapos/slapos.cfg /opt/slapos/slapcontainer.db > /opt/slapos/slapcontainer.log 2>&1 ; fi
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