Commit eac29cc9 authored by GoshaZotov's avatar GoshaZotov

draw custom pivot styles

parent 0e8c3fb8
......@@ -2777,20 +2777,33 @@
WorkbookView.prototype.af_getTablePictures = function (props, bPivotTable) {
var wb = this.model;
var t = this;
bPivotTable = true;
var result = [];
var canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
var styleThumbnailWidth = 61, styleThumbnailHeight = 46, row = 5, col = 5;
var customStyles = wb.TableStyles.CustomStyles, defaultStyles = wb.TableStyles.DefaultStyles;
var defaultStyles = wb.TableStyles.DefaultStyles;
styleThumbnailHeight = 49;
row = 8;
customStyles = null;
defaultStyles = wb.TableStyles.DefaultStylesPivot;
var customStyles = {};
for(var i in wb.TableStyles.CustomStyles)
if(bPivotTable && wb.TableStyles.CustomStyles[i].pivot)
customStyles[i] = wb.TableStyles.CustomStyles[i];
else if(!bPivotTable && wb.TableStyles.CustomStyles[i].table)
customStyles[i] = wb.TableStyles.CustomStyles[i];
if (AscBrowser.isRetina)
styleThumbnailWidth = AscCommon.AscBrowser.convertToRetinaValue(styleThumbnailWidth, true);
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