• Arnaud Fontaine's avatar
    erp5_configurator_standard_ui_test: Fix testFunctionalConfigurator failures... · 5be8733c
    Arnaud Fontaine authored
    erp5_configurator_standard_ui_test: Fix testFunctionalConfigurator failures with erp5testnode (b955dbe0).
    The following error occurred because setupAutomaticBusinessTemplateRepository()
    was called and only added bt5/ directory but not bootstrap bt5s directory:
      BusinessTemplateMissingDependency: While analysing erp5_dhtml_style the following dependency could not be satisfied: erp5_xhtml_style ()
      Reason: Business Template could not be found in the repositories
    Instead assume that bt5 repositories are set up properly.
    Also, running through erp5testnode requires apache-backend Timeout to be
    increased as waiting for upgrader activities to be processed can take
    ~15 minutes (!377).
test.erp5.testFunctionalConfiguratorConsulting.py 2.18 KB