Commit b78241cd authored by Arnaud Fontaine's avatar Arnaud Fontaine

ZODB Components: Interface Component: pylint was incorrectly emitting: `W:...

ZODB Components: Interface Component: pylint was incorrectly emitting: `W: __init__ method from base class is not called`.
parent d86d4626
......@@ -509,10 +509,12 @@ def checkPythonSourceCode(source_code_str, portal_type=None):
if portal_type == 'Interface Component':
# Interface inherits from InterfaceClass:
# __init__ method from base class %r is not called
## Interface inherits from InterfaceClass:
# Inheriting 'Interface', which is not a class. (inherit-non-class)
# Interfaces methods may have no arguments:
## Interfaces methods may have no arguments:
# Method has no argument (no-method-argument)
# Method should have "self" as first argument (no-self-argument)
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