Commit a5c57eae authored by Nicolas Wavrant's avatar Nicolas Wavrant

erp5_crm: use the new "whitespace number" preference when listing resources

parent d7fd5617
......@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ if indent_category == indent_resource == compact == None:
accessor_id = 'getCompactTranslatedTitle' if compact else 'getTranslatedTitle'
def getResourceItemList():
INDENT = '\xc2\xa0' * 2 # UTF-8 Non-breaking space
INDENT = portal_preferences.getPreferredWhitespaceNumberForChildItemIndentation() * '\xc2\xa0' # UTF-8 Non-breaking space
RESOURCE_INDENT = INDENT if indent_resource else ''
getResourceTitle = lambda resource, category, depth: RESOURCE_INDENT * depth + getattr(resource, accessor_id)()
if indent_category:
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