Commit 1fd7f70b authored by Sindre Sorhus's avatar Sindre Sorhus

funnyface.js: Convert to tabs

parent 742331b5
//a custom binding to handle the enter key
o_O.bindings.enterKey = function( func, $el ) {
var ENTER_KEY = 13;
var context = this;
$el.keyup(function(e) {
if( e.keyCode === ENTER_KEY );
var ENTER_KEY = 13;
var context = this;
$el.keyup(function(e) {
if( e.keyCode === ENTER_KEY );
o_O.bindingTypes.enterKey = 'outbound'
// represents a single todo item
var Todo = o_O.model.extend({
title: '',
completed: false
initialize: function() {
this.editing = o_O(false)
startEditing: function() {
this.editing( true )
var self = this
setTimeout(function() {
}, 0)
stopEditing: function() {
var text = $.trim( this.title() )
? this.title( text )
: this.remove()
this.editing( false )
remove: function() {
todoapp.todos.remove( this )
visible: function() {
var filter = todoapp.filter(),
completed = this.completed()
return filter == '' || (filter == 'completed' && completed) || (filter == 'active' && !completed)
klass: function() {
return 'editing'
return 'completed'
return ''
title: '',
completed: false
initialize: function() {
this.editing = o_O(false)
startEditing: function() {
this.editing( true )
var self = this
setTimeout(function() {
}, 0)
stopEditing: function() {
var text = $.trim( this.title() )
? this.title( text )
: this.remove()
this.editing( false )
remove: function() {
todoapp.todos.remove( this )
visible: function() {
var filter = todoapp.filter(),
completed = this.completed()
return filter == '' || (filter == 'completed' && completed) || (filter == 'active' && !completed)
klass: function() {
return 'editing'
return 'completed'
return ''
// main application
var TodoApp = o_O.model.extend({
current: '',
completedCount: 0,
filter: ''
}, {
initialize: function() {
var self = this
self.todos = o_O.array( this.todos() )
this.todos.on('set:completed set:title add remove', function() {
var completed = self.todos.filter(function(todo) {
return todo.completed()
self.completedCount( completed.length )
this.remainingCount = o_O(function() {
return self.todos.count() - self.completedCount()
// writeable computed observable
// handles marking all complete/incomplete
// or retrieving if this is true
this.allCompleted = o_O(function(v) {
if(arguments.length == 0) {
return self.remainingCount() == 0
self.todos.each(function(todo) {
todo.completed( v )
return v
add: function() {
var text = $.trim( this.current() );
if( text ) {
this.todos.unshift( Todo({title: text}) );
this.current( "" )
removeCompleted: function () {
this.todos.remove( function(todo) {
return todo.completed()
return false
persist: function() {
localStorage[ 'todos-o_O' ] = JSON.stringify( this.todos.toJSON() )
// adds an `s` where necessary
pluralize: function( word, count ) {
return word + (count === 1 ? "" : "s");
current: '',
completedCount: 0,
filter: ''
}, {
initialize: function() {
var self = this
self.todos = o_O.array( this.todos() )
this.todos.on('set:completed set:title add remove', function() {
var completed = self.todos.filter(function(todo) {
return todo.completed()
self.completedCount( completed.length )
this.remainingCount = o_O(function() {
return self.todos.count() - self.completedCount()
// writeable computed observable
// handles marking all complete/incomplete
// or retrieving if this is true
this.allCompleted = o_O(function(v) {
if(arguments.length == 0) {
return self.remainingCount() == 0
self.todos.each(function(todo) {
todo.completed( v )
return v
add: function() {
var text = $.trim( this.current() );
if( text ) {
this.todos.unshift( Todo({title: text}) );
this.current( "" )
removeCompleted: function () {
this.todos.remove( function(todo) {
return todo.completed()
return false
persist: function() {
localStorage[ 'todos-o_O' ] = JSON.stringify( this.todos.toJSON() )
// adds an `s` where necessary
pluralize: function( word, count ) {
return word + (count === 1 ? "" : "s");
function main() {
// load todos
var todos = []
try {
todos = JSON.parse( localStorage['todos-o_O'] );
catch(e) { }
// create models
for( var i=0; i < todos.length; i++ )
todos[ i ] = Todo.create( todos[i] )
// create app
window.todoapp = TodoApp( {todos: todos} )
// bind to DOM element
// setup Routing
.add('*filter', function(filt) {
$( '#filters a' )
.removeClass( 'selected' )
.filter( "[href='#/" + filt + "']" )
.addClass( 'selected' )
// load todos
var todos = []
try {
todos = JSON.parse( localStorage['todos-o_O'] );
catch(e) { }
// create models
for( var i=0; i < todos.length; i++ )
todos[ i ] = Todo.create( todos[i] )
// create app
window.todoapp = TodoApp( {todos: todos} )
// bind to DOM element
// setup Routing
.add('*filter', function(filt) {
$( '#filters a' )
.removeClass( 'selected' )
.filter( "[href='#/" + filt + "']" )
.addClass( 'selected' )
// kick it off
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