Commit 5257d1f1 authored by Rafael Monnerat's avatar Rafael Monnerat :ghost:

Implemented get erp5, zope and python current version (missing commit)

git-svn-id: 20353a03-c40f-0410-a6d1-a30d3c3de9de
parent ea82e700
......@@ -385,12 +385,15 @@ class IntrospectionTool(LogMixin, BaseTool):
buildout installer (server level) and build a complex custom
software home or product home
# XXX (rafael) it better use (and extend if needed) the portal_subversions.
if self.getSystemSignatureDict()["pysvn"] is None:
raise NotImplemented
# Library signature
# XXX this function can be cached to prevent save disk access.
# XXX this function can be cached to prevent disk access.
security.declareProtected(Permissions.ManagePortal, 'getSystemSignatureDict')
def getSystemSignatureDict(self):
......@@ -399,11 +402,16 @@ class IntrospectionTool(LogMixin, BaseTool):
'python': '2.4.3'
, 'pysvn': '1.2.3'
, 'ERP5' : "5.4.3"
NOTE: consider using autoconf / automake tools ?
def tuple_to_format_str(t):
return '.'.join([str(i) for i in t])
from Products import ERP5 as erp5_product
erp5_product_path = erp5_product.__file__.split("/")[:-1]
erp5_version = open("/".join((erp5_product_path) + ["VERSION.txt"])).read().strip()
zope_version = open(getConfiguration().softwarehome + "/version.txt").read().strip()
from sys import version_info
# Get only x.x.x numbers.
......@@ -416,8 +424,10 @@ class IntrospectionTool(LogMixin, BaseTool):
pysvn_version = None
return {
"python" : py_version,
"pysvn" : pysvn_version
"python" : py_version ,
"pysvn" : pysvn_version ,
"erp5" : erp5_version.replace("ERP5 ", ""),
"zope" : zope_version.replace("Zope ", "")
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