Commit f7b2142b authored by Douglas's avatar Douglas

initial commit

2015/05/01 00:00:00 UTC;3.0
2015/05/02 00:00:00 UTC;60.0
2015/05/03 00:00:00 UTC;59.962507811848994
2015/05/04 00:00:00 UTC;59.85012495834077
2015/05/05 00:00:00 UTC;59.663132338081276
2015/05/06 00:00:00 UTC;59.40199733523725
2015/05/07 00:00:00 UTC;59.06737265131934
2015/05/08 00:00:00 UTC;58.66009467376818
2015/05/09 00:00:00 UTC;58.181181385421375
2015/05/10 00:00:00 UTC;57.63182982008656
2015/05/11 00:00:00 UTC;57.013413070580306
2015/05/12 00:00:00 UTC;56.327476856711186
2015/05/13 00:00:00 UTC;55.575735661785174
2015/05/14 00:00:00 UTC;54.760068447290344
2015/05/15 00:00:00 UTC;53.88251395647168
2015/05/16 00:00:00 UTC;52.945265618534656
2015/05/17 00:00:00 UTC;51.95066606621463
2015/05/18 00:00:00 UTC;50.90120128041495
2015/05/19 00:00:00 UTC;49.799494376549475
2015/05/20 00:00:00 UTC;48.64829904811994
2015/05/21 00:00:00 UTC;47.45049268391651
2015/05/22 00:00:00 UTC;46.209069176044196
2015/05/23 00:00:00 UTC;44.92713143675181
2015/05/24 00:00:00 UTC;43.60788364276732
2015/05/25 00:00:00 UTC;42.25462322652473
2015/05/26 00:00:00 UTC;40.87073263430021
2015/05/27 00:00:00 UTC;39.45967087185806
2015/05/28 00:00:00 UTC;38.02496485873762
2015/05/29 00:00:00 UTC;36.57020061279124
2015/05/30 00:00:00 UTC;35.09901428700723
2015/05/31 00:00:00 UTC;33.615083081021
2015/06/01 00:00:00 UTC;32.12211605003108
2015/06/02 00:00:00 UTC;30.623844834092772
2015/06/03 00:00:00 UTC;29.124014330961337
2015/06/04 00:00:00 UTC;27.626373335797986
2015/06/05 00:00:00 UTC;26.13466517113426
2015/06/06 00:00:00 UTC;24.65261833051524
2015/06/07 00:00:00 UTC;23.18393715920739
2015/06/08 00:00:00 UTC;21.73229259526461
2015/06/09 00:00:00 UTC;20.301312994094896
2015/06/10 00:00:00 UTC;18.894575059461395
2015/06/11 00:00:00 UTC;17.51559490358573
2015/06/12 00:00:00 UTC;16.167819258698618
2015/06/13 00:00:00 UTC;14.854616862004274
2015/06/14 00:00:00 UTC;13.579270035591872
2015/06/15 00:00:00 UTC;12.344966482339625
2015/06/16 00:00:00 UTC;11.154791318317827
2015/06/17 00:00:00 UTC;10.011719361605277
2015/06/18 00:00:00 UTC;8.91860769679338
2015/06/19 00:00:00 UTC;7.878188533762637
2015/06/20 00:00:00 UTC;6.893062378580777
2015/06/21 00:00:00 UTC;5.965691533591989
2015/06/22 00:00:00 UTC;5.098393942943337
2015/06/23 00:00:00 UTC;4.29333739893158
2015/06/24 00:00:00 UTC;3.552534123651423
2015/06/25 00:00:00 UTC;2.8778357394881637
2015/06/26 00:00:00 UTC;2.270928641026093
2015/06/27 00:00:00 UTC;1.733329779940258
2015/06/28 00:00:00 UTC;1.266382873407289
2015/06/29 00:00:00 UTC;0.8712550455122836
2015/06/30 00:00:00 UTC;0.5489339100463764
2015/07/01 00:00:00 UTC;0.30022510198663754
2015/07/02 00:00:00 UTC;0.1257502638281638
2015/07/03 00:00:00 UTC;0.02594549180161554
2015/07/04 00:00:00 UTC;0.0010602458597408493
2015/07/05 00:00:00 UTC;0.05115672615740641
2015/07/06 00:00:00 UTC;0.17610971758361238
2015/07/07 00:00:00 UTC;0.3756069027340536
2015/07/08 00:00:00 UTC;0.6491496425419763
2015/07/09 00:00:00 UTC;0.9960542226161673
2015/07/10 00:00:00 UTC;1.4154535621708586
2015/07/11 00:00:00 UTC;1.9062993812761098
2015/07/12 00:00:00 UTC;2.4673648210117216
2015/07/13 00:00:00 UTC;3.09724750997559
2015/07/14 00:00:00 UTC;3.7943730694818623
2015/07/15 00:00:00 UTC;4.556999048687759
2015/07/16 00:00:00 UTC;5.3832192798131775
2015/07/17 00:00:00 UTC;6.270968642567494
2015/07/18 00:00:00 UTC;7.218028225874765
2015/07/19 00:00:00 UTC;8.222030873995793
2015/07/20 00:00:00 UTC;9.280467103184773
2015/07/21 00:00:00 UTC;10.390691374091642
2015/07/22 00:00:00 UTC;11.549928704232768
2015/07/23 00:00:00 UTC;12.755281604001926
2015/07/24 00:00:00 UTC;14.00373731888537
2015/07/25 00:00:00 UTC;15.292175359779018
2015/07/26 00:00:00 UTC;16.61737530258622
2015/07/27 00:00:00 UTC;17.976024837600736
2015/07/28 00:00:00 UTC;19.364728048556042
2015/07/29 00:00:00 UTC;20.78001390064742
2015/07/30 00:00:00 UTC;22.218344916311217
2015/07/31 00:00:00 UTC;23.676126017076612
2015/08/01 00:00:00 UTC;25.149713509389404
2015/08/02 00:00:00 UTC;26.635424191948353
2015/08/03 00:00:00 UTC;28.129544561790254
2015/08/04 00:00:00 UTC;29.62834009611328
2015/08/05 00:00:00 UTC;31.128064586639297
2015/08/06 00:00:00 UTC;32.624969503183394
2015/08/07 00:00:00 UTC;34.11531336302722
2015/08/08 00:00:00 UTC;35.59537108267727
2015/08/09 00:00:00 UTC;37.061443288633534
\ No newline at end of file
# coding: utf-8
# In[130]:
get_ipython().magic(u'matplotlib inline')
import csv
import requests
import ggplot
import matplotlib
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import statsmodels as sm
from sklearn import linear_model
from sklearn.gaussian_process import regression_models
from StringIO import StringIO
# need ssh tunnel to use this url
url = 'http://localhost:2200/erp5/portal_skins/erp5_r_order_prediction_tutorial/SaleOrderModule_getArimaPredictionList'
response = requests.get(url, auth=('zope', 'password'))
csv_file = StringIO()
ts = pd.read_csv(csv_file, sep=';',
X = (ts.index - ts.index[0]).days.reshape(-1, 1)
y = ts.values
X_train = X[:]
X_test = X[20:]
y_train = y[:]
y_test = y[20:]
# Linear Regression
lr = linear_model.LinearRegression(normalize=True), y_train)
print lr.score(X_test, y_test)
plt.scatter(X_test, y_test, color='black')
plt.plot(X_test, lr.predict(X_test), color='blue', linewidth=3)
# ElasticNet Regression
mtl = linear_model.ElasticNet(alpha=0.1, normalize=True), y_train)
plt.plot(X_test, mtl.predict(X_test), color='green', linewidth=2)
# SGD Regression
sgd = linear_model.SGDRegressor(shuffle=False, eta0=0.25), y_train)
plt.plot(X_test, sgd.predict(X_test), color='red', linewidth=1)
\ No newline at end of file
# coding: utf-8
# # Basic setup and data (with plot)
# In[1]:
get_ipython().magic(u'matplotlib inline')
import csv
import requests
import ggplot
import matplotlib
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import statsmodels.api as sm
import numpy as np
from statsmodels.tsa.arima_process import ArmaProcess
from StringIO import StringIO
# need ssh tunnel to use this url
url = 'http://zope:runescape@localhost:2200/erp5/portal_skins/erp5_r_order_prediction_tutorial/SaleOrderModule_getArimaPredictionList'
response = requests.get(url, auth=('zope', 'runescape'))
csv_file = StringIO()
ts = pd.read_csv(csv_file, sep=';',
# # Graphics to analyze auto correlation and partial auto correlation
# In[2]:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 8))
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(211)
fig =, lags=30, ax=ax1)
ax2 = fig.add_subplot(212)
fig =, lags=30, ax=ax2)
# Looks like partial correlation going to 0 after lag 3. So **ARMA(3,0)** might be an adequated model for out data.
# # Minimum order selection for ARMA
# In[28]:
answers = [sm.tsa.arma_order_select_ic(ts, ic=['aic'], trend=trend, fit_kw={'method': 'css'}) for trend in ['c', 'nc']]
for answer in answers:
print answer['aic_min_order']
# # Check if series is stationary
# Using the Augmented Dicker-Fuller test we can check if out data is stationary. For this, we need to get an **adf statistic** value __smaller__ (more negative) than the critical value at 5% for regression **c**, **ct** and **nc**.
# In[15]:
def check_stationarity(series, regression='c'):
regressions = {
'c': 'constant only',
'ct': 'constant and trend',
'ctt': 'constant, linear and quadratic trend',
'nc': 'no constant, no trend'
result = sm.tsa.adfuller(series, regression=regression, autolag='t-stat', store=True)
store = result[-1]
if store.adfstat > result[2]['5%']:
print 'Time series is not stationary with %s. See data below:' % regressions[regression]
print ' - adf statistics: ', store.adfstat
print ' - p-value: ', result[1]
print ' - critical values: ', store.critvalues
return False
print 'Time series is stationary with regression %s! :D\n' % regressions[regression]
return True
stationarity_tests = [check_stationarity(ts, regression) for regression in ['c', 'ct', 'ctt', 'nc']]
diff_ts = ts.diff()
# # Fit the ARIMA model and plot the data + forecast
# In[32]:
arima = sm.tsa.ARIMA(ts, (3,0,0))
arima_fit =
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax = ts.plot(ax=ax)
fig = arima_fit.plot_predict(100, 200, dynamic=True, ax=ax)
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