1. 17 Apr, 2016 1 commit
    • J. Goutin's avatar
      Feature/msvc discovery · 2fbcd342
      J. Goutin authored
      It's finished !! Now, it fully support MSVC from 9.0 to 14.0, and all theses standalone distributions:
      - Microsoft Visual C++ Compiler for Python 2.7 (MSVC++9.0, x86, amd64)
      - Microsoft Windows SDK 6.1 (MSVC++9.0, x86, x64, ia64)
      - Microsoft Windows SDK 7.0 (MSVC++9.0, x86, x64, ia64)
      - Microsoft Windows SDK 7.1 (MSVC++10.0, x86, x64, ia64)
      - Microsoft Visual C++ Build Tools 2015 (MSVC++14.0, x86, x64, arm)
      Next step:
      - Code review.
      - Test it with some MSVC versions/Architectures/Python versions combinations.
      I have also some comments on the global implementation:
      - I think `msvc9_find_vcvarsall` can now be deleted.
      - Maybe rename the file, by example "msvc_support.py".
      - Maybe Implementing it (And other distutils patchs) for not be only called by "setuptools", but also by "pkg_resources": This will automatically activate patchs for some externals packages like "Cython" transparently.
  2. 15 Mar, 2016 1 commit
    • Jason R. Coombs's avatar
      Merged in... · 127f30f8
      Jason R. Coombs authored
      Merged in JGoutin/setuptools-1/JGoutin/first-thanks-for-the-review-this-is-very-1456944704555 (pull request #180)
  3. 04 Mar, 2016 1 commit
  4. 03 Mar, 2016 1 commit
    • JGoutin's avatar
      * Move non registry parts from RegistryInfo to SystemInfo. · 72db3cf5
      JGoutin authored
      * Rename many variable to use the same names as in MSVC .bat files. This really help to compare the Python script with original sources.
      * Split compute_env to EnvironmentInfo class.
      * Continue to add support for MSVC14.
      * Some more little fixes.
  5. 02 Mar, 2016 1 commit
    • JGoutin's avatar
      First, thanks for the review. This is very instructive for me and the code is clearer now. · 75282e55
      JGoutin authored
      I tested your reviewed version, and it work (Tested only on Windows x86, Python 3.4, Windows SDK 7.1 actually).
      I did the following changes :
      * Add many docstrings, and improve existing ones.
      * Change some comments that was unclear.
      * Move .NET Framework directory/version finders in "RegistryInfo", like others.
      * Started to add support for the MSVC++14.0 standalone compiler. (Note that this is Work in progress). This also help me to find what fail in actual structure.
      * Add "msvc9_" prefix to actual patch functions and unpatched dict for better readability.
      * Add VCforPython27 alternative in _augment_exception for IA64 (Arch not supported by VCforPython27)
      * Replace "lib_extra" and "sdk_extra" by more generic "ccpu_dir" and "tcpu_dir" functions (For better compatibility with MSVC++14)
      * Changes some parts (like VSTools) for reduce line length, avoid repetitions and improve PEP8.
      * Make "unique_everseen" and "lookup" private.
      But, it is not finished, I need at least to do:
      - Finish MSVC++14 support.
      - Remove patch for "find_vcvarsall" for MSVC++9 ? (Now "query_vcvarsall" patch also support VC++ for Python 2.7)
      - Make more tests with more compilers/platforms/Python combination.
      - Check compatibility with MSVC++11 and 12.
      - Rename the file in "msvc_support.py" ? (not MSVC9 only)
      - Rename "RegistryInfo" ?
      - Make compute_env a class ? for split subparts like you did it for "RegistryInfo" and "PlatformInfo"
  6. 24 Feb, 2016 12 commits
  7. 23 Feb, 2016 12 commits
  8. 19 Feb, 2016 1 commit
  9. 18 Feb, 2016 1 commit
  10. 14 Feb, 2016 1 commit
  11. 12 Feb, 2016 8 commits