• Jim Fulton's avatar
    Merged revisions 71277 to 71397 from dev branch: · 74b4de9f
    Jim Fulton authored
    Feature Changes
    - Variable substitutions now reflect option data written by recipes.
    - A part referenced by a part in a parts list is now added to the parts
      list before the referencing part.  This means that you can omit
      parts from the parts list if they are referenced by other parts.
    - Added a develop function to the easy_install module to aid in
      creating develop eggs with custom build_ext options.
    - The build and develop functions in the easy_install module now
      return the path of the egg or egg link created.
    - Removed the limitation that parts named in the install command can
      only name configured parts.
    - Removed support ConfigParser-style variable substitutions
      (e.g. %(foo)s). Only the string-template style of variable
      (e.g. ${section:option}) substitutions will be supported.
      Supporting both violates "there's only one way to do it".
    - Deprecated the buildout-section extendedBy option.
To find the state of this project's repository at the time of any of these versions, check out the tags..
CHANGES.txt 6.58 KB