will be down from Thursday, 20 March 2025, 07:30:00 UTC for a duration of approximately 2 hours

Commit 5512c515 authored by Sebastien Robin's avatar Sebastien Robin

several bug fixes and improvement

git-svn-id: 20353a03-c40f-0410-a6d1-a30d3c3de9de
parent 60d49e77
......@@ -48,18 +48,35 @@ class DistributedRamCache(BaseCache):
def __init__(self, params):
self._servers = params.get('server', '')
self._debugLevel = params.get('debugLevel', 7)
self._cache = memcache.Client(self._servers.split('\n'), self._debugLevel)
self._last_cache_conn_creation_time = time()
def getCacheStorage(self):
## if we use one connection object this causes "MemCached: while expecting 'STORED', got unexpected response 'END'"
## messages in log files and thus sometimes can block the thread. For the moment we create
## a new conn object for every memcache access which in turns cmeans another socket.
## a new conn object for every memcache access which in turns means another socket.
## See addiionaly expireOldCacheEntries() comments for one or many connections.
self._cache = memcache.Client(self._servers.split('\n'), debug=self._debugLevel)
return self._cache
from Products.ERP5Type.Utils import get_request
request = get_request()
except ImportError:
request = None
if request:
## Zope/ERP5 environment
memcache_conn = request.get('_erp5_memcache_connection', None)
if not memcache_conn:
## we have not memcache_conn for this request
memcache_conn = memcache.Client(self._servers.split('\n'), debug=self._debugLevel)
request.set('_erp5_memcache_connection', memcache_conn)
return memcache_conn
## we have memcache_conn for this request
return memcache_conn
## run from unit tests
return memcache.Client(self._servers.split('\n'), debug=self._debugLevel)
def checkAndFixCacheId(self, cache_id, scope):
## memcached doesn't support namespaces (cache scopes) so to "emmulate"
## such behaviour when constructing cache_id we add scope in front
# Copyright (c) 2005 Nexedi SARL and Contributors. All Rights Reserved.
# Ivan Tyagov <>
# WARNING: This program as such is intended to be used by professional
# programmers who take the whole responsability of assessing all potential
# consequences resulting from its eventual inadequacies and bugs
# End users who are looking for a ready-to-use solution with commercial
# garantees and support are strongly adviced to contract a Free Software
# Service Company
# This program is Free Software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
Local RAM based cache plugin.
......@@ -114,15 +114,37 @@ class SQLCache(BaseCache):
def getCacheStorage(self):
Return current DB connection or create a new one.
Return current DB connection or create a new one for his thread.
especially threadsafety part why we create every time a new MySQL db connection object.
dbConn = MySQLdb.connect(host=self._db_server, \
from Products.ERP5Type.Utils import get_request
request = get_request()
except ImportError:
request = None
if request:
## Zope/ERP5 environment
dbConn = request.get('_erp5_dbcache_connection', None)
if not dbConn:
## we have not dbConn for this request
dbConn = MySQLdb.connect(host=self._db_server, \
passwd=self._db_passwd, \
request.set('_erp5_dbcache_connection', dbConn)
return dbConn
## we have already dbConn for this request
return dbConn
## run from unit tests
dbConn = MySQLdb.connect(host=self._db_server, \
passwd=self._db_passwd, \
return dbConn
return dbConn
def get(self, cache_id, scope, default=None):
sql_query = self.get_key_sql %(self._db_cache_table_name, cache_id, scope)
......@@ -162,7 +184,6 @@ class SQLCache(BaseCache):
now = time.time()
if forceCheck or (now > (self._last_cache_expire_check_at + self.cache_expire_check_interval)):
## time to check for expired cache items
#print "EXPIRE", self, self.cache_expire_check_interval
self._last_cache_expire_check_at = now
my_query = self.delete_expired_keys_sql %(self._db_cache_table_name, now)
......@@ -38,13 +38,6 @@ from Products.ERP5Cache.CachePlugins.RamCache import RamCache
from Products.ERP5Cache.CachePlugins.DistributedRamCache import DistributedRamCache
from Products.ERP5Cache.CachePlugins.SQLCache import SQLCache
## from Products.TimerService import getTimerService
##except ImportError:
## def getTimerService(self):
## pass
class CacheTool(BaseTool):
""" Caches tool wrapper for ERP5 """
......@@ -183,63 +176,13 @@ class CacheTool(BaseTool):
self.REQUEST.RESPONSE.redirect('cache_tool_configure?portal_status_message=Cache factory %s cleared.' %cache_factory_id)
security.declareProtected(Permissions.ModifyPortalContent, 'clearCacheFactoryScope')
def clearCacheFactoryScope(self, cache_factory_id, scope, REQUEST=None):
""" Clear only cache factory. """
ram_cache_root = self.getRamCacheRoot()
if ram_cache_root.has_key(cache_factory_id):
self.REQUEST.RESPONSE.redirect('cache_tool_configure?portal_status_message=Cache factory scope %s cleared.' %cache_factory_id)
# Timer - checks for cache expiration triggered by Zope's TimerService
## def isSubscribed(self):
## """
## return True, if we are subscribed to TimerService.
## Otherwise return False.
## """
## service = getTimerService(self)
## if not service:
## LOG('AlarmTool', INFO, 'TimerService not available')
## return False
## path = '/'.join(self.getPhysicalPath())
## if path in service.lisSubscriptions():
## return True
## return False
## security.declareProtected(Permissions.ManageProperties, 'subscribe')
## def subscribe(self):
## """
## Subscribe to the global Timer Service.
## """
## service = getTimerService(self)
## if not service:
## LOG('AlarmTool', INFO, 'TimerService not available')
## return
## service.subscribe(self)
## return "Subscribed to Timer Service"
## security.declareProtected(Permissions.ManageProperties, 'unsubscribe')
## def unsubscribe(self):
## """
## Unsubscribe from the global Timer Service.
## """
## service = getTimerService(self)
## if not service:
## LOG('AlarmTool', INFO, 'TimerService not available')
## return
## service.unsubscribe(self)
## return "Usubscribed from Timer Service"
## def manage_beforeDelete(self, item, container):
## self.unsubscribe()
## BaseTool.inheritedAttribute('manage_beforeDelete')(self, item, container)
## def manage_afterAdd(self, item, container):
## self.subscribe()
## BaseTool.inheritedAttribute('manage_afterAdd')(self, item, container)
## security.declarePrivate('process_timer')
## def process_timer(self, interval, tick, prev="", next=""):
## """
## This method is called by TimerService in the interval given
## in zope.conf. The Default is every 5 seconds. This method will
## try to expire cache entries.
## """
## ram_cache_root = self.getRamCacheRoot()
## for cf_id, cf_obj in ram_cache_root.items():
## cf_obj.expire()
......@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ from AccessControl import ClassSecurityInfo
from Products.CMFCore import CMFCorePermissions
from Products.ERP5Type.XMLObject import XMLObject
from Products.ERP5Type import PropertySheet
from Products.ERP5.PropertySheet.SortIndex import SortIndex
from Products.ERP5Cache.PropertySheet.BaseCachePlugin import BaseCachePlugin
from Products.ERP5Cache.PropertySheet.DistributedRamCachePlugin import DistributedRamCachePlugin
......@@ -57,5 +58,6 @@ class DistributedRamCachePlugin(XMLObject):
, PropertySheet.SimpleItem
, PropertySheet.Folder
, BaseCachePlugin
, SortIndex
, DistributedRamCachePlugin
......@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ from Products.CMFCore import CMFCorePermissions
from Products.ERP5Type.Base import Base
from Products.ERP5Type.XMLObject import XMLObject
from Products.ERP5Type import PropertySheet
from Products.ERP5.PropertySheet.SortIndex import SortIndex
from Products.ERP5Cache.PropertySheet.BaseCachePlugin import BaseCachePlugin
from Products.ERP5Cache.PropertySheet.SQLCachePlugin import SQLCachePlugin
......@@ -58,5 +59,6 @@ class SQLCachePlugin(XMLObject):
, PropertySheet.SimpleItem
, PropertySheet.Folder
, BaseCachePlugin
, SortIndex
, SQLCachePlugin
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE Project SYSTEM "Project-3.7.dtd">
<!-- Project file for project ERP5Cache -->
<!-- Saved: 2006-10-03, 20:15:31 -->
<!-- Saved: 2006-10-06, 19:59:47 -->
<!-- Copyright (C) 2006 Ivan Tyagov, -->
<Project version="3.7">
<ProgLanguage mixed="0">Python</ProgLanguage>
......@@ -99,6 +99,10 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE Tasks SYSTEM "Tasks-3.7.dtd">
<!-- Tasks file for project ERP5Cache -->
<!-- Saved: 2006-10-05, 17:54:47 -->
<!-- Saved: 2006-10-06, 20:07:54 -->
<Tasks version="3.7">
<Task priority="1" completed="0">
<Description>TODO: move result file path generation to runBenchmark.</Description>
......@@ -38,35 +38,13 @@
<Task priority="1" completed="0">
<Description>TODO: Based on above data we can have a different invalidation policy</Description>
<Created>2006-09-28, 13:08:57</Created>
<Created>2006-10-06, 20:00:38</Created>
<Task priority="1" completed="0">
<Description>TODO: make check not always but each 100 or n calls</Description>
<Created>2006-09-28, 13:08:57</Created>
<Task priority="1" completed="0">
<Description>TODO: check how to avoid problems with memcache whe using one connection to</Description>
<Created>2006-10-05, 16:42:13</Created>
# Copyright (c) 2005 Nexedi SARL and Contributors. All Rights Reserved.
# Ivan Tyagov <>
# WARNING: This program as such is intended to be used by professional
# programmers who take the whole responsability of assessing all potential
# consequences resulting from its eventual inadequacies and bugs
# End users who are looking for a ready-to-use solution with commercial
# garantees and support are strongly adviced to contract a Free Software
# Service Company
# This program is Free Software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
import random
import unittest
import time
......@@ -14,15 +42,15 @@ class Foo:
class TestRamCache(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.cache_plugins = (#RamCache(),
self.cache_plugins = (RamCache(),
DistributedRamCache({'servers': '',
'debugLevel': 7,}),
#SQLCache( {'server': '',
# 'user': '',
# 'passwd': '',
# 'db': 'test',
# 'cache_table_name': 'cache',
# }),
SQLCache( {'server': '',
'user': '',
'passwd': '',
'db': 'test',
'cache_table_name': 'cache',
def testScope(self):
......@@ -77,13 +105,13 @@ class TestRamCache(unittest.TestCase):
def testSetGet(self):
""" set value to cache and then get it back """
for cache_plugin in self.cache_plugins:
self.generaltestSetGet(cache_plugin, 1000)
self.generaltestSetGet(cache_plugin, 100)
## def testExpire(self):
## """ Check expired by setting a key, wit for its timeout and check if in cache"""
## for cache_plugin in self.cache_plugins:
## self.generalExpire(cache_plugin, 2)
## pass
def testExpire(self):
""" Check expired by setting a key, wit for its timeout and check if in cache"""
for cache_plugin in self.cache_plugins:
self.generalExpire(cache_plugin, 2)
def generalExpire(self, cache_plugin, iterations):
print "TESTING (expire): ", cache_plugin
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