• Kirill Smelkov's avatar
    gitlab/gitlab.yml: Slapos'ify rest of it · c3f1f0a9
    Kirill Smelkov authored
    Convert the rest of this configuration file to slapos.
    It is straightforward conversion of parameters except:
        - access-via-ssh is disabled (gitlab slapos version does not support
          ssh access and supports HTTP(S) only by design on purpose)
        - we do not support restricting possible projects visibility via
          instance parameter (very low chance this will be needed in
        - default issue-closing pattern is just ok for now and not
        - support for builds, build artifacts & CI is disabled (we do not
          support CI (yet ?))
        - some internal defaults are just ok (e.g. where to organize
          directory for keeping repositories archives for downloads)
        - reply-by-email is not supported (yet ?)
        - we do not support LFS (yet ?) - just plain git hosting is ok for now.
        - Gravatar defaults are ok for now and not configurable.
        - Support for LDAP is disabled
        - Support for Kerberos is disabled
        - Support for OmniAuth is disabled
        - Satellites path is just /dev/null as we start from version where
          satellites are already non-existent.
        - Uploading backups to somewhere via GitLab's builtin mechanism is
          not supported - we'll use SlapOS native backup and resiliency for
        - Support for Google analytics is disabled.
        - Support for Piwik is disabled.
        - we are ok (for now) with default rack-attack git settings
    /cc @kazuhiko, @jerome
gitlab.yml.in 15.6 KB