Commit 01cc2d5f authored by Ethan Furman's avatar Ethan Furman

Issue20653: fix ReST for Enum

parent 2da95046
......@@ -425,7 +425,7 @@ The solution is to specify the module name explicitly as follows::
.. warning::
If :param module: is not supplied, and Enum cannot determine what it is,
If ``module`` is not supplied, and Enum cannot determine what it is,
the new Enum members will not be unpicklable; to keep errors closer to
the source, pickling will be disabled.
......@@ -440,26 +440,26 @@ The complete signature is::
Enum(value='NewEnumName', names=<...>, *, module='...', qualname='...', type=<mixed-in class>)
:param value: What the new Enum class will record as its name.
:value: What the new Enum class will record as its name.
:param names: The Enum members. This can be a whitespace or comma seperated
:names: The Enum members. This can be a whitespace or comma seperated string
(values will start at 1)::
'red green blue', 'red,green,blue', 'red, green, blue'
'red green blue' | 'red,green,blue' | 'red, green, blue'
(values will start at 1), or an iterator of name, value pairs::
or an iterator of (name, value) pairs::
[('cyan', 4), ('magenta', 5), ('yellow', 6)]
or a mapping::
or a mapping::
{'chartruese': 7, 'sea_green': 11, 'rosemary': 42}
:param module: name of module where new Enum class can be found.
:module: name of module where new Enum class can be found.
:param qualname: where in module new Enum class can be found.
:qualname: where in module new Enum class can be found.
:param type: type to mix in to new Enum class.
:type: type to mix in to new Enum class.
Derived Enumerations
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