Commit 216b249e authored by Fred Drake's avatar Fred Drake

make_nav_panel(): Don't cause side-effects on the input variables;

this caused duplicate attributes for the bottom navigation panel.

(closes SF patch #1013055; backport candidate)
parent 583359ed
......@@ -182,27 +182,27 @@ sub use_icon($$$) {
sub make_nav_panel() {
my $s;
# new iconic rel iconic page title
$NEXT = use_icon('next', $NEXT, unlinkify($NEXT_TITLE));
$UP = use_icon('parent', $UP, unlinkify($UP_TITLE));
$PREVIOUS = use_icon('prev', $PREVIOUS, unlinkify($PREVIOUS_TITLE));
$CONTENTS = use_icon('contents', $CONTENTS, 'Table of Contents');
$INDEX = use_icon('index', $INDEX, 'Index');
my $next = use_icon('next', $NEXT, unlinkify($NEXT_TITLE));
my $up = use_icon('parent', $UP, unlinkify($UP_TITLE));
my $previous = use_icon('prev', $PREVIOUS, unlinkify($PREVIOUS_TITLE));
my $contents = use_icon('contents', $CONTENTS, 'Table of Contents');
my $index = use_icon('index', $INDEX, 'Index');
$CUSTOM_BUTTONS = get_my_icon('blank');
$s = ('<table align="center" width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="2">'
. "\n<tr>"
# left-hand side
. "\n<td class='online-navigation'>$PREVIOUS</td>"
. "\n<td class='online-navigation'>$UP</td>"
. "\n<td class='online-navigation'>$NEXT</td>"
. "\n<td class='online-navigation'>$previous</td>"
. "\n<td class='online-navigation'>$up</td>"
. "\n<td class='online-navigation'>$next</td>"
# title box
. "\n<td align=\"center\" width=\"100%\">$t_title</td>"
# right-hand side
. "\n<td class='online-navigation'>$CONTENTS</td>"
. "\n<td class='online-navigation'>$contents</td>"
# module index
. "\n<td class='online-navigation'>$CUSTOM_BUTTONS</td>"
. "\n<td class='online-navigation'>$INDEX</td>"
. "\n<td class='online-navigation'>$index</td>"
. "\n</tr></table>\n"
# textual navigation
. "<div class='online-navigation'>\n"
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