1. 22 Jul, 2002 1 commit
  2. 21 Jul, 2002 3 commits
    • Tim Peters's avatar
      New test "+sort", tacking 10 random floats on to the end of a sorted · 7ea39b13
      Tim Peters authored
      array.  Our samplesort special-cases the snot out of this, running about
      12x faster than *sort.  The experimental mergesort runs it about 8x
      faster than *sort without special-casing, but should really do better
      than that (when merging runs of different lengths, right now it only
      does something clever about finding where the second run begins in
      the first and where the first run ends in the second, and that's more
      of a temp-memory optimization).
    • Tim Peters's avatar
      Changed import from · 53d019cf
      Tim Peters authored
          from test.test_support import TestSkipped, run_unittest
          from test_support import TestSkipped, run_unittest
      Otherwise, if the Japanese codecs aren't installed, regrtest doesn't
      believe the TestSkipped exception raised by this test matches the
          except (ImportError, test_support.TestSkipped), msg:
      it's looking for, and reports the skip as a crash failure instead of
      as a skipped test.
      I suppose this will make it harder to run this test outside of
      regrtest, but under the assumption only Barry does that, better to
      make it skip cleanly for everyone else.
    • Kurt B. Kaiser's avatar
      Bug: clearing the shell undo list after a prompt was allowing files to be · 1bf4c2d2
      Kurt B. Kaiser authored
      opened on top of the shell instead of in a new window.
  3. 20 Jul, 2002 6 commits
  4. 19 Jul, 2002 29 commits
  5. 18 Jul, 2002 1 commit
    • Barry Warsaw's avatar
      Anthony Baxter's cleanup patch. Python project SF patch # 583190, · 7aeac918
      Barry Warsaw authored
        in non-strict mode, messages don't require a blank line at the end
        with a missing end-terminator. A single newline is sufficient now.
        Handle trailing whitespace at the end of a boundary. Had to switch
        from using string.split() to re.split()
        Handle whitespace on the end of a parameter list for Content-type.
        Handle whitespace on the end of a plain content-type header.
      get_type(): Strip the content type string.
      _get_params_preserve(): Strip the parameter names and values on both
      _parsebody(): Lots of changes as described above, with some stylistic
      changes by Barry (who hopefully didn't screw things up ;).