1. 20 Jul, 2002 6 commits
  2. 19 Jul, 2002 29 commits
  3. 18 Jul, 2002 5 commits
    • Barry Warsaw's avatar
      Anthony Baxter's cleanup patch. Python project SF patch # 583190, · 7aeac918
      Barry Warsaw authored
        in non-strict mode, messages don't require a blank line at the end
        with a missing end-terminator. A single newline is sufficient now.
        Handle trailing whitespace at the end of a boundary. Had to switch
        from using string.split() to re.split()
        Handle whitespace on the end of a parameter list for Content-type.
        Handle whitespace on the end of a plain content-type header.
      get_type(): Strip the content type string.
      _get_params_preserve(): Strip the parameter names and values on both
      _parsebody(): Lots of changes as described above, with some stylistic
      changes by Barry (who hopefully didn't screw things up ;).
    • Mark Hammond's avatar
      Fix bug [ 549731 ] Unicode encoders appears to leak references. · e21262ca
      Mark Hammond authored
      Python 2.2.1 bugfix candidate.
    • Jeremy Hylton's avatar
      Define _XOPEN_SOURCE in configure and Python.h. · 5a7ef7e2
      Jeremy Hylton authored
      This gets compilation of posixmodule.c to succeed on Tru64 and does no
      harm on Linux.  We may need to undefine it on some platforms, but
      let's wait and see.
      Martin says:
      > I think it is generally the right thing to define _XOPEN_SOURCE on
      > Unix, providing a negative list of systems that cannot support this
      > setting (or preferably solving whatever problems remain).
      > I'd put an (unconditional) AC_DEFINE into configure.in early on; it
      > *should* go into confdefs.h as configure proceeds, and thus be active
      > when other tests are performed.
    • Tim Peters's avatar
      A Python float is a C double; redeclare defaulttimeout as such; stops · a12b4cfa
      Tim Peters authored
      compiler wngs on Windows.
    • Barry Warsaw's avatar
      Anthony Baxter's patch to expose the parser's `strict' flag in these · 2d2fc229
      Barry Warsaw authored
      convenience functions.  Closes SF # 583188 (python project).