Commit 4b8df3d6 authored by Rafael Monnerat's avatar Rafael Monnerat 👻

Improve verification messages.

parent 6e63a1db
......@@ -140,6 +140,7 @@ def validateHTML5Document(text):
section_list = root.xpath('//section')
count = 0
error_list = []
# XXX Lack of translation support here.
for section in section_list:
count += 1
if section.xpath("h1") == []:
......@@ -147,16 +148,16 @@ def validateHTML5Document(text):
if section.get("class") in ["screenshot", "illustration"]:
if section.xpath("img") == []:
error_list.append("Section %s has class %s but do not have an image." % (count, section.get("class")))
error_list.append("Section %s has class %s but it doesn't have any image." % (count, section.get("class")))
if section.xpath("img")[0].get("title") == None:
error_list.append("At section %s, img has no title" % count)
error_list.append("At section %s, img has no title attribute." % count)
if section.xpath("img")[0].get("alt") == None:
error_list.append("At section %s, img has no alt" % count)
error_list.append("At section %s, img has no alt attribute." % count)
if section.xpath("details") == []:
error_list.append("Section %s has no details." % (count))
error_list.append("Section %s has no details tag." % (count))
return error_list
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